录用日期: 2024-04-28
网络出版日期: 2024-06-05
A New Way to Destroy a State” and Modern Chinese Intellectuals’ Reflections on the World Situation
在《灭国新法论》 中,梁启超借由叙述埃及、印度、波兰、布尔、菲律宾等地的亡国史来提醒国人,近代西方列强殖民扩张早已不再局限于传统的攻城略地、抢占地盘,而是会充分运用财政、金融、教育等手段来控制非西方国家。“灭国新法”的击中人心之处在于“灭国”,因为甲午战争之后,中国有可能因遭瓜分而亡国一直是让关心中国命运的人倍感忧虑之事。“灭国新法”的落脚点在“新”字,即强调要注意到近代列强殖民扩张的新手段与新策略。借着其始创者梁启超在舆论界的巨大影响力,以及它与帝国主义问题的紧密关联,“灭国新法”逐渐成为时人分析世界形势与中国危局时常用的一个概念。人们或是直接使用它,或是将其表述略作变动,用更通俗的形式再次传播,或是将“灭国新法”所强调的内容作为自己的立论基础。对“灭国新法”的借鉴与运用,从晚清持续到20世纪30年代。
王锐 . “灭国新法”与近代中国知识分子对世界形势的思考[J]. 华东师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版), 2024 , 56(3) : 56 -68 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2024.03.006
In his “On a New Way to Destroy a State”, Liang Qichao recounts the history of the ruin of Egypt, India, Poland, Boer, the Philippines and others to demonstrate that the modern colonial expansion of the Western powers have long been no longer limited to the traditional siege of cities and territories, but made full use of financial, educational and other means to control non-Western countries. In the statement of “a new way to destroy a state”, “to destroy a state” is impressive, because those who care about the fate of China have always been worried about the possibility of the partition of China and its being destroyed since the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895. In addition, the statement of “A New Way to Destroy a State” is emphasizing “new”, that is, the new means and strategies of colonial expansion of modern powers. By virtue of the great influence of its initiator Liang Qichao in the public opinion, and its close connection with the issue of imperialism, “a new way to destroy a state” gradually became a popular concept to analyze the world situation and China’s crisis. It was either directly used, or slightly modified and re-circulated in a more popular form, or taken as theoretical ground. The borrowing and application of “a new way to destroy a state” continued from the late Qing Dynasty to the 1930s.
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