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    Modernization with Chinese Characteristics in Urban Community Governance:Theoretical Logic,Model Transformation and Future Trend
    Wei Xu, Bowei Liu
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences)    2024, 56 (3): 114-124.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2024.03.011
    Abstract648)   HTML111)    PDF(pc) (611KB)(339)       Save

    Under the context of modernization with Chinese characteristics, the community ushers in a new stage of development and change with “the last one kilometer” policy. The model of community governance has also realized the transformation from “governance by community” to “governance in community” at the micro level. The model of “governance by community” with the main feature of the “interconnection of three social organizations” integrates community autonomy and social power, and revitalizes community social resources in the new era of community development. However, it also shows its shortcomings in terms of work ability and undertaking ability. Therefore, under the new situation, we should play the field role of “governance in community”, which is characterized by multiple elements’ participating in governance and fine management, and then explore the future trend of modernization with Chinese characteristics in urban community governance. To realize the transformation and upgrading of the community governance model from “governance by community” to “governance in community”, it is necessary to take the guidance in Party building as the fundamental guarantee, take the people-centered as the basic compliance, take the resilient governance community as the best path, and take digital and intelligent governance technology as the important way. We will continue to improve the urban governance community model of people, modernity and sociality and ultimately realize modernization with Chinese characteristics in urban community governance according to China’s own situation.

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    The Unavoidability of “Covering”:A Hermeneutical Analysis of Xunzi’s “Uncovering”
    Yafei Yu
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences)    2024, 56 (2): 63-71.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2024.02.006
    Abstract569)   HTML63)    PDF(pc) (565KB)(449)       Save

    Xunzi’s idea of “uncovering” (jiebi) as removing unreasonable prejudices in understanding mainly embodies in the chapter of “Uncovering” in the book of Xunzi. Xunzi regards both the emotional and intellectual prejudices in human nature as the “covering”, judged according to the practical effects of rituality, loyalty, faithfulness and monarchism. He advocates the elimination of the “covering” of human nature by “transforming one’s nature and initiating conscious activities” on the one hand, and the removal of the “covering” of knowledge by keeping “vacuity, unity and quiescence” on the other. However, there is still a “covering” in Xunzi’s “uncovering”. His “uncovering” is to replace the preconceptions of other various intellectual schools with Confucian benevolence and righteousness. In this way, he attempts to establish Confucianism as the only reasonable preconception. While he has become successful due to his “covering”, Xunzi is limited to the “covering” of his own understanding and consequently denies the positive significance of the “covering” of other schools and hinders the equal dialogue and communication of ideas. In this sense, Xunzi’s “uncovering” constitutes a mode of dogmatic hermeneutics.

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    Becoming a Sutra of The Sixth Patriarch Platform Sutra and the Innovation of Chan’s Concept of Classics
    Kai SHENG
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences)    2024, 56 (3): 93-101.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2024.03.009
    Abstract518)   HTML39)    PDF(pc) (866KB)(523)       Save

    The formation of The Sixth Patriarch Platform Sutra was a process of continuous supplement, and its editorial style was modeled on translated Buddhist sutras. However, at the very beginning when it was called “Platform Sutra”, Huineng might have borrowed the name from the Buddhist and Taoist ritual texts in the Tang Dynasty. Teaching the non-phase precepts and preaching dharma are two different religious practices, since the former is characterized by internal transmission while the latter by publicity. Hence, there are two different titles of The Platform Sutra, that is, The Sixth Patriarch’s Dharma Treasure, and The Platform Sutra of Preaching Dharma. After The Platform Sutra was called as a “sutra”, Huineng and Shenhui used the it to comprehend preaching dharma, realizing true dharma, and the transmission from the master to disciples. Shenhui’s disciples were criticized by the Buddhist community because they used the “secret book” of registration to maintain the internal transmission of The Platform Sutra. The fact that The Platform Sutra’s becoming a “sutra” is one of the most significant events in the Sinicization of Buddhism, and it is also an iconic event in the southern turn of Chinese Buddhism as well as in the transformation from the Tang Dynasty to the Song Dynasty.

