

  • 曹晓华

网络出版日期: 2023-01-18



The Translation and Introduction of Max O’Rell’ s Works in China and the Rise of “New Women” in the May 4th Movement:Clues Drawn from CHEN Du-xiu’s Translation of “Views on Women”

  • Xiao-hua CAO

Online published: 2023-01-18


《妇人观》是陈独秀发表在《青年杂志》上的第一篇译文,原文来自法国作家马克思·奥雷尔(Max O’Rell)的幽默文集《女国漫步》(Rambles in Womanland),该书记录下了奥雷尔对西方“新女性”态度的转变。以奥雷尔的文字为契机,来自西方的“新女性”概念在中文语境中完成了语义修正,参与推动了五四“新女性”的诞生。陈独秀、刘半农通过对奥雷尔作品的翻译和改写,刻画出“新人”背景下“新女性”的大致轮廓。稍晚《新青年》刊发的“女子问题”专辑与奥雷尔的文字再次互文,体现出女性先驱“发声”的某种局限。而民间对奥雷尔文字的借用则折射出五四前后不同社会群体对“新女性”的想象。马克思·奥雷尔作品的在华译介丰富了五四“新女性”兴起背后的跨文化语境。


曹晓华 . 马克思·奥雷尔作品的在华译介与五四“新女性”的兴起——由陈独秀译作《妇人观》引出的线索[J]. 华东师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版), 2023 , 55(1) : 114 -123 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2023.01.011


“Views on Women” is CHEN Du-xiu’ s first translation work published in La Jeunesse The original text comes from the humorous essay collection Rambles in Womanland by French writer Max O’Rell. The book records O’Rell’ s change in his attitude towards the “new women” in the West. Taking O’Rell’ s writing as an opportunity, the Western concept of “new women” was semantically revised in the Chinese context, promoting the birth of the “new women” in the May 4th Movement. CHEN and LIU Ban-nong depicted the outline of the “new women” against the backdrop of “new people” by translating and rewriting O’Rell’s works. Later, the “Special Issue for Women” published by La Jeunesse was once again inter-textualized with O’Rell’ s texts, reflecting a certain limitation on the voice of the female pioneers. The folk’s borrowing of O’Rell’ s works showed the imagination of the “new women” by different social groups around the May 4th Movement. The translation and introduction of Max O’Rell’ s works in China enriched the cross-cultural context behind the rise of the “new women” in that historical period.

