

  • 刘学照
  • 华东师范大学 历史系, 上海 200062
刘学照(1935-), 男, 江苏建湖人, 华东师范大学历史系教授, 博士生导师

收稿日期: 2006-09-29

  网络出版日期: 2007-03-25

ZHANG Jian's Consciousness of Southeast China in the Year of 1900

  • Xue-zhao LIU
  • Department of History, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200062, China

Received date: 2006-09-29

  Online published: 2007-03-25


庚子年(1900年) 间, 上海报刊时论凸显出一种从上海、东南和南方的视角立论的东南意识, 表现出上海和东南绅商关心时局发展和国家命运的社会主体思想。张謇作为江苏和东南地区的上层绅商代表, 他在庚子年向东南督抚的陈言献策中, 也显露出与上海庚子报刊时论类同的东南意识。特别是他提出的“西北”与“东南”的“名、实”互存论, 是一种深涵政治哲理的时局观, 它为我们考察张謇的政治思想提供了一个新视角。

关键词: 张謇; 庚子年; 东南意识


刘学照 . 张謇庚子年间东南意识略议[J]. 华东师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版), 2007 , 39(2) : 20 -25 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2007.02.004


In the year of 1900 there emerged an awareness of Southeast China in Shanghai newspapers and periodicals' essays on the current political situation, which tended to present their arguments in the perspective of Shanghai, Southeast or South China, expressing Shanghai and Southeast gentlemen and businessmen's concerns for the national situation and destiny.As a representative of upper-level businessmen in areas of Jiangsu and Southeast China, ZHANG Jian also showed his consciousness of Southeast.In particular, he put forward a theory about coexistence of "Northwest" and "Southeast", which was a profound view of the current situation and has provided a fresh perspective for people's exploring ZHANG Jian's thought.


1 张謇研究中心、南通市图书馆编. 张謇全集[M]第六卷. 南京: 江苏古籍出版社, 1994: 861.
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6 电讯[N]. 中外日报, 1900-01-26.
7 社说. 北京西人论中国近事[N]. 中外日报, 1900-02-25.
8 刘学照, 2001, 《上海庚子时论中的东南意识述论》, 《史林》 第2期。
9 中国史学会 1957, 义和团(三). 上海: 上海人民出版社.
10 中国史学会 1957, 辛亥革命(三). 上海人民出版社.
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15 张謇研究中心、南通市图书馆. 张謇全集[M]. 第一卷, 南京: 江苏古籍出版社, 1994.
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