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    How to Improve the Quality of the Service for the Elderly with Cognitive Impairment under the Mode of Intelligent Health Care Service
    Renyao ZHONG, Weibo MA
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences)    2024, 56 (3): 164-174.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2024.03.015
    Abstract512)   HTML10)    PDF(pc) (740KB)(211)       Save

    As the aging process accelerates, the number of elderly people with cognitive impairment continues to rise, making the provision of high-quality, specialized care service a significant social issue. The intelligent health care, as an innovative eldercare service model, shows great potential in improving the care for and life quality of the elderly. It also offers new directions in the prevention and early screening of cognitive impairment, clinical diagnosis and treatment, rehabilitation, and home care for elderly people with cognitive impairment. However, as far as intelligent health care service providers are concerned, there are still development bottlenecks such as undeveloped intelligent technology, lagging service benefits, insufficient market dynamism, inadequate exploration of deep-seated needs, lack of humanistic care, potential infringement of privacy rights, and difficulties in ensuring data security. As for the demand side, issues such as disease characteristics hindering service acceptance, economic burdens limiting consumer enthusiasm for service, and technology anxiety restraining service popularization pose challenges. In light of this, it is imperative to enhance the breadth and depth of technological and corporate innovation, deepen sharing and cooperation among multiple parties, establish industry standards and service norms, and improve regulatory and feedback mechanisms. Relevant parties should increase the security of technology to protect the rights and safety of elderly people with cognitive impairment, enhance the user-friendliness and approachability of intelligent care products, foster digital literacy among elderly people with cognitive impairment and their families, leverage the professional roles of medical and nursing staff, unlock the consumption potential of the cognitive impairment group, and stimulate the vitality of the intelligent health care market, thus accelerating the intelligent care process for elderly people with cognitive impairment in China.

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    Digital Transformation of Service Industry and High-quality Development of Service Trade:A Case Study of Shanghai
    Jianzhong Huang, Yinghua Meng, Ling Zhao
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences)    2024, 56 (4): 144-154.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2024.04.013
    Abstract448)   HTML62)    PDF(pc) (672KB)(592)       Save

    How to drive the digital transformation of service industry and enable the high-quality development of service trade is one of the core propositions for the high-quality development of Shanghai's economy and society in the new era. It is the key to adapting to the trend of world economic development and seeking strategic initiative in global competition, and the only way to seize the “commanding heights” of the right to speak in international economy and governance. The mechanism of promoting the high-quality development of service trade by the digital transformation of service industry is manifested in trade creation effect, investment creation effect, channel expansion effect and inclusive growth effect of service trade. Shanghai is a leading digital economy zone with abundant application scenarios for digital transformation and high-quality development of service trade. However, Shanghai’s digital transformation of service industry and high-quality development of service trade also faces a series of constraints, and there are still obvious deficiencies in scale and structure, breadth and depth, talents and enterprises, and systems and mechanisms. Therefore, Shanghai must seize the advantages of multiple strategies such as the National Pilot Free Trade Zone and new area, Pudong Development Zone and leading area, the Expo and the integration of the Yangtze River Delta, face the opportunities and challenges of global digital technology, digital economic development and the reconstruction of digital economic and trade rules, and vigorously promote pioneering reform and leading opening up in an all-round way. We should further promote the digital transformation of the service sector and the high-quality development of trade in services.

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    The Multiple Connotations and Evolution of the Concept of the Mandate of Heaven during the Periods of Zhou and Qin
    Naihe Xie
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences)    2024, 56 (2): 72-84.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2024.02.007
    Abstract447)   HTML42)    PDF(pc) (992KB)(910)       Save

    During the periods of Zhou and Qin, the concept of the mandate of Heaven had multiple connotations such as the mandate of ghosts and gods, the mandate of law and the mandate of the heart-mind and nature. In the Western Zhou Dynasty, the concept of the mandate of Heaven was based on the mandate of ghosts and gods and meanwhile emphasized the governance of the state. However, it also contained some elements of the mandate of law and the mandate of the heart-mind and nature. During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, the mandate of ghosts and gods continued its influence in the sphere of national region. However, as the power structure of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty moved from royal government to hegemony and then to unification, the mandate of law and the mandate of the heart-mind and nature in the sphere of social ideology gradually became dominant. Moreover, philosophers in the Eastern Zhou Dynasty conducted theoretical construction to interpret the pluralistic connotations of the concept of the mandate of Heaven inherited from previous times, which had made a profound impact on ancient Chinese political philosophy.

