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    25 June 2005, Volume 37 Issue 6 Previous Issue    Next Issue
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    Rethinking Chinese Studies/ Rethinking China's Place in the World; War, Revolution and Globalization in the Long Twentieth Century
    Mark Selden
    2005, 37 (6):  1-12. 
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    During the epoch from the sixteenth to the eighteenth century a China-centered system encompassing tributary-trade relations in East Asia constituted the picture of"first globalization", and provided as well a framework coordinating international political and economic relatins. This is a pattem deserving our serious considerations. Through a survey of Chinese experience in the twentieth- century course of war, revolution and globalization, we may have a better understanding of China's place and fu- ture in East Asian tremendous changes and global developments during last decades of the twentieth cen- tury.

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    Several Problems about the Recognition of the History of the Ming and Qing Dynasties
    Jia-fan WANG
    2005, 37 (6):  13-17.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2005.06.002
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    It is requisite to have an overall integration of microcosmic achievements accumulated through twenty-year studies on China's periodic history and particular history so as to renew and develop a general sense of the history of China.Having depended on such a "general history", the vision of the history of the Ming and Qing dynasties is likely to become wider and far-reaching, thus avoiding relapses of no value as to higher or lower evaluations of such a periodic history.However, there are several problems concerning the "anti-Eurocentric"view of China, the change of historical perspectives as to recognition of t he Ming-Qing history, and the development of the Ming-Qing economy or not.

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    The Humanities Dependence
    2005, 37 (6):  18-26. 
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    In the curent context of globalization how to realize new developments of the humanities has aroused concem in intermnational intellectural circles. Through a comparative analysis of the state of the humanities in United States and South African universities, two kinds of dependency pertaining to the humanities and their differences presented in the global north and south can be found. The humanites are. striving to retain urgency, critical perspective and moral value within university and larger social sys-tems. In this way the humanities can still accomplish their deserved creations even in the present special condition of dependence.

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    On Mathematicalization of Modern Science
    Jia-ying CHEN
    2005, 37 (6):  27-37.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2005.06.004
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    This essay provides a brief account of changes of the concept "number"in history and how modern science has become more and more mathematical.It is suggested that the key characteristic of mathematics is its capacity to carry out prolonged reasoning without losing validity, that is, a capacity that enables science to reach a reality far beyond the reach of our senses.This capacity, however, brings little immediate help to an understanding of our everyday sensible world.

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    Facing the Predicament of Plural Value Conflicts
    Qing LIU
    2005, 37 (6):  38-48.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2005.06.005
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    Isaiah Berlin is mostly known for his defending value pluralism and holding a position of liberalism as well.However, the theoretical connection between his pluralism and liberalism is far less than self-evident; it has been widely disputed among political philosophers.This article highlights a tension within Berlin's theses of value pluralism, and examines contemporary liberal thoughts in their responses to the problem of value conflict.It is concluded that there is a possiblility and necessity of resolving the issue of value conflict in the perspective of anti-foundationalism.

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    Desire of Writing——Sartre's Ontology of Desire and Its Difference from Deleuze's Desire-becoming
    Yu-hui JIANG
    2005, 37 (6):  49-54.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2005.06.006
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    This paper focuses on Sartre's ontology of desire and basic characteristics of his psychanalyse existentielle which is based on the former.His writing on Flaubert L'Idiot de la famille is no doubt an outstanding case of such psychoanalysis.The first is a clarification of his central concept, reflexion, which is different from that of psychology.The opposition is mainly embodied in their completely different understandings of temporality.From this point Sartre's ontology of desire is distinguished from a psychological analysis of desire only as a psychological entity.Through his psychoanalysis, Sartre shows how Flaubert overcame the opposition tetween his basic desire of pour-soi and the laguage as en-soi to have successfully created his own ideal world.As for Deleuze, instead of reflecting on things, which is typical of modernism, philosophers should do creations and experiments; therefore, desire is neighter manqué d'etre nor original totality of pro-ject.Desire is always an experiment in becoming.

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    LI Shang-yin's Poems without Title and His Lost Romances
    Yu-hua YE, De-lin YE, Shu-mei DING
    2005, 37 (6):  56-64.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2005.06.008
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    LI Shang-yin's untitled poems kept in his poetic collection mainly include two categories: eight eight-line poems with seven characters to each line and three four-line poems with weven characters to a line, respectively attached to his two romances probably labeled as Record of the Blue Bridge and Record of the Green Bird.The implications and sentiments of those untitled poems are quite in harmony with these stories in his romance writing.In addition, there are five short poems with five characters to each line and one eight-line poem with seven characters to a line, which are in accordance with the story of Han Yi.Examining relations of LI Shang-yin's poems without title to his lost romances is importantly cocerned with how to view literature during the Tang Dynasty on the whole.

