

  • 聂世昌

录用日期: 2023-06-20

  网络出版日期: 2023-08-01


国家社科基金青年项目“战后意大利文艺美学思想研究” (项目编号:21CZW061)

From Thought-world to Photo-fiction:On François Laruelle’s Theory of Photography

  • Shi-chang NIE

Accepted date: 2023-06-20

  Online published: 2023-08-01


在用大量的论著完成了自己“非-哲学”体系的建构后,法国哲学家弗朗索瓦·拉吕埃尔将其对哲学的批判延伸至摄影理论领域,并试图通过“非-摄影” 理论撤销哲学思想对摄影的主导权。为此,拉吕埃尔不仅质疑了大多数摄影理论所依赖的世界的概念,而且还诉诸所谓的“内在的摄影实践”以消除哲学对摄影产生的消极影响。此外,为了增强“非-摄影”理论的严格性,拉吕埃尔沿用了其在《同一性理论》中创造的“广义的分形理论”模型。即便如此,“非-摄影”理论仍然存在着许多难以解决的问题,这些问题甚至并非非-摄影理论所独有。在对自己早期的思维模式深入反思后,拉吕埃尔用“广义的量子理论”取代了“广义的分形理论”。前者对“悖论逻辑”的容许,为拉吕埃尔的理论实践开辟出了广阔的“虚构空间”。“照片-虚构”便是其利用“广义的量子力学”模型对早期“非-摄影”修正与扩展的实验性成果。由是观之,拉吕埃尔的摄影理论不仅开辟了一条新的用于思考摄影的方法路径,而且也为深入理解拉吕埃尔哲学思想提供了一个绝佳的索引。


聂世昌 . 从思想-世界到照片-虚构——弗朗索瓦·拉吕埃尔摄影理论研究[J]. 华东师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版), 2023 , 55(4) : 86 -95 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2023.04.008


After his constructing of “non-philosophy” system in a series of works, French philosopher Fran?ois Laruelle extends his critique to the theory of photography. Aiming at nullifying philosophy’s domination over photography with his “non-photography”, Laruelle questions the concept of the “world”, on which most theories of photography rely, and invoked the so-called “immanent practice of photography” to eliminate philosophy’s negative influence upon photography. In addition, Laruelle utilizes the model of “generic fractal theory” expounded inTheories of Identities to enhance the rigor of “non-photography”. Nevertheless, there still exist numerous intractable issues within non-photography theory. Furthermore, these problems are not exclusively confined to on-photography theory. Therefore, after deep reflection on his early way of thinking, Laruelle replaces “generic fractal theory” with “generic quantum theory”. The latter’s inherent logic of paradox provides him with extensive theoretical space for “fiction”. One experimental accomplishment resulting from this revision is “photo-fiction”, which enables Laruelle to redefine his non-photography within the framework of generic quantum theory. Thus, Fran?ois Laruelle’s theory of photography not only provides us with not only a new path for reconsidering photography but also a perfect index for understanding his philosophy.

