录用日期: 2024-11-27
网络出版日期: 2025-01-24
Reexamining the Poetic Value of A New Account of Tales of the World:A New Interpretation of Xie An’s “Deep Affection of Elegant Poets”
Accepted date: 2024-11-27
Online published: 2025-01-24
《世说新语·文学篇》 所记谢安“雅人深致”一说,因为蕴藏着经学与文学、“言志”与“缘情”的双重张力,引发了广泛而持久的诗学争议。历来学者如宋祁、刘辰翁、王士禛等多激赏谢玄而质疑谢安。事实上,“雅人”并非泛指“高人雅士”,而是特指“诗人”,具体说就是与“风人”相对的“雅诗的作者”。正确理解“雅人深致”,既要注意《诗》 有《风》 《雅》 二体、《雅》 有小大正变的大背景,又要在“赋诗言志”的意义上体察谢安与谢玄人格气象和生命境界的内在差异。王夫之认为二谢所引《毛诗》 “同一达情之妙”,无形中掩盖了“风人之致”与“雅人深致”这两种不同审美趣味的差别,故仍有一间之未达。晚清大儒沈曾植则立足儒家诗学的风雅传统,以人学论诗学,既还原了“雅体尊,风体卑”的礼乐诗教的真实生态,又以“雅人”为“敦善行而不怠之君子”,深刻揭示了谢安风流名士背后的儒者情怀和大臣心曲,堪称谢安的隔代知音。要之,对“雅人深致”的正确解读,既是诗学问题,也是人学问题,既关乎诗教和诗品,更关乎人教与人品。谢安是《世说新语》 中记载最多的魏晋名士,他对于中国“雅文化”的形成厥功至伟,其“雅人深致”的诗学观念具有非常丰富的阐释空间,这也从一个侧面证明了《世说新语》 的诗学价值。
刘强 . 再论《世说新语》 的诗学价值——谢安“雅人深致”说新解[J]. 华东师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版), 2025 , 57(1) : 74 -85 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2025.01.008
The record of Xie An’s “deep affection of elegant poets” in the chapter of “Letters and Scholarship”, A New Account of Tales of the World has sparked long-lasting and extensive debate due to its concealed tension between classics and literature and another tension between “aspirations” and “sentiments”. For ages, scholars such as Song Qi, Liu Chenweng, Wang Shizhen have questioned Xie An while highly extoled Xie Xuan. In fact, “elegant poets” is not referring so much to “noble and refined persons” as to “poets”, or more precisely, “elegant poets” in contrast to “folk poets” in The Book of Songs. To understand the “deep affection of elegant poets”, we should know that “elegant poems” and “folk poems” are two different styles in The Book of Songs and even “elegant poems” consists of two different categories, one as “great” or “orthodox” while the other as “small” or “changed”. In addition, we should discern the internal difference between Xie An and Xie Xuan in terms of personality and life realm when they quoting particular verses to express their own aspirations. Wang Fuzhi once argued that both of the two verses, which were respectively quoted by Xie An and Xie Yuan from The Book of Songs, “equally expressed emotions in an excellent way”. Wang’s observation is not enough since he failed to discover the aesthetic difference between “elegant poems” and “folk poems”. Based on the traditional distinction between “elegant poems” and “folk poems” in Confucian poetry, Shen Zengzhi, a renowned Confucian scholar in the late Qing dynasty, returned to original condition of the ritual and musical cultivation of poetry by arguing that “the style of elegant poems is noble, while that of folk poems is humble”. From the perspective of personality, Shen argued that “elegant poets” are “gentlemen who tirelessly perform virtuous conducts”, profoundly revealing the Confucian concern and administrative responsibility of Xie An as a famous literatus. In that regard, Shen knew Xie An very well although they lived in a different historical period. In short, a correct understanding of the “deep affection of elegant poets” is not only a matter of poetics, but also an issue of personality. In other words, it concerns not only poetry education and poetry quality, but also human education and personality. Xie An is a famous literatus who has the most detailed records in A New Account of Tales of the World. He has played a vital role in the formation of China’s “elegant culture”. His poetic idea of the “deep affection of elegant poets” contains rich implications, which also proves the poetic value of A New Account of the Tales of the World from one aspect.
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