

  • 陈晓芬
陈晓芬(1948-),女,浙江宁波人, 华东师范大学中文系教授

收稿日期: 2003-11-20

  网络出版日期: 2004-02-25

The Six First-rate Prosaists of the Song Dynasty and Their Common Sense of "Human Feelings"

  • Xiao-fen CHEN

Received date: 2003-11-20

  Online published: 2004-02-25


宋六大散文家表现出自觉的人情观念。他们把人情看作人类的本质属性, 把人生的本质意义定位在具体平凡的生存状态之上。体现于人情观念中的思想风神和认知意趣, 漫溢于他们的文章中, 成为推动六家散文走向的内在力量, 是铸就六家散文独特风貌的重要原因。

关键词: 宋六家; 人情; 散文走向


陈晓芬 . 宋六家“人情”观念及其散文走向[J]. 华东师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版), 2004 , 36(2) : 57 -63+121-122 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2004.02.009


A common sense of "human feelings" is consciously contained in writings of the six first-rate prosaists of the Song Dynasty. Derived from The Book of Rites, the idea of "human feelings" is greatly enriched by the six famous prosaists in their thoughts and works. In their eyes, "feelings" can be regarded as the essential property of human beings, and a concrete and ordinary existence reveals the fundamental significance of human life. As a result, their writings are full of a kind of intellectual and cognitive enjoyment that is embodied in their idea of human feelings, which becomes an inner force to push their prosaic orientation forward and form their unique prosaic style.


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5 礼记正义[A]. 十三经注疏[M]. 北京: 中华书局, 1980.
6 朱熹. 四书章句[M]. 北京: 中华书局, 1983.
7 栾城集[M]. 上海: 上海古籍出版社, 1987.
8 嘉祐集[M]. 上海: 上海古籍出版社, 2001.
9 曾巩集[M]. 北京: 中华书局, 1998.
10 韩昌黎文集校注[M]. 上海: 上海古籍出版社, 1986.
