Reasonableness and Toleration
Received date: 2007-03-22
Online published: 2007-09-25
在《政治自由主义》一书中, 罗尔斯捍卫了一种合乎理性的宽容观, 以回应现代民主社会中理性多元论的事实。其中, 理性多元论事实是宽容的主观环境, 而合乎理性则是宽容的基础。合乎理性包括两个基本方面: 一是提出并遵守公平合作项目的意愿, 假如别人也这么做的话; 二是认识并承担判断负担之后果的意愿。“判断的负担”是合乎理性的分歧产生的根源, 它是在自由的条件下人类理性运用所具有的特征。作为有理性的人, 个人认识到并愿意承担判断负担的后果, 意识到强加自己的善观念于他人之上是不合乎理性的, 因而作出对宽容的承诺。罗尔斯的宽容观有两点局限: 第一, 因为不可同时可能的问题, 合乎理性的论证往往不能为“谁应该让步”这一问题提供指导; 第二, 因为没有考虑文化多元的问题, 这种宽容观不能对当今少数群体认同诉求的问题做出充分的回应。
刘曙辉 . 合乎理性与宽容——罗尔斯《政治自由主义》中的宽容观[J]. 华东师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版), 2007 , 39(5) : 75 -79 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2007.05.012
In his Political Liberalism, Rawls argues for a reasonable idea of toleration in response to the fact of reasonable pluralism in modern democratic society.The fact of reasonable pluralism is the subjective circumstance of toleration, while reasonableness is the basis of toleration.Reasonableness has two aspects: 1) the willingness to propose and abide by fair terms of cooperation, given the assurance that others will likewise do so; 2) the willingness to recognize the burdens of judgment and to accept their consequences.The burdens of judgment are the root of reasonable disagreement.It is typical of the exercise of a common human reason in the condition of freedom.As a reasonable person, one recognizes and is willing to bear the consequences of the burdens of judgment.One also recognizes that it is unreasonable to impose one's own conception of the good on the others, hence the commitment to toleration.The author also points out the limitations of Rawls' idea of toleration.
Key words: reasonable pluralism; the reasonable; toleration; the burdens of judgment
1 | [美]约翰°罗尔斯. 万俊人译. 政治自由主义[M]. 南京: 译林出版社, 2000. |
2 | John Rawls . 1996, Political Liberalism. New York: Columbia Universi-ty Press. |
3 | Jeremy Waldron . 2003, 'Toleration and Reasonableness'in Catriona McKinnon and Dario Castiglion(eds), The Culture of Toleration in Diverse Societies. Manchester & New York: Manchester University Press. |
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