录用日期: 2024-02-26
网络出版日期: 2024-04-08
On The Media Image of Rural Teachers in the National Narrative of New China:A Text Analysis Based on the Report of People’s Daily (1949-2021)
1949年以来,乡村教师的媒介形象在国家叙事中是如何被呈现的?这是一个值得在推进一系列乡村教师支持计划之际深入探讨的问题。通过选取1949~2021年《人民日报》 关于乡村教师的报道进行LDA主题建模与案例分析,可以呈现不同时代、不同阶段乡村教师媒介形象的国家建构与国家期待。研究发现:其一,乡村教师的报道焦点从地方典型经验向国家视角转变并且数量持续上升,说明国家对乡村教师问题的重视度逐渐提升;其二,乡村教师媒介形象经历了从集体化时期的“国家集体主义奉献者”到改革开放时期的“地方实用主义奋斗者”再到乡村振兴时期的“城乡公平主义实践者”的变化;其三,“又红又专”的道德话语逐渐淡化,而基于教师个体乡土情感的在地化形象建构得到强化,塑造了“扎根泥土的向日葵”的职业知识分子理想形象,其价值导向意义鲜明。研究认为:新中国成立以来,乡村教师媒介形象的变迁折射出了乡村教育从“外生扶持”向“内生发展”模式转向,其动力机制是城乡均衡与教育公平的理念及政策。
张文明 , 陈嘉晟 . 新中国乡村教师媒介形象的国家叙事研究——基于《人民日报》 报道的文本分析(1949-2021)[J]. 华东师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版), 2024 , 56(2) : 120 -131 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2024.02.011
How has the media image of rural teachers been presented in the national narrative since 1949? This is an issue worthy of in-depth discussion while promoting a series of rural teacher support plans. This study selects the reports on rural teachers in People’s Daily (1949- 2021) for LDA topic modeling and case analysis to present the national construction process and role expectation of rural teachers in different times. Firstly, the focus of reporting on rural teachers has changed from the local typical experience to the national perspective, and the number continues to rise. This shows that the nation pays more and more attention to the issues of rural teachers. Secondly, the media image of rural teachers has experienced changes from ‘devotees of national collectivism’ in the period of collectivization to “strugglers of local pragmatism” in the period of reform and opening up, and then to “practitioners of urban and rural equity” in the period of rural revitalization. Thirdly, the moral discourse of “being both red and professional” has gradually faded, while the professional image construction based on teachers’ individual local emotion has been strengthened, shaping the ideal image of ‘sunflowers rooted in the soil’, whose value orientation is significant. Since the establishment of New China, the change of rural teachers’ media image reflects the transformation of rural education from “exogenous support” to “endogenous development”, whose dynamic mechanism is the concept and policy of urban-rural balance and educational equity.
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