Literature in the Puppet State of Manchukuo: A Supplement to the Study of Modern Chinese Literature
Received date: 2006-06-05
Online published: 2006-09-30
1932年日本在中国东北炮制了伪满洲国。在日本强权统治下的1932-1945年, 东北文坛发生了相应的变化, 出现了别样的文学实践经验和文学生产机制: 通俗文学变体发展, 承载了创生新文体的文学精神; 女性文学, 提供了新的文学经验; 逼仄空间中的新文学, 寻求自身独立发展的各种可能; 附逆作品充斥文坛。这些文学经验的形成, 有政治上妥协于伪满洲国“文艺政策”的原因, 也有商业上迎合市民趣味的原因, 还有艰难时世中不甘堕落的个体心灵的坚韧与挣扎。这些文学经验属于中国现代文学经验的一部分, 对其描述涉及到对中国现代文学研究缺失的补充和创新认识, 涉及到重新评定日本侵略背景下的中国现代文学经验, 由此将出现对以往的中国现代文学史研究的新的表述。
刘晓丽 . 伪满洲国文学: 中国现代文学研究的补订[J]. 华东师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版), 2006 , 38(5) : 75 -81 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2006.05.013
IN 1932 Japan invaded Northeast China and made it the so-called Puppet Manchu State.Under the Japanese illegal rule in years of 1932-1945, the literary circles in the northeastern region of China bore their own unique literary practical experience and writing mechanisms.The popular literary works had a varied development and carried the literary spirit to create new styles.The female literature offered a fresh literary experience.The new literature had to seek various possibilities to develop itself independently.Ingratiating writings yielded to the illegitimate government.All this belonged to a part of modern Chinese literary experience.The descriptions of them are involved in a supplement to and innovative knowledge of studies on modern Chinese literature.
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