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    An Ethical Investigation of “Hiding Rites in Artifacts” in Confucianism and Its Modern Significance
    Wei Zhang
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences)    2024, 56 (1): 17-23.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2024.01.003
    Abstract833)   HTML59)    PDF (694KB)(193)      

    The concept of “Hiding Rites into artifacts” is essential to Confucian ethics of science and technology, functioning as the basic principle of creation and manufacture of artifacts in ancient China. Under the influence of this concept, “artifacts” become the indicator and reinforcer of “rites”. Indeed, the relationship between “rites” and “artifacts” is bidirectionally constructed. On the one hand, artifacts are materialized rites, so the design and use of artifacts should follow the provisions of rites, and rites are manifested in the artifacts in the materialized form; on the other hand, artifacts react on rites and strengthen them, playing an important role of “non-verbal” moral education. As a resource of ethics of science and technology with unique cultural characteristics of China, the concept of “hiding rites in artifacts” is of great reference value to the construction of Chinese discourse system of ethical governance of science and technology. After creative transformation and innovative development, it will still be instructive for the ethical governance of science and technology today.

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    The Multidimensional Characteristics and Regulation Strategies of the Elderly Floating Population in Megacities:A Case Study of Shanghai
    Lian-xia WU
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences)    2023, 55 (6): 105-119.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2023.06.010
    Abstract335)   HTML51)    PDF (1844KB)(305)      

    With the aging of the population, the acceleration of the urbanization process, and the change of life concepts and ways, the mobility of the elderly has become an increasingly popular and new phenomenon in big cities. However, the continuous gathering of the elderly in big cities has also brought great challenges to the social and economic development, elderly care service and public management of big cities. Based on the dynamic monitoring data of Shanghai floating population in 2018, this paper adopts mathematical statistics and spatial analysis method and takes Shanghai as an example to deeply explore the multidimensional characteristics of the elderly floating population in China’s big cities in the new era, which can reveal new problems caused by the agglomeration of floating elderly, and propose countermeasures for the management and regulation of the elderly floating population. It can also provide scientific basis for other big cities and even the whole country to manage the elderly floating population and cope with the issue of aging. The study finds that since 2010, the total size of permanent resident population and the size of floating population in Shanghai have begun to slow down simultaneously, while the number of elderly floating population has shown an upward trend, and the sex ratio of floating elderly is low, most of them are young and non-agricultural, the education level is mainly junior middle school and the male is generally higher than the female, and the education level of non-agricultural elderly is much higher than that of agricultural elderly. According to the new characteristics and problems of the elderly floating population in Shanghai, it is necessary to establish many public management and service optimization strategies for the social support of the elderly floating population in Shanghai under the background of the Yangtze River Delta integration strategy.

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    The Impact of Collaborative Development of Green Finance and Digital Technology on Enterprise Green Technology Innovation
    Xiu-zhen LI, Xia FANG, Zhen-yu YANG, Yun ZHANG
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences)    2023, 55 (6): 139-158.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2023.06.012
    Abstract318)   HTML295)    PDF (998KB)(176)      

    Green technology innovation of enterprises is an important path to achieve green and low-carbon economic development. The coordinated development of green finance and digital technology is of great significance for green technology innovation and high-quality economic development. This paper introduces green finance and digital technology to expand the endogenous economic growth model, deduces and analyzes the mechanism of the coordinated development of green finance and digital technology to drive green technology innovation of enterprises, and constructs the coordinated development index of green finance and digital technology. Using data from A-share listed companies from 2011 to 2020 for measurement analysis and empirical testing, it is confirmed that the coordinated development of green finance and digital technology can promote green technology innovation. The mechanism test shows that the coordinated development of green finance and digital technology promotes the green technology innovation of enterprises by reducing financial costs and improving the level of assumption of risk. Further analysis finds that for the enterprises located in areas with strong environmental regulations, intellectual property protection, and high initial financial endowment and pollution properties, the role of green finance and digital technology in the development of synergy is more obvious in promoting high-quality green technology innovation in enterprises. To fully leverage the synergistic development of green finance and digital technology to promote green innovation in enterprises in the context of developing the digital economy, it is necessary to build a new digital green finance system, improve the top-level design of green finance, and formulate effective incentive systems for green innovation.