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    Lenin's Thought of the Party Building in His Late Years: Its Enlightenment on Strengthening the Party's Ruling Consciousness
    Xi-xi CHEN
    2005, 37 (6):  65-69.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2005.06.009
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    When Lenin reconsidered socialism in his late years, he put forward some principles concerning how to build up the Party, such as"adapting itself to the masses", "dividing responsibilities between Party and Soviet", and"strengthening the Party's collective leadership and surveillance", reflecting an objective demand of adjusting relations between the Party and its ruled objects owing to the Party's position shift from leading the people to revolution to leading the national reconstruction, as well as an objective need for reinforcing the Party's democratic system.Their inspiration of us is that after the Communist Party becomes a party in power, it must correctly deal with the relationship between the Party's leaership and rule, gradually turning its idea of consolidating to Party's leading position to intensifying its ruling consciousness so as to form a union of the leading Party's subjectivity and the ruling Party's objectivity and a union of its unlimited liability to reform society and its limited liability to adapt itself to social needs.Meanwhile, the Party must correctly deal with the relationship between democracy and centralism to improve its ruling capability on the foundation of enhancing its democratic system.

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    Contributions of Wilhelm von Humboldt and Benjamin Lee Whorf to the Founding of Contrastive Liguistics
    Wen-guo PAN, Hui-min TAN
    2005, 37 (6):  70-75.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2005.06.010
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    Western contrastivists usually regard 1957 as the starting year of the new discipline"Contrastive Linguistics".It is argued here that the date can be traced back much farther.Among the scholars who have contributed a lot to the founding of the new discipline, the German philosopher Wilhelm von Humboldt, the Danish linguist Otto Jespersen and the American anthropologist Benjamin Lee Whorf play an important role.

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    The Assertiveness and Non-individualism of Substantives
    Jue WANG
    2005, 37 (6):  76-84.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2005.06.011
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    The substantive is divided into individual and non-individual, depending on whether it has an individualist feature or not.The individual substantive only has a referential function, while the non-individual possesses a stating function in addition to its referential function.The non-individual substantive includes collective and non-referential.The former stresses intension rather than extension so that it has a function of referent and assertion.The latter doesn't have its extension so as to lose its spatial feature while getting continuity.Therefore, it has a considerable or even very strong feature of statement, being able to state connation and even action.

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    Pragmatic Tactics of Satire and Remonstrance in Ancient China and Rhetoric Recognition
    Ling ZHU
    2005, 37 (6):  85-90.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2005.06.012
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    The satire and remonstrance was a special speech activity in ancient Chinese regimes.Applying various pragmatic tactics, the satire and remonstrance affected receivers in their recognitions and changed their initial single method of dealing with critical events through its adjustment of "knowledge"and"rule", its redistribution of discourse power, and its switch of discourse role.

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    The RMB Appreciation: Its Boundary Restraints, Targets and Tactics
    Lian-shi ZHOU
    2005, 37 (6):  91-97.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2005.06.013
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    According to policy economics, just as the change of any policy instrument should be in conformity with the law of policy, so does the exchange rate movement.On the one hand, adjustments of the RMB exchange rate are estricted its boundary condition, that is, purchasing power parity, so its objective tendency to come is appreciation.On the other hand, RMB should be depreciated since China's future economic targets are determined sufficient employmen t and excited consumption.However, a great appreciation of RMB, as well as its considerable depreciation, is inadvisable.Under such a context the tactful way of the RMB exchange rate fluctuation should be an irregular small appreciation in accordance with J.Tinbergen's model on exchange rate policy, so that China's economic multi-targets can be achieved and the impact of international speculative capitals on China's economy can be resisted.

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    A Fuzzy Curvilinear Analysis of Regional Financial Comprehensive Competitive Forces——Taking the Opening Force
    Lin TIAN
    2005, 37 (6):  98-104.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2005.06.014
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    In view of an incomplete quantitative analysis of regional finance, this paper establishes an inbex system of regional overall financial competitiveness including display indices and explainable indices.It uses a hierarchical cluster procedure and factor method to make an analysis of all our country's regions and classify them as eight grades.Based on a fuzzy curve analysis, a conclusion is drawn that all the indices are contributive to the regional comprehensive financial competitiveness and the opening force is vital and medium-important among all the forces to the overall financial competitiveness.

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    An Analysis of the Choice of International Exchange Rate Regimes in the Perspective of the Game Theory
    Hua YUE
    2005, 37 (6):  105-112.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2005.06.015
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    The choice of international exchange rate regimes is like a game since those countries participating in a specific system will make their choices just according to their cost and benefit.All exchange rate regimes must deal with the tradeoff between rule and discrition, as well as between cooperation and independence.Generally speaking, a country's tradeoff is between consulting and acting in unison with other countries, that is, cooperation, or it operates as a member of the community but acts on its own, that is, independence.

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    A Study on Experiences of the Promotive Effect of Liberalization of Capital Account
    Xin-ru WU
    2005, 37 (6):  113-118.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2005.06.016
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    Since the 1990's there have been a lot of disputes in studies on major experiences in the world as to whether liberalization of capital account is promotive to economic growth or not.However, wherefrom a conclusion is drawn, that is, the promotive effect of capital account liberalization should be different in different countries and the difference attributes primarily to some foundational factors such as financial development and institutional quality, and meanwhile liberalization is promotive to financial development and institutional reconstruction.The inspiration on us is that our country should stress institutional preconditions of opening capital account, but also pay attention to how to take advantage of such an opening to promote institutions.And our government should coordinate reform, opening-up and development appropriately, and advance liberalization of capital account actively and gradually.

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