A Study on the Political Role of Poetry in the Tang Dynasty
Received date: 2006-08-10
Online published: 2007-01-29
邓乔彬 . 从“考见得失”论唐代的“诗可以观”[J]. 华东师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版), 2007 , 39(1) : 106 -112 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2007.01.019
The tradition that "political situations can be observed through poems" was restored and developed under the Tang Dynasty. The reasons lay in that the implementation of the system of presented scholar created a condition for poets who could participate in political activities, emperors' accepting admonitions and a system of remonstration promoted the development of the spirit of frank criticisms, and under a loose literary circumstance politics might be remarked on by poets. Du Fu, Yuan Jie, Bai Juyi and the like all emphasized the poetical role of political education.
Key words: poem; political role; system of presented scholar; theory
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