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    Opensource Knowledge Production in the Age of Large Language Models:Opportunities,Challenges,and the Future
    Lihao Gan
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences)    2024, 56 (2): 31-41.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2024.02.004
    Abstract315)   HTML120)    PDF (1381KB)(318)      

    With the rise of Large Language Models, the field of opensource knowledge production will witness a new transformation. Large Language Models have positive impacts on opensource knowledge production while they also bring potential challenges. On the one hand, Large Language Models significantly improve the efficiency of opensource knowledge generation and dissemination by adapting to Cunningham’s Law of the opensource community, providing round-the-clock newcomer knowledge training support, and correcting the systematic bias of knowledge production through domain-based construction strategies; on the other hand, Large Language Models have brought about the phenomenon of hallucination, copyright risk, digital exploitation, and the intensification of the trend of “dead internet”, which poses a serious threat to the verification, legitimacy, values, and ecological environment of opensource knowledge. Thus, we should strengthen the core role of human cognitive experience in guiding the technology development of Large Language Models, and explore solutions through practice, in order to realize the harmonious coexistence and common progress of knowledge production of Large Language Models and opensource knowledge production.

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    The Unavoidability of “Covering”:A Hermeneutical Analysis of Xunzi’s “Uncovering”
    Yafei Yu
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences)    2024, 56 (2): 63-71.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2024.02.006
    Abstract308)   HTML63)    PDF (565KB)(285)      

    Xunzi’s idea of “uncovering” (jiebi) as removing unreasonable prejudices in understanding mainly embodies in the chapter of “Uncovering” in the book of Xunzi. Xunzi regards both the emotional and intellectual prejudices in human nature as the “covering”, judged according to the practical effects of rituality, loyalty, faithfulness and monarchism. He advocates the elimination of the “covering” of human nature by “transforming one’s nature and initiating conscious activities” on the one hand, and the removal of the “covering” of knowledge by keeping “vacuity, unity and quiescence” on the other. However, there is still a “covering” in Xunzi’s “uncovering”. His “uncovering” is to replace the preconceptions of other various intellectual schools with Confucian benevolence and righteousness. In this way, he attempts to establish Confucianism as the only reasonable preconception. While he has become successful due to his “covering”, Xunzi is limited to the “covering” of his own understanding and consequently denies the positive significance of the “covering” of other schools and hinders the equal dialogue and communication of ideas. In this sense, Xunzi’s “uncovering” constitutes a mode of dogmatic hermeneutics.

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    Modernization with Chinese Characteristics in Urban Community Governance:Theoretical Logic,Model Transformation and Future Trend
    Wei Xu, Bowei Liu
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences)    2024, 56 (3): 114-124.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2024.03.011
    Abstract301)   HTML100)    PDF (611KB)(162)      

    Under the context of modernization with Chinese characteristics, the community ushers in a new stage of development and change with “the last one kilometer” policy. The model of community governance has also realized the transformation from “governance by community” to “governance in community” at the micro level. The model of “governance by community” with the main feature of the “interconnection of three social organizations” integrates community autonomy and social power, and revitalizes community social resources in the new era of community development. However, it also shows its shortcomings in terms of work ability and undertaking ability. Therefore, under the new situation, we should play the field role of “governance in community”, which is characterized by multiple elements’ participating in governance and fine management, and then explore the future trend of modernization with Chinese characteristics in urban community governance. To realize the transformation and upgrading of the community governance model from “governance by community” to “governance in community”, it is necessary to take the guidance in Party building as the fundamental guarantee, take the people-centered as the basic compliance, take the resilient governance community as the best path, and take digital and intelligent governance technology as the important way. We will continue to improve the urban governance community model of people, modernity and sociality and ultimately realize modernization with Chinese characteristics in urban community governance according to China’s own situation.

