

  • 许晖 ,
  • 孙懿 ,
  • 周琪 ,
  • 朱信宇

网络出版日期: 2023-09-28



A New “Brand” Story:On Value Creation Mechanism in the Rapid Internationalization Process of Digital Enterprises

  • Hui XU ,
  • Yi SUN ,
  • Qi ZHOU ,
  • Xin-yu ZHU

Online published: 2023-09-28




许晖 , 孙懿 , 周琪 , 朱信宇 . 新“品牌”故事:数字企业快速国际化进程中价值创造机制研究[J]. 华东师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版), 2023 , 55(5) : 134 -153 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2023.05.013


In the process of rapidly expanding into the international market, digital enterprises have shaped competitive advantages in the global market by forming unique value creation methods, narrating a brand-new corporate story. This article focuses on the rapid internationalization process of social digital enterprise “TikTok” and transactional digital enterprise “Shein”, and explores the value creation mechanism of digital enterprises from the perspective of LLL theory. It shows that firstly, connectivity is a key entry point for digital enterprises to quickly expand into international markets, forming a prerequisite for value creation. The differentiation of business attributes determines the goals and types of connectivity. Social digital enterprises are centered around relational connectivity, while transactional digital enterprises are centered around resource connectivity. Secondly, different types of connectivity affect the logic of value creation actions in digital enterprises. Among them, digital enterprises with relational connections as the entry point are based on the “leverage learning” action logic of massive user participation, with a focus on attracting overseas users to interact and participate, forming scalable digital relationships, and shaping a diverse value network; the digital enterprise that takes resource connectivity as the entry point is based on the “learning leverage” action logic of platform model innovation, with a focus on upgrading platform models through experiential learning, which can support the implementation of composite leverage strategies and achieve simple innovation value creation. The theoretical framework ultimately formed in this article can contribute to the theoretical gap caused by insufficient exploration of value creation paths in the rapid internationalization process of digital enterprises in existing literature, and further extend the application scope of LLL theory.


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