

  • 王春兰 ,
  • 杨上广
  • 1. 华东师范大学 中国现代城市研究中心, 上海 200062
    2. 华东理工大学 经济发展研究所, 上海 200237
王春兰(1980—), 女, 安徽潜山人, 华东师范大学中国现代城市研究中心博士研究生|杨上广(1972—), 男, 福建政和人, 华东理工大学商学院经济发展研究所讲师

收稿日期: 2006-11-07

  网络出版日期: 2007-01-29

A Tentative Study on Restructuring of Metroplitan Poplulation Space and the Urban Conflicts——A Case Study of Shanghai

  • Chun-lan WANG ,
  • Shang-guang YANG
  • 1. Center of Mordern City Studies, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200062, China
    2. Research Institute of Economic Development, East China University of Science and Technology, Shanghai 200237, China

Received date: 2006-11-07

  Online published: 2007-01-29


中国东部大城市中心城区人口密度过高, 人口疏解工作势在必行。但人口空间布局的快速调整又带来了大都市内部的冲突与摩擦, 中心城区与郊区之间的区位矛盾也由此产生。城市发展中存在的浮躁情绪、受阻的政府间横向与纵向的沟通机制以及低水平的公众参与度共同促成了这一矛盾的产生。先进的城市发展指导理念、一系列具体制度与体制的改革以及市民参与权利的实现, 是有效解决这一区位矛盾的办法。

关键词: 大城市; 区位冲突; 上海


王春兰 , 杨上广 . 大城市人口空间重构及其区位冲突问题初探——以上海为例[J]. 华东师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版), 2007 , 39(1) : 73 -77 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2007.01.013


The population density is so high in metropolises in the eastern region of China that it is imperative to redistribute urban residents.Accompanied with a quick redistribution process comes the problem of location conflicts within a metropolis and hence the contradiction between inner(or central) city and its suburbs.Such a contradiction is attributed to an impetuous mood in the urban expansion, an absence of governmental vertical and horizontal communicative mechanisms, and a lower level of public participation.Effective solutions to this problem depend on advanced guiding ideas about urban development, a series of specific institutional reforms, and the realization of citizens' right of participation.


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