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    Empire’s “Blue Highways”:Space Imagination in Commentary on the Waterways Classic
    Xiaofei Tian
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences)    2024, 56 (1): 38-56.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2024.01.005
    Abstract292)   HTML103)    PDF (1233KB)(344)      

    To elucidate its meaning and significance, a reconstruction of the textual ecology of Li Daoyuan’s Commentary on the Waterways Classic (Shuijing Zhu) from two angles will be conducive: the first is highlighting the commentarial nature of Li’s work, which draws attention to the constraints faced by the commentator as well as to the creative potential of a commentary relating to the primary text; the second is putting Li’s work in conversation with contemporary southern poetic writings on landscape to illuminate its special mode of space perception and representation. Li constructs an infrastructure of rivers based on an imperial vision. Although the empire was largely imaginary at this historical juncture, the riverine system is a powerful emblem of the medieval Sui and Tang polities, whose great canals supplemented the rivers.

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    National Discourse Rhetoric,Ethnic Narrative and the Identity Shaping of the New Generation of Chinese Malaysian:A Discourse Analysis Based on Chinese Primary School Textbooks in Malaysia
    Xiao-ling FAN
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences)    2023, 55 (6): 15-25.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2023.06.002
    Abstract288)   HTML72)    PDF (946KB)(319)      

    Reflecting the complex mechanism of identity shaping and the conflict and accumulation of multi-level identity, Chinese primary school textbooks in Malysia constitute an important field for the new generation of Chinese to acquire language and culture and construct ethnic identity, as well as a key field for the formation of civic consciousness and the construction of national identity. Analyzing the discourse of various latest subject textbooks in Chinese primary schools in Malaysia from the perspective of intertextuality, this paper shows that many national discourse strategies, core concepts of high frequency distribution and discourse patterns of intertextuality are strongly shaping the national identity of “citizen-nation” in the new generation of Chinese Malaysian. The ethnic narrative of Chinese unfolds in the context of national narrative. Its narrative subject, narrative structure, cultural mark and discourse approach all indicate that the function of ethnic identity shaping in Malaysian Chinese textbooks is diluted by the powerful rhetoric force of national discourse. In the field of education, the new generation of Chinese are faced with the important issues of how to strike a balance between national identity and ethnic identity, and how to improve the internal cohesion of Chinese ethnic group and inherit Chinese ethnic identity under the premise of national identity.

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    On the Intuitionism in Kant’s Ethics
    Bin-yu DONG
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences)    2023, 55 (6): 60-70.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2023.06.006
    Abstract247)   HTML9)    PDF (636KB)(263)      

    Kant’s ethics is generally regarded as an ethics characterized by rational reasoning, which emphasizes that moral norms need to be established in the procedural process of practical reason based on the freedom of will. Therefore, intuitionism, which is characterized by non-reasoning and non-reflection, is often regarded as incompatible with Kant’s ethics. However, this remains to be discussed. If intuitionism is divided into two basic forms, rationalism and emotionalism, then both are contained in Kant’s moral theory. Kant explicitly or implicitly admits that intuition plays an important and even fundamental role in moral judgment, which does not really conflict with his basic position of rationalism.

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    Concepts,Objectives,Issues,and Methods:Rethinking the Study of “National Language Ability”
    Fan-zhu HU
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences)    2023, 55 (6): 1-14.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2023.06.001
    Abstract246)   HTML301)    PDF (888KB)(371)      

    Inspired by the concept of “key language” abroad and driven by the trend of “telling good Chinese stories”, “national language ability” has become a hot topic in linguistic research in China in recent years. However, a series of fundamental questions, including what constitutes national language ability, and why and for what national language ability is studied, still need to be reconsidered. Language ability is the ability of human subjects to create and use language symbols for communication and cognitive needs. There are at least three kinds of the “subjects” of modern language ability: individuals, populations and institutions. A country is essentially an “institution” that is “artificially established based on certain principle”. National language ability is the ability of a country to ensure its own development through language. Consisting of the ability to “govern language” and the ability to “govern based on language”, it is an important component of national governance ability. Goal setting determines problem discovery, and problem selection determines method design. The fundamental goal of the study of “national language ability” should be to use language and linguistic research to promote the internal governance of a country, its participation in global governance, and then the harmonious development of the whole society, and the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind. Without an awareness of such fundamental goal, the study of national language ability will easily go astray. Therefore, we need to discover what the problems are in the country’s language mobilization ability, language institutional governance ability, language behavior employment ability, and language knowledge production capacity, and how to solve them. Furthermore, it is necessary to recognize that the top priority in building national language ability is to build an authentic and unprecedented learning-oriented country.

