

  • 胡艳 ,
  • 陈雨琪 ,
  • 李彦

录用日期: 2021-12-10

  网络出版日期: 2022-01-22



The Impact of Digital Economy on Urban Economic Resilience in the Yangtze River Delta Region

  • Yan HU ,
  • Yu-qi CHEN ,
  • Yan LI

Accepted date: 2021-12-10

  Online published: 2022-01-22




胡艳 , 陈雨琪 , 李彦 . 数字经济对长三角地区城市经济韧性的影响研究[J]. 华东师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版), 2022 , 54(1) : 143 -154 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2022.01.013


Under the new development pattern, accelerating the development of digital economy and strengthening the resilience of urban economy are important ways to realize the high-quality development of regional economy. Based on the panel data of 41 cities in the Yangtze River Delta region from 2011 to 2019, this paper empirically studies the impact and path of digital economy on the economic resilience of cities in the Yangtze River Delta. The results show that: (1) The benchmark test shows that digital economy can significantly improve the economic resilience of cities in the Yangtze River Delta, and has the most significant effect on the improvement of urban economic resistance. (2) Heterogeneity analysis shows that digital economy development has a significant effect on promoting urban economic resilience within the Yangtze Delta metropolitan. (3) The mediating effect test shows that digital economy can influence urban economic resilience by promoting innovation and entrepreneurship and improving social security. (4) The spatial effect test shows that digital economic development has a positive spillover effect on urban economic resilience in the Yangtze River Delta region. Therefore, to make digital economy play a more positive role in enhancing the resilience of urban economy, we shall promote the integrated development of digital economy and real economy, facilitate the joint development of digital economy and social security system, accelerate the introduction of talents in metropolitan areas and strengthen the construction of digital economy in non-metropolitan areas.


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