收稿日期: 2004-09-01
网络出版日期: 2004-06-25
The Transition of the Conception of Individual: An Important Issue in Studies on China's Modernity
个人的独立、自由和权利诸观念在思想文化世界中的确立, 是现代性的重要内容和标志, 也是西方近代以来启蒙话语所环绕的中心问题之一。中国近代以来, 要求突破传统桎梏对人的束缚的个性解放意识和以个体自强而求国家富强的救亡意识, 促使现代个人观在知识精英的思想世界中初步形成, 其内容主要体现在相互关联的两个方面: 其一是基于人道主义思想要求个人的个性解放, 肯定个人的价值, 追求个人的人格自主和人格平等; 其二是基于西方自由主义思想要求个人的政治自由和民主权利。中国近代个人观转型的实质, 是要求变传统的臣民为近代的国民, 使个人从道德义务的主体变为现代社会的法权主体。从哲学层面上看, 也就是要确立个体的主体地位, 实现个体主体性的解放。
刘晓虹 . 个人观转型: 中国现代性研究中的一个重要问题[J]. 华东师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版), 2004 , 36(6) : 35 -41,93 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2004.06.004
The establishment of ideas about the individual's independence, freedom and rights in the intellectual and cultural world is an important aspect and mark of modernity, as well as a central topic in the Enlightenment world since Western modern times. Since China's modern times, the consciousness of individual emancipation requiring breaking through the bond of conventions and the consciousness of salvation in pursuit of a prosperous and strong nation by means of the individual's efforts to improve himself have prompted an initial formation of the modern conception on the individual in the elite intellectual world. Its content mainly covers two interlocked aspects. The one, based on humanism, is to demand human liberation, affirm human value and pursue autonomic and equal personality. The other, based on Western liberalism, is to demand human political liberty and democratic rights. In the former sense the modern Chinese conception of the individual is chiefly embodied in the idea of individual emancipation; in the latter the conception embraces such ideas as liberty, democracy and right internally, embodied in expressions of these ideas. It is helpful for a more profound understanding of the growth of modernity in China and its problems to sum up those intellectual resources.
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