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    On Kant’s Schema Theory in Social Epistemology:From the Perspective of Adorno’s Critical Theory of Culture Industry
    Kai-hua LU
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences)    2023, 55 (6): 71-79.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2023.06.007
    Abstract221)   HTML7)    PDF (799KB)(130)      

    Adorno’s critique of social epistemology based on Marxism is not presented as a complete academic system. It is derived from his analysis of the rational form of modern industrial society in general and culture industry in particular. The cultural industrial production system with mass culture as its commodity content has realized the ideological function of social control and the elimination of cognitive autonomy. It has also realized the idealist epistemology that Kant tried to criticize and limit. In the above picture, Adorno’s critique of culture industry and Kant’s difficulty in transcendental epistemology, that is, the problem of his schema theory, form an intertextual relationship: On the one hand, the social effects of culture industry lead to re-elaborating the social practical implications of Kant’s theory of knowledge; on the other hand, Adorno’s ironic reference to Kant’s schema theory accurately positions the operating mechanism of culture industry to realize social control. In this regard, a social epistemology based on a revised version of Kant’s transcendental knowledge system can obtain a theoretical orientation in the socio-historical totality initiated by the critique of culture industry.

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    The Multiple Connotations and Evolution of the Concept of the Mandate of Heaven during the Periods of Zhou and Qin
    Naihe Xie
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences)    2024, 56 (2): 72-84.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2024.02.007
    Abstract217)   HTML40)    PDF (992KB)(431)      

    During the periods of Zhou and Qin, the concept of the mandate of Heaven had multiple connotations such as the mandate of ghosts and gods, the mandate of law and the mandate of the heart-mind and nature. In the Western Zhou Dynasty, the concept of the mandate of Heaven was based on the mandate of ghosts and gods and meanwhile emphasized the governance of the state. However, it also contained some elements of the mandate of law and the mandate of the heart-mind and nature. During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, the mandate of ghosts and gods continued its influence in the sphere of national region. However, as the power structure of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty moved from royal government to hegemony and then to unification, the mandate of law and the mandate of the heart-mind and nature in the sphere of social ideology gradually became dominant. Moreover, philosophers in the Eastern Zhou Dynasty conducted theoretical construction to interpret the pluralistic connotations of the concept of the mandate of Heaven inherited from previous times, which had made a profound impact on ancient Chinese political philosophy.

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    The Subject Status,Rights,Responsibilities and Obligations of Intelligent Robots
    Weiping Sun
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences)    2024, 56 (1): 1-8.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2024.01.001
    Abstract215)   HTML416)    PDF (634KB)(234)      

    The rapid growth of intelligent robots in terms of intelligence, especially their autonomous behavior, contains huge uncertainties and risks. It has directly shaken the sole subject status of human beings, and there has been explicit or implicit competition between human beings and intelligent robots in certain fields for subject status, governance and dominance. Intelligent robots may demand new “identities” and claim rights previously reserved for humans. At the same time, they should also assume the responsibilities and obligations that match their “identities” and rights. Facing the revolutionary and subversive new issues such as intelligent robots’ subject status, rights, responsibilities and obligations, we must thoroughly reflect on and clean up the existing positions, theories and methods, and take advantage of the rapid development and rich application scenarios of intelligent technology to seek a substantive solution to the problems through critical and revolutionary theoretical innovation.

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    The Misconception and the Future Perspective of the Emergence Theory of AI Consciousness
    Feng Wang
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences)    2024, 56 (2): 1-7.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2024.02.001
    Abstract205)   HTML359)    PDF (542KB)(252)      

    Does AI have consciousness? Or is it possible for AI to have consciousness in the future? This is a question that seems a bit difficult to answer. The emergence theory seems to provide a positive answer. However, an examination of the conceptual structure of the emergence theory shows that the emergence theory of AI consciousness is more of a misunderstanding caused by the continuous transformation of concepts and fails to confirm any true emergence of consciousness. The emergence theory is beneficial in the sense that it encourages our society to embrace AI more tolerantly, viewing it as an organic existence rather than a simple machine. What the emergence theory deals with is not an ontological problem, but a practical problem that includes the perspective of future speculation. Whether the future recognizes the existence of AI consciousness can only be determined by the people who are closest to the future. So, the emergence theory of AI consciousness is not only a matter of technology and substantive objects, but also a matter of cultural concepts.

