

  • 姚昱
  • 华东师范大学历史系, 上海 200062
姚昱(1975—), 男, 陕西宝鸡人, 华东师范大学历史系博士后流动站研究人员

收稿日期: 2007-01-24

  网络出版日期: 2007-05-25

The "Economic Offensive" Launched by Socialist Countries towards Underdeveloped Regions——Intelligence Estimates of U.S. Government during 1956-1960

  • Yu YAO
  • Department of History, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200062, China

Received date: 2007-01-24

  Online published: 2007-05-25


从1953年开始, 社会主义国家开始积极与不发达国家开展贸易并提供援助, 这被美国政府认为严重损害了美国的国家安全利益。从1956年开始美国政府专门针对社会主义国家的这一“经济攻势”进行了一系列情报搜集、分析与评估工作。艾森豪威尔政府正是根据这些情报文件的信息与分析, 开始调整美国对不发达国家的经济政策, 并对后来美国政府大规模援助不发达国家的经济政策产生了影响。


姚昱 . 社会主义国家对不发达地区的“经济攻势”——1956—1960年美国政府的情报评估[J]. 华东师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版), 2007 , 39(3) : 14 -18 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2007.03.003


Since 1953 socialist countries launched a campaign of "economic offensive" to expand their economic ties with less developed countries.Having felt security threats from this offensive, the U.S.government began to make a series of intelligence estimates.Based on the collected information and analyses of those estimates, Eisenhower Administration moved to adjust its economic policy towards less developed countries, which created permanent impacts on related policies of U.S.government afterwards.


1 EIC, "EIC-R14-S7(Economic Intelligence Report): Sino-So-viet Bloc Economic Activities in Underdeveloped Areas, Jan. 1 Jun. 301959", Aug. 28, 1959, Secret[Z]Gale公司Declassified Document Refer-ence System(以下简称DDRS)数据库: Document NumberCK3100196920.
2 EIC, "EIC-R-14, "Aug. 8, 1956, Secret[Z]DDRS: Docu-ment No. CK3100443677.
3 CIA, "NIE 100-3-56: Sino-Soviet Policy and Its Probable Ef-fects in Underdeveloped Areas", Secret, April 24, 1956[Z]
4 CIA and DOS, "Quarterly Report to the CFEP: Sino-Soviet BlocEconomic Activities in Underdeveloped Areas(以下简称Quarterly Report tothe CFEP), Oct. 1—Dec. 31, 1957", No. 3, Secret, Sep. 31, 1957[Z]DDRS: Document Number: CK3100160340.
5 CIA, "NIE 100-57: Sino-Soviet Foreign Economic Policies andtheir Probable Effects in Underdeveloped Areas, Mar. 26, 1957", Secret[Z]DDRS: Document No. CK3100281032.
6 CIA and DOS, "Quarterly Report to the CFEP, Jun. 30, 1957, No. 1", Secret[Z]DDRS: Document Number CK3100015447.
7 CIA and DOS, "Quarterly Report to the CFEP, Jul. 1—30 Sept. 1957, No. 2", Secret[Z]DDRS: Document Number: CK3100015452.
8 CIA and DOS, "Quarterly Report to the CFEP, Jan. 1—Mar. 31, 1958, No. 4", Secret[Z]DDRS: Document No. CK3100160344.
9 CIA and DOS, "Quarterly Report to the CFEP, 1 Apr. 1958—30Jun. 1958, No. 5", Secret[Z]DDRS: Document No. CK3100138036.
10 CIA and DOS, "Quarterly Report to the CFEP, Jul. 1—Sep. 30, 1958, No. 6", Secret[Z]DDRS: Document No. CK3100160348.
11 CIA and DOS, "Quarterly Report to the CFEP, Oct. 1, 1958—Dec. 31, 1958, No. 7", Secret[Z]DDRS: Document No. CK3100160353.
12 EIC, "EIR-R14-S8: Jul. 1—Dec. 31, 1959, "Secret[Z]DDRS: Document No. CK3100202413.
13 CIA and DOS, "Quarterly Report to the CFEP, Jan. 1—Mar. 311960, No. 12", Secret[Z]DDRS: Document No. CK3100015465.
14 CIA and DOS, "Quarterly Report to the CFEP, Apr. 1—Jun. 301960, No. 13", Confidential[Z]DDRS: Document No. CK3100015469.
15 CIA and DOS, "Quarterly Report to the CFEP, Jul. 1—Sep. 301960, No. 14", Secret[Z]DDRS: Document No. CK3100160361.
16 Foreign Relations of United States, 1956-60, Vol. III[Z]. Washington D. C. : USGPO, 1996.
17 Robert R. Bowie, Richard H. Immerman 1998, Waging Peace: HowEisenhower Shaped Enduring Cold War Strategy. New York, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 253-4.
