

  • 金立鑫
  • 上海外国语大学 语言文学研究所,上海 200083

收稿日期: 2006-04-30

  网络出版日期: 2006-09-10

The State and Disciplinary Strategies for the Global Promotion of Chinese Language

  • Li-xin JIN
  • Rsearch Institue of Language & Literaure,Shanghai Irtemational Studies University , Shanghai 200083, China

Received date: 2006-04-30

  Online published: 2006-09-10


汉语国际推广是一项极具战略意义的工作, 但在宣传策略上采取低调的效果可能大于高调。推广汉语的效率依赖于学科研究, 其中包括教学法理论的研究和解释汉语规律的本体研究。在突破汉语教学和推广的两大难点(汉字和声调) 上, 可推荐采取键盘输入汉字的教学和初级阶段语音平调的教学策略, 实验研究证明, 声调在现代汉语双音节词占多数的状态下, 区别意义的重要性已经下降, 而节奏的重要性在上升。因此, 建议改革汉字书写方式, 尽快采用分词连写形式, 同时在教学初期适当降低语音标准要求, 允许以语调代替声调的语音形式, 允许有各国特色的汉语变体的存在。


金立鑫 . 试论汉语国际推广的国家策略和学科策略[J]. 华东师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版), 2006 , 38(4) : 97 -103 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2006.04.015


Keeping the promotion of Chinese language low key would be more effective than high-keyed propaganda.The promotion efficiency relies on researches within the discipline, which include research on pedagogical theory as well as Chinese language itself.Chinese characters and tones are two hard nuts in the promotion and teaching of Chinese language.To crack the hard nuts, this paper recommends "keyboard input strategy" for teaching of Chinese characters and "toneless strategy" for teaching of Chinese speech sounds at the beginning level.The result of our experiment proves that the distinctive function of the tone in modern Chinese in which bi-syllabic words are the majority is weakening, while the function of the rhythm is strengthening.Therefore, we may lower the requirement of pronunciation for beginners, i.e.we accept that students speak Chinese with intonation instead of tones.A reform in Chinese writing form that is to keep words separate from one another is also suggested by this paper.


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