收稿日期: 2006-03-30
网络出版日期: 2006-09-30
Focuses in the Study of Foreign Literature in Recent - year China
Received date: 2006-03-30
Online published: 2006-09-30
江宁康 , 邓三鸿 . 我国近年来外国文学研究热点[J]. 华东师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版), 2006 , 38(5) : 113 -118 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2006.05.020
Based on an analysis of research papers about foreign literature published in our country's relevant periodicals during the period of 2000 - 2004, this paper points out that studies on foreign hterature in China over recent years are ever increasingly developing. Such a development finds expression in an extension and deepening of the research content, in an expansion of the research ranks, and in an elevation of the research quality. It can be envisaged that the Chinese studies on foreign hterature will have a leap in the following five to ten years and produce a considerable influence in the international academic circles.
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