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    Embodied Consumption and Emotional Interaction:Chinese Radio Drama from the Perspective of Soundscape
    Xiao-ye HAN
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences)    2023, 55 (6): 26-35.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2023.06.003
    Abstract205)   HTML80)    PDF (771KB)(519)      

    Radio drama, also known as “drama to be enjoyed with ears”, has gone through an evolution from boom to bust in the changes of media. However, in the era of mobile Internet, it has realized a new development through the momentum of media integration. Nowadays, the rise of Internet radio drama has improved the interactivity and immersion of the audience’s listening experience. As a sound art of “accompanying audio”, “embodied consumption” and “emotional interaction”, it constructs a unique “soundscape”. In the process of “auditory turn”, the audience obtains emotional recognition and extends it in the virtual space, replacing “body” with “embodiment”. In this context, radio drama not only needs to pay attention to “what sound”, but also to “how to listen”, and then to the “sound needs” of different groups of people. Moreover, we need to pay attention not only to the construction of soundscape, but also to the significance of soundscape to the shaping of life and life community.

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    The Dao of Thoughtlessness:The Original Essence of Chinese Chan and the Secret of the Chan-enlightenment
    Mingdong Gu
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences)    2024, 56 (3): 102-113.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2024.03.010
    Abstract204)   HTML54)    PDF (774KB)(134)      

    Chan Buddhism occupies a unique position in the intellectual history of the world, and its originality comes from Huineng’s Platform Sutra. However, there seems to have been a trend in the development of Chan Buddhism, which is characterized by a significant reduction of Huineng’s originality and an institutional effort to attribute Huineng’s Chan to Chinese Buddhism. Hence, it is necessary to trace back to the origin of Huineng’s Chan and restore its revolutionary feature. Adopting an approach that integrates historical research with psychology, neuroscience, and philosophy, this paper closely examines Huineng’s interpretation of The Diamond Sutra and his innovative ideas and methods of cultivation in the Dunhuang version of The Platform Sutra in comparison with Laozi and Zhuangzi’ Daoism so as to discover the originality and universal appeal of Chan and the secret of Chan-enlightenment. It concludes that Chan, whose essence lies in thoughtlessness, is originated from Daoist Nothingness rather than Buddhist Emptiness, and Chan-enlightenment is not Buddhist satori.

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    School Social Work in Shanghai from the Perspective of Prevention and Development:Practical Dilemmas and Countermeasures
    Chen-xi HUANG, Tian-tong WANG, Jin-yu ZHANG
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences)    2023, 55 (6): 80-92.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2023.06.008
    Abstract203)   HTML6)    PDF (1151KB)(169)      

    The original intention and direction of school social work development is prevention and development. Analysis based on in-depth interviews and agency service records shows that Shanghai has established a judicial-oriented school social work service model based on the tertiary prevention of crime, and has made remarkable achievements in curbing juvenile delinquency and assisting school development. However, Shanghai also faces many practical difficulties, including the lack of effective connection between the tertiary prevention, the difficulty of breaking double barriers (of administration and technic), and the weak assessment ability of first-line social workers. Such difficulties affect the function of prevention and development of school social work. In the future, Shanghai should seize the opportunity of the promulgation and implementation of the law on the protection of minors and schools, take prevention and development as the orientation, and start from the dimensions of individuals and schools, basic needs and developmental needs to reconstruct the school social work service framework. Here, we should focus on general prevention, promote the internal connection and cohesion between the three levels of service, and pay attention to improving the professional ability of first-line school social workers.

