

  • 孟星 ,
  • 胡梦柯 ,
  • 吕律

录用日期: 2024-10-25

  网络出版日期: 2024-12-02

Expanding the Effective Supply of Government-Subsidized Rental Housing in Shanghai:Practical Dilemmas and Countermeasures

  • xing Meng ,
  • Mengke Hu ,
  • Lv Lv

Accepted date: 2024-10-25

  Online published: 2024-12-02




孟星 , 胡梦柯 , 吕律 . 扩大上海保障性租赁住房有效供给:实践困境与对策建议[J]. 华东师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版), 2024 , 56(6) : 150 -158 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2024.06.013


Developing government-subsidized rental housing is an important measure to solve people’s livelihood issues and is also the focus of housing construction during the “14th Five-Year Plan” period. Shanghai precisely designs the government-subsidized rental housing system and comprehensively utilizes various methods to increase the supply of government-subsidized rental housing, ensuring a steady growth within the policy planning expectations. Shanghai fully considers the diverse housing needs of new citizens and young people and strives to build a multi-level rental housing supply system of “one bed, one room, one suite” to enhance the effective supply of government-subsidized rental housing. In this process, Shanghai is facing practical dilemmas such as insufficient construction land, low participation enthusiasm of market players, the lack of effective coverage of guarantee groups due to inadequate guarantee attributes, and unbalanced supply structure of government-subsidized rental housing. In view of this, Shanghai can tap the stock resources reserve, explore the special channels, strengthen financial policy support, increase the enthusiasm of market entities, standardize the setting of rental prices, optimize the requirements of access conditions, adjust the supply structure dynamically, improve the utilization rate of housing resources and other ways to further expand the effective supply of government-subsidized rental housing and promote its high-quality development.


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