

  • 黄锦章
黄锦章(1953-),男, 江苏无锡人,上海财经大学国际文化交流学院教授, 博士。

收稿日期: 2004-04-10

  网络出版日期: 2004-05-25

The Continuum and Formal Compactness of Causatives in Modern Chinese

  • Jin-zhang HUANG

Received date: 2004-04-10

  Online published: 2004-05-25


使役结构存在形式上的连续性及其紧密度问题, 由使役结构的种类而言, 可以看到汉语缺乏形态型使役结构, 而词汇型和分析型这两类使役结构相对发达。由紧密度而言, 可以把“形式距离”和“能产性”作为合取标准, 并根据这一标准测定汉语中各类使役结构的紧密度等级, 为进一步研究形式紧密度和语义紧密度在认知上的象似性提供了基础。


黄锦章 . 汉语中的使役连续统及其形式紧密度问题[J]. 华东师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版), 2004 , 36(5) : 100 -105 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2004.05.013


This paper aims at the problem of continuum and compactness of the formal aspect of causative construction in contemporary Chinese. First, subcategories of the causative construction are discussed, and it is shown that there are abundant lexical and analytic causatives in contemporary Chinese owing to a lack of morphological causatives. Then, different points of view on the compactness are introduced. Both formal distance and productivity can be taken as parameters of the compactness of the formal aspect of causatives. In this way the scale of formal compactness of causatives in Chinese is determined, which works as a base for a further study on the problem of the iconicity between syntactic and semantic compactness.


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