
《六祖坛经》 成“经”与禅宗经典观念的创新

  • 圣凯

录用日期: 2024-04-29

  网络出版日期: 2024-06-05



Becoming a Sutra of The Sixth Patriarch Platform Sutra and the Innovation of Chan’s Concept of Classics

  • Kai SHENG

Accepted date: 2024-04-29

  Online published: 2024-06-05


《坛经》 的形成是不断增补的过程,其编辑体例存在模仿翻译佛经的现象。但是,称为“坛经”之初,慧能的本意或许是借鉴唐代佛教、道教的仪轨文本称呼。授无相戒与说法是两种不同的宗教行事,前者具有内部传承的特征,后者则是公开的。因此,《坛经》 才会有《施法坛经》 和《六祖法宝记》 两种不同的称呼。《坛经》 成“经”后,慧能、神会等用《坛经》 统摄教法传播、正法亲证、师资相传。神会门人采取“秘本”式登记管理维持《坛经》 的内部传承,遭到佛教界批判。可以说,《坛经》 成为“经”是佛教中国化最重要的事件之一,也是中国佛教之南方转向和唐宋转型的标志性事件。


圣凯 . 《六祖坛经》 成“经”与禅宗经典观念的创新[J]. 华东师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版), 2024 , 56(3) : 93 -101 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2024.03.009


The formation of The Sixth Patriarch Platform Sutra was a process of continuous supplement, and its editorial style was modeled on translated Buddhist sutras. However, at the very beginning when it was called “Platform Sutra”, Huineng might have borrowed the name from the Buddhist and Taoist ritual texts in the Tang Dynasty. Teaching the non-phase precepts and preaching dharma are two different religious practices, since the former is characterized by internal transmission while the latter by publicity. Hence, there are two different titles of The Platform Sutra, that is, The Sixth Patriarch’s Dharma Treasure, and The Platform Sutra of Preaching Dharma. After The Platform Sutra was called as a “sutra”, Huineng and Shenhui used the it to comprehend preaching dharma, realizing true dharma, and the transmission from the master to disciples. Shenhui’s disciples were criticized by the Buddhist community because they used the “secret book” of registration to maintain the internal transmission of The Platform Sutra. The fact that The Platform Sutra’s becoming a “sutra” is one of the most significant events in the Sinicization of Buddhism, and it is also an iconic event in the southern turn of Chinese Buddhism as well as in the transformation from the Tang Dynasty to the Song Dynasty.

