

  • 周敏凯
周敏凯(1949- ),男,上海市人,华东师范大学国际问题研究所教授,博士生导师。

收稿日期: 2004-04-28

  网络出版日期: 2004-05-25

The Crisis of the Atlantic Union after Iraq War

  • Min-kai ZHOU

Received date: 2004-04-28

  Online published: 2004-05-25


伊拉克战争引发美国主导的大西洋联盟内部的冲突与危机, 这一危机显示了多层次与复杂性的特点。它主要表现为美国与法、德为主的欧盟的分歧, 也涉及欧盟内部主要成员国之间、新老成员国之间的分歧。危机产生原因较复杂, 涉及世界格局与欧洲安全形势的变化、国际政治理念、全球战略安排、各成员国的实际利益及各自政策变化对现存联盟关系的挑战等因素。大西洋联盟危机的影响深刻。


周敏凯 . 论伊拉克战争后大西洋联盟的危机[J]. 华东师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版), 2004 , 36(5) : 21 -28 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2004.05.002


The Iraq War has provoked a conflict or crisis within the Atlantic Union led by U.S.A., which is characterized by multilevel and complexity. It finds main expressions in differences between America and the European Union led by France and Germany, and differences between major member countries and between new and old members within EU as well. The cause of the crisis is rather complicated, involving many factors such as changes of the world structure and European security situation, international political ideas, global strategic arrangements, member countries' actual interests and challenges of their policy changes to existing EU relations. The influence of the Atlantic Union crisis is far-reaching.


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