
唐诗“采用”《文选》 诗题考

  • 李成晴

录用日期: 2024-11-27

  网络出版日期: 2025-01-24




华东师范大学学报期刊社, 2025, 版权所有,未经授权,不得转载、摘编本刊文章,不得使用本刊的版式设计。

On the “Utilization” of Poem Titles from Wenxuan in Tang Poetry

  • Chengqing Li

Accepted date: 2024-11-27

  Online published: 2025-01-24


, 2025, Copyright reserved © 2025.


明孙能传《剡溪漫笔》 “采用诗题”条以及焦竑《焦氏笔乘》 “诗用成语”条所拈出的唐诗“采用”《文选》 诗题之现象,迄今未得到学界的系统检视。以文本比勘为中心,探考唐诗“采用”《文选》 诗题之路径,可以发现:在唐人诗题层面,有承用/扩充诗题、套用句式、“咀嚼为我语”等模式;在唐人诗句层面,有“采诗题”与“采语词”两重维度。唐诗一方面会将《文选》 诗题整体入诗,同时援用诗题所涵摄的“典故情境”;另一方面则对《文选》 诗题中的语词进行有选择性的摘用,从而实现创造性转化。唐诗之所以能“直与冥会”般地“采用”《文选》 诗题,一方面是基于人事、地理等要素的相关性,另一方面则基于唐人与汉魏六朝文学情境的印合。同时,这两条内在理路又共同依托于《文选》 诗题自身的“诗性”规律。通过本论题之探讨,可以对唐集校注中的“题典”问题进行再反思:在唐集校注的过程中,不单要关注唐诗的“古典”与“今典”,也应对唐人制题所涉先唐“题典”有所考求。


李成晴 . 唐诗“采用”《文选》 诗题考[J]. 华东师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版), 2025 , 57(1) : 86 -97 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2025.01.009


The phenomenon of Tang poets’ “utilizing” poem titles from Wenxuan (Selections of Refined Literature), which is mentioned in Ming poet Sun Nengchuan’s Notes in Shanxi and in Jiao Heng’s Jiao’s Collected Works, has not yet been systematically examined. With textual comparison, this thesis explores how Tang poets “utilized” poem titles from Wenxuan. It reveals that, on the level of poem titles, there are patterns such as direct adoption/expansion of titles, use of similar phrasing, and “digesting into my own words”; on the level of poetic lines, there are two dimensions, that is, “utilizing poem titles” and “adopting expressions and words”. Tang poetry may either incorporate an entire title from Wenxuan along with its associated allusion context, or selectively borrow some words from such a title and achieve a creative transformation. The reason why Tang poets could so seamlessly utilize poem titles from Wenxuan is partly due to the relevance of factors such as human affairs and geography, and partly because of the alignment between Tang literary contexts and those of the Han, Wei, and Six Dynasties. Meanwhile, these two internal approaches are grounded in the poetic laws inherent in poem titles from Wenxuan. This study reconsiders the issue of the “allusions in poem titles” in the collation and annotation of Tang poetry: we should not only pay attention to “ancient allusions” and “contemporary” allusions in Tang poetry, but also to the “allusions in poem titles”, observing how poem titles in the Tang dynasty were influenced by those before.