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    The Renewal of Corporate ESG from the Perspective of New Quality Productivity
    Hanxiang Gao, Dingling Ye
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences)    2024, 56 (5): 160-169.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2024.05.014
    Abstract419)   HTML5)    PDF(pc) (671KB)(155)       Save

    New quality productivity is not only an innovative theoretical proposition, but also an important practical proposition. To promote the cultivation and development of new quality productivity, it is necessary to make profound changes to the value creation model of enterprises, while corporate ESG is the concentrated embodiment of the value creation model. There is consistency between new quality productivity and ESG in terms of conceptual connotation, element composition, and practical characteristics. Therefore, to overcome the various challenges faced by current corporate ESG due to the theoretical limitations of traditional investment evaluation, social responsibility, and information disclosure, we may reconstruct the traditional ESG concept from the perspective of new quality productivity, including revitalizing the concept of corporate ESG from evaluation to action, from balance to kinetic energy, from individual to ecological perspectives. In this way, not only can it promote the improvement and perfection of corporate ESG theory and practice itself, but it can also guide corporate ESG practice towards the direction of new quality productivity, stimulate new driving forces for the development of new quality productivity in ESG practice, promote the construction of a modern industrial system for the development of new quality productivity, and better promote the cultivation and development of new quality productivity.

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    The Dao of Thoughtlessness:The Original Essence of Chinese Chan and the Secret of the Chan-enlightenment
    Mingdong Gu
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences)    2024, 56 (3): 102-113.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2024.03.010
    Abstract417)   HTML55)    PDF(pc) (774KB)(350)       Save

    Chan Buddhism occupies a unique position in the intellectual history of the world, and its originality comes from Huineng’s Platform Sutra. However, there seems to have been a trend in the development of Chan Buddhism, which is characterized by a significant reduction of Huineng’s originality and an institutional effort to attribute Huineng’s Chan to Chinese Buddhism. Hence, it is necessary to trace back to the origin of Huineng’s Chan and restore its revolutionary feature. Adopting an approach that integrates historical research with psychology, neuroscience, and philosophy, this paper closely examines Huineng’s interpretation of The Diamond Sutra and his innovative ideas and methods of cultivation in the Dunhuang version of The Platform Sutra in comparison with Laozi and Zhuangzi’ Daoism so as to discover the originality and universal appeal of Chan and the secret of Chan-enlightenment. It concludes that Chan, whose essence lies in thoughtlessness, is originated from Daoist Nothingness rather than Buddhist Emptiness, and Chan-enlightenment is not Buddhist satori.

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    Opensource Knowledge Production in the Age of Large Language Models:Opportunities,Challenges,and the Future
    Lihao Gan
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences)    2024, 56 (2): 31-41.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2024.02.004
    Abstract398)   HTML121)    PDF(pc) (1381KB)(478)       Save

    With the rise of Large Language Models, the field of opensource knowledge production will witness a new transformation. Large Language Models have positive impacts on opensource knowledge production while they also bring potential challenges. On the one hand, Large Language Models significantly improve the efficiency of opensource knowledge generation and dissemination by adapting to Cunningham’s Law of the opensource community, providing round-the-clock newcomer knowledge training support, and correcting the systematic bias of knowledge production through domain-based construction strategies; on the other hand, Large Language Models have brought about the phenomenon of hallucination, copyright risk, digital exploitation, and the intensification of the trend of “dead internet”, which poses a serious threat to the verification, legitimacy, values, and ecological environment of opensource knowledge. Thus, we should strengthen the core role of human cognitive experience in guiding the technology development of Large Language Models, and explore solutions through practice, in order to realize the harmonious coexistence and common progress of knowledge production of Large Language Models and opensource knowledge production.

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    Keeping Integrity and Innovation:The Development of Cultural Heritage Theory in the New Era
    Lizhi Huang
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences)    2024, 56 (3): 1-10.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2024.03.001
    Abstract393)   HTML280)    PDF(pc) (646KB)(369)       Save

    In the time relation of culture, the fulcrum of Xi Jinping’s thought on culture is “keeping integrity and innovation”. Only with right integrity and innovation, cultural self-confidence can be fully conscious. From oral transmission in family and society to simple transmission of aesthetic symbols, cultural inheritance is unconscious when it originates from the initial historical stage of cultural development. Marx’s theory of cultural inheritance overly emphasizes that cultural traditions break down with the rupture of social and economic foundations. Although his cultural policies protected traditional culture, Lenin did not believe in the existence of a unified national culture in theory. Influenced by the New Culture Movement, Mao Zedong criticized traditional culture and then formed a clear theoretical expression, namely “critical inheritance”. In the new era, the cultural image of China has become a prominent problem to be solved urgently with its rise. Xi Jinping’s thought on culture conforms to the needs of the times. On the one hand, the idea of “keeping integrity and innovation” confirms the conscious inheritance of tradition, and acknowledges that cultural confidence is higher than political and theoretical confidence; on the other hand, it replaces “critical inheritance” with a clear value of “keeping integrity”, and then explicitly proposes to innovate the modern civilization of the Chinese nation, inheriting the innovative spirit of the New Culture Movement.

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    How Enterprise Network Promotes Disruptive Innovation Capability under the Background of New Quality Productivity:From a Knowledge Perspective
    Xin XU, Junling Zhang
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences)    2024, 56 (5): 130-144.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2024.05.012
    Abstract328)   HTML4)    PDF(pc) (879KB)(211)       Save

    Accelerating the formation of new quality productivity is the core support for Chinese modernization in the new era and on the new journey. We need to give full play to the leading role of innovation, especially original and disruptive innovation in science and technology. Based on the background of developing new quality productivity, this paper constructs a theoretical framework of how disruptive innovation promotes the development of new quality productivity from the perspective of knowledge. Meanwhile, combining social network and open innovation theory, it explores the influence mechanism of corporate network embeddedness and its interaction on firm disruptive innovation. Taking the emerging industry of intelligent electric vehicle as an example, an empirical analysis is carried out through negative binomial regression based on relevant patent data. The results show that collaboration network embeddedness can significantly improve the disruptive innovation capability of enterprises. Knowledge flow plays a mediating role between the structural embeddedness of collaboration network and disruptive innovation capability. In other words, enterprises can occupy the position of structural hole to promote knowledge flow and then enhance disruptive innovation capability. However, knowledge flow does not play a mediating role between the relational embeddedness of collaboration network and disruptive innovation capability. Both structural embeddedness and relational embeddedness of knowledge network positively regulate the relationship between structural embeddedness of collaboration network and knowledge flow. This paper expands the research on multi-layer network embeddedness in the context of open innovation, supplements the antecedents of disruptive innovation capability, and has significant implications for promoting enterprises’ independent innovation in science and technology and the development of new quality productivity.

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    Anthropomorphic Imaginations and Hybrid Property:On the Evolution and Social Impacts of AI
    Hua Jiang
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences)    2024, 56 (2): 20-30.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2024.02.003
    Abstract308)   HTML73)    PDF(pc) (689KB)(594)       Save

    Since the concept of AI was proposed, it has been endowed with many anthropomorphic imaginations. AI Designers not only pursue the physical similarity of AI to humans, but also try to make AI behave in a way close to humans. However, AI is inherently different from human intelligence: the former is past-oriented, while the latter is future-oriented; the former is based on logical operations, while the latter originates from the activities of consciousness; the former “possesses” the soul, while the latter “has” the soul. AI is a hybrid of humans and technology based on their relationship. Its anthropomorphic nature will have important social impacts: human-like AI based on the “digital revolution” will cause the re-stratification of human beings and lead to unexpected social consequences; the unrestricted use of human-like AI will cause humans to sink into the realm of “common sayings of ordinary people” and “knowing without thinking”; from an existential perspective, there will be communication dilemmas of “frequent interaction” and “loneliness dilemma” when human-like AI intervenes in human interaction. These social impacts will change the human condition to a great extent and need to be taken seriously.

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    The Misconception and the Future Perspective of the Emergence Theory of AI Consciousness
    Feng Wang
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences)    2024, 56 (2): 1-7.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2024.02.001
    Abstract289)   HTML363)    PDF(pc) (542KB)(451)       Save

    Does AI have consciousness? Or is it possible for AI to have consciousness in the future? This is a question that seems a bit difficult to answer. The emergence theory seems to provide a positive answer. However, an examination of the conceptual structure of the emergence theory shows that the emergence theory of AI consciousness is more of a misunderstanding caused by the continuous transformation of concepts and fails to confirm any true emergence of consciousness. The emergence theory is beneficial in the sense that it encourages our society to embrace AI more tolerantly, viewing it as an organic existence rather than a simple machine. What the emergence theory deals with is not an ontological problem, but a practical problem that includes the perspective of future speculation. Whether the future recognizes the existence of AI consciousness can only be determined by the people who are closest to the future. So, the emergence theory of AI consciousness is not only a matter of technology and substantive objects, but also a matter of cultural concepts.

