
国际斗争与本土革命: 冷战逻辑的解读——从《冷战与革命》[1]看冷战史研究范式的创新

  • 余伟民

收稿日期: 2004-12-28

  网络出版日期: 2005-02-25

International Rivalry and Local Revolution--An Exposition of the Logic of Cold War

  • Wei min YU

Received date: 2004-12-28

  Online published: 2005-02-25


冷战史新研究不仅表现在多国档案资料的发掘和运用, 更表现在对冷战本质及其结构性特征的再认识, 其中包括研究视角的拓展和转换。从新视角着眼, 冷战逻辑并不限于国际斗争的层面, 而且延伸到各地区本土革命的层面, 两个层面的"四维互动"体现了作为世界体系结构性分裂的冷战格局的本质。文安立的《冷战与革命》通过对冷战与中国革命互动关系的考察为冷战史研究范式的创新作出了贡献.但作者的理论思维尚待进一步厘清。


余伟民 . 国际斗争与本土革命: 冷战逻辑的解读——从《冷战与革命》[1]看冷战史研究范式的创新[J]. 华东师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版), 2005 , 37(2) : 22 -28, 14 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2005.02.005


A new study of the cold war history involves not only explorations and applications of multinational archives, but also reconsiderations of the essence of cold war and its structural traits, in-cluding widening and switching the study angle of view. Judged in a new perspective, the logic of cold war is not confined to international rivalries, but stretches to local revolutions around the world. The ' interaction of the four-dimensioned space' at both levels embodies the essence of structural traits of the pattern of cold war as a world system. Odd Arne Westad's Cold War and Revolution makes contributions to blazing new trails of studies on the history of cold war through its examining interactions between cold war and Chinese revolution, although there is still room for a further clarification of the author's theoreti-cal thinking.


1 文安立(odd Ame westad)、 陈之宏、 陈兼译 2002, 冷战与革命——苏美冲突与中国内战的起源. 南宁: 广西师范大学出版社.
2 陈兼、 余伟民 , 2003, 《"冷战史新研究": 源起、学术特征及其批判》, 《历史研究》 第3期。