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    Becoming a Sutra of The Sixth Patriarch Platform Sutra and the Innovation of Chan’s Concept of Classics
    Kai SHENG
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences)    2024, 56 (3): 93-101.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2024.03.009
    Abstract182)   HTML39)    PDF (866KB)(183)      

    The formation of The Sixth Patriarch Platform Sutra was a process of continuous supplement, and its editorial style was modeled on translated Buddhist sutras. However, at the very beginning when it was called “Platform Sutra”, Huineng might have borrowed the name from the Buddhist and Taoist ritual texts in the Tang Dynasty. Teaching the non-phase precepts and preaching dharma are two different religious practices, since the former is characterized by internal transmission while the latter by publicity. Hence, there are two different titles of The Platform Sutra, that is, The Sixth Patriarch’s Dharma Treasure, and The Platform Sutra of Preaching Dharma. After The Platform Sutra was called as a “sutra”, Huineng and Shenhui used the it to comprehend preaching dharma, realizing true dharma, and the transmission from the master to disciples. Shenhui’s disciples were criticized by the Buddhist community because they used the “secret book” of registration to maintain the internal transmission of The Platform Sutra. The fact that The Platform Sutra’s becoming a “sutra” is one of the most significant events in the Sinicization of Buddhism, and it is also an iconic event in the southern turn of Chinese Buddhism as well as in the transformation from the Tang Dynasty to the Song Dynasty.

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    Supply Chain Reshaping in the U.S. and Industrial and the Supply Chains’ Resilience of China’s Foreign Trade
    Guobing Shen, Yiping Wang
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences)    2024, 56 (4): 155-177.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2024.04.014
    Abstract170)   HTML23)    PDF (1907KB)(162)      

    Based on HS 6-digit product trade data, this paper conducts a statistical analysis on the resilience of China’s foreign trade industrial and supply chains (ISC) under the supply chain reshaping in the U.S. It shows that the import sources of midstream products in China’s foreign trade ISC are relatively concentrated and have poor resilience; the export demand side of downstream products is highly concentrated and dependent on the U.S. market and prominently fragile. For the key industry products’ industrial and supply chains reviewed by Biden government, the upstream import supply side of China’s agricultural and food production industries and the upstream import supply side and upstream export demand side of the pharmaceutical industry are relatively vulnerable. Moreover, the results derived from Triple Difference Measurement Model show that the U.S. supply chain review significantly promotes trade transfer of China’s key ISC products to the third parties and increases resilience, while it has no significant effect on the geographic diversification of China’s foreign trade. This means that the improvement in China’s key ISC resilience after U.S. supply chain review is mainly reflected in deepening trade links with third-party trade partners in the short term, rather than promoting the geographical diversification of foreign trade. Therefore, it is necessary to focus on the key industry products under the U.S. supply chain reshaping strategy, actively build a regional production and supply chain cooperation system, and expand the diversification of foreign trade structure. We should enhance our capacity for independent innovation, overcome the “stuck neck” technical problems on the import supply side, and strive to enhance the toughness and safety of China’s foreign trade production and industrial and supply chains, so as to promote the high-quality development of China’s foreign trade.

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    Digital Literacy of Managers and Green Technology Innovation of Enterprises
    Xia WANG, Jia-qi WU
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences)    2023, 55 (6): 120-138.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2023.06.011
    Abstract166)   HTML8)    PDF (982KB)(236)      

    In this paper, individual digital literacy is embedded in enterprise management practice to explore the relationship between managers’ digital literacy and enterprise green technology innovation performance. It shows that the digital literacy of managers is conducive to enterprise green technology innovation. The higher the digital literacy level of senior management team, the better the enterprise green technology innovation performance. Even if the manager does not have the educational background of core digital technology, his work experience in the field of computer, information technology and other core digital technology will help promote the green technology innovation of the enterprise in the later stage. This promotion effect has a heterogeneous effect, which is more significant in the enterprises in regions with low development level of digital economy, high media attention and non-heavy polluting enterprises. Enterprise digital transformation plays an intermediary role between managers’ digital literacy and enterprise green technology innovation. Further research finds that managers’ digital literacy contributes to the enhancement of enterprise value in the future. This study has enriched the research horizon of the upper echelon theory, explored the value and differentiated impact of digital human capital in the new era, and provided micro-level empirical evidence for the green and sustainable development of economy promoted by digital technology.

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