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    Supply Chain Reshaping in the U.S. and Industrial and the Supply Chains’ Resilience of China’s Foreign Trade
    Guobing Shen, Yiping Wang
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences)    2024, 56 (4): 155-177.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2024.04.014
    Abstract285)   HTML24)    PDF(pc) (1907KB)(358)       Save

    Based on HS 6-digit product trade data, this paper conducts a statistical analysis on the resilience of China’s foreign trade industrial and supply chains (ISC) under the supply chain reshaping in the U.S. It shows that the import sources of midstream products in China’s foreign trade ISC are relatively concentrated and have poor resilience; the export demand side of downstream products is highly concentrated and dependent on the U.S. market and prominently fragile. For the key industry products’ industrial and supply chains reviewed by Biden government, the upstream import supply side of China’s agricultural and food production industries and the upstream import supply side and upstream export demand side of the pharmaceutical industry are relatively vulnerable. Moreover, the results derived from Triple Difference Measurement Model show that the U.S. supply chain review significantly promotes trade transfer of China’s key ISC products to the third parties and increases resilience, while it has no significant effect on the geographic diversification of China’s foreign trade. This means that the improvement in China’s key ISC resilience after U.S. supply chain review is mainly reflected in deepening trade links with third-party trade partners in the short term, rather than promoting the geographical diversification of foreign trade. Therefore, it is necessary to focus on the key industry products under the U.S. supply chain reshaping strategy, actively build a regional production and supply chain cooperation system, and expand the diversification of foreign trade structure. We should enhance our capacity for independent innovation, overcome the “stuck neck” technical problems on the import supply side, and strive to enhance the toughness and safety of China’s foreign trade production and industrial and supply chains, so as to promote the high-quality development of China’s foreign trade.

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    On the Joint Mechanism of Political and Social Forces Supporting the Family with De Facto Unsupported Children:A Case Study of Shanghai
    Shanshan HE, Yihua CHEN, Shumiao ZHANG
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences)    2024, 56 (3): 125-137.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2024.03.012
    Abstract282)   HTML78)    PDF(pc) (1092KB)(282)       Save

    As the child protection function of modern families tends to weaken or even disappear, this paper focuses on how local government and social forces can carry out joint service and optimize the path of future synergy in the provision of welfare for the families with de facto unsupported children. Through the analysis of relevant policy documents, participation observation, semi-structured interviews and focus group interviews in the implementation of the policy to sum up the local assistance experience, the ecological system of care services for the families with de facto unsupported children is comprehensively sorted out from the perspective of ecological niche theory. This shows that the three main welfare supplying bodies, namely, government departments, group organizations, and social organizations, constitute the three main lines of the ecological chain, absorbing all kinds of social resources and transforming them into social services through two upward and downward linkage paths, namely, “cooperation between the government and society” and “synergy between the government and society”. Among them, professional social organizations are in the key ecological position, being the central core of various kinds of linkage work. Reporting is a core part of the linkage work, but further optimization of the collaboration mechanism is still needed. In the future, it will be necessary to strengthen the cultivation and development of professional social organizations, implement family empowerment services, manage ethical risks, promote the orderly linkage of social forces and the extensive incorporation of social resources, and improve the relevant child welfare policies and assessment mechanisms, so that we can enhance the well-being of the families with de facto unsupported children.

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    The Albany Movement in 1960 and its Influence from the Perspective of Cold War
    Guorong Xie
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences)    2024, 56 (4): 40-55.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2024.04.005
    Abstract277)   HTML133)    PDF(pc) (829KB)(335)       Save

    In 1960, a wave of national independence swept across Africa, and 17 countries were freed from colonial rule by the white man. However, the United States, which claimed to be the “leader of the free world”, was stumbling towards the abolition of racial segregation. This sharp contrast irritated African Americans to change their ways of struggle. In 1960, four black college students launched the Albany Movement in Greensboro, North Carolina, to boycott racial segregation at lunch counters. The movement quickly spread to other southern states, expanding the struggle to all public places. It grew far larger, lasted longer, involved more cities, and covered a wider range of areas than previous civil rights struggles. The movement attracted a large number of black and white college students, who replaced professional civil rights activists and became the main participants in the civil rights movement. They regarded the struggle experience of being arrested and imprisoned as an honor. The Albany Movement pushed the civil rights movement from courtroom struggles to large-scale nonviolent direct actions. It reshaped the civil rights movement and marked the climax of the civil rights movement.

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    The Impact of Corporate Digital Responsibility on Enterprise Value:A Configuration Analysis Based on Internet Platform Enterprises
    Jian KE, Andi YU
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences)    2024, 56 (5): 145-159.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2024.05.013
    Abstract273)   HTML5)    PDF(pc) (976KB)(281)       Save

    Digital technology not only creates value for enterprises, but also brings many negative impacts such as data security and technological disorder. Enterprises need to adopt a coherent and orderly approach to handle data and technology responsibly. Therefore, the new concept of corporate digital responsibility has emerged. Based on multiple types of data and Gioia Qualitative analysis methods, this paper analyzes the content of corporate digital responsibility. The results reveal that corporate digital responsibility includes nine dimensions: CDR culture, CDR governance mechanisms, digital security and privacy protection, data openness and sharing, data rights, digital inclusion, digital well-being, empowering environment and empowering society. These dimensions form a concentric circle model with gradually expanding influence. Taking 22 internet platform enterprises as research samples, this paper explores the multiple paths for enterprises to realize high enterprise value through digital responsibility from the perspective of configuration. It shows that internet platform enterprises can generate high enterprise value through three digital responsibility paths, that is, comprehensive, focused and gradual expanding; large platforms attach great importance to the construction of CDR culture; digital native platforms attach importance to the construction of CDR governance mechanisms; the expanded responsibility domain can obtain high enterprise value for the platform better than the core responsibility domain; empowering society is one of the main paths for platforms to create high enterprise value, while empowering environment is not obvious. This paper enriches the theoretical foundation of corporate digital responsibility research, and provides practical inspiration and feasible suggestions for enterprises to fulfill digital responsibility and respond to digital ethical crises.

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    Narrowing Urban-rural Income Gap and Moving towards Common Prosperity in the New Era
    Zhengtu Li, Kejie Liu
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences)    2024, 56 (2): 143-156.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2024.02.013
    Abstract253)   HTML42)    PDF(pc) (1063KB)(548)       Save

    The urban-rural income gap forms in a natural historical process. Narrowing the urban-rural income gap has become an inevitable choice of governing the country. The fundamental way is to follow objective laws to raise the bottom of the gap and trim the top of the gap. While to raise the bottom means to reduce or eliminate absolute poverty, mainly to raise the income level of farmers and eliminate absolute poverty in rural areas, both to raise the bottom and trim the top means to slow down polarization and solidly promote common prosperity. Narrowing the income gap between urban and rural areas is positively related to poverty alleviation and common prosperity. The empirical research shows that the bottom of the absolute income gap between urban and rural areas is gradually rising and meanwhile China is gradually getting rid of absolute poverty, which is consistent with the implementation of the national targeted poverty alleviation strategy (2012-2020). We predict that the relative income gap between urban and rural areas will gradually narrow in the future and this will act as an important path to promote common prosperity on the new journey in the new era.

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    A Detailed Examination of the Publication of Huang Kan’s Reading Notes on Literary Mind and Carving Dragon
    Xinglu Zhou
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences)    2024, 56 (5): 79-88.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2024.05.008
    Abstract244)   HTML7)    PDF(pc) (782KB)(56)       Save

    Huang Kan taught at Peking University in his early years and his teaching handout at that time Reading Notes on Literary Mind and Carving Dragon has been handed down as a modern classic of literature. Its process from a handout to a public book was complicated. It was first issued in 31 pieces in mimeograph and typographic print forms. The latter 16 pieces in the typographic print form are collected in the Peking University Library, which have been lack of research so far. In the early 1920s, Gu Ming issued the latter 20 pieces from the original 31 pieces in the mimeograph form, with the title “Notes on Literary Mind and Carving Dragon”, as a teaching handout in the typographic form for Beijing Civilian University. The Wenhua Society edition (1927) was based on this version, with the appendix of Luo Hongkai’s “Wuse”. After leaving Peking University, Huang Kan taught at Wuchang Normal University and Zhonghua University. He printed this lecture handout (31 pieces) in about 1923, and serialized it in Huaguo. But it stopped when this monthly journal was ceased to publish. When Huang Kan died in 1935, the Literature and Art Collection of National Central University published the former 11 handout pieces. In 1947, Sichuan University compiled the Literature and Art Collection edition and the Wenhua Society edition into 31 pieces, which were not widely circulated. In 1962, Zhonghua Book Company published the two editions together again. However, it needs text restoration since it is no longer the original appearance of the Reading Notes. Huang Kan’s Reading Notes is a typical case of the evolution of a modern university teaching handout. It is necessary to discuss it in detail because it came into being at Peking University with the conflict between rhythmical prose and modern prose, and that between classical and vernacular styles of writing in the turning point of modern intellectual history.

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    The Institutional Construction of China’s State-Owned Enterprises’ Undertaking Environment-Related Social Responsibility:A Perspective of Aligning with the Corresