收稿日期: 2004-09-01
网络出版日期: 2004-06-25
An Exploration of the Relationship between Epistemology and Modernity
认识论和现代性两者之间存在着深层的、内在的关联。这个论题起码包括如下三个方面: 1、17世纪的科学革命是作为第一哲学的认识论兴起的现代性背景; 2、与古代认识论相比较, 作为第一哲学的认识论体现了哲学自身的现代性; 3、笛卡儿以来的认识论传统和西方现代文化的一些核心观念之间存在着复杂的相互支持的关系
关键词: 作为第一哲学的认识论; 现代性; 罗蒂; 泰勒
郁振华 . 西方认识论与现代性关系之探讨[J]. 华东师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版), 2004 , 36(6) : 78 -85 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2004.06.009
The theme of this paper is about the interconnectedness between epistemology and modernity. It focuses on the following three aspects. First, the scientific revolution in the 17th century constituted an immediate background for the rise of epistemology as the first philosophy in modern times. Second, in contrast with theoretical reflections on human knowledge in ancient times, the modernity of epistemology as first philosophy is highlighted. Third, the epistemological tradition since Descartes and some core ideas of Western culture are in a complex relation of mutual support. The conclusion is that there is a deep and internal relationship between epistemology as first philosophy and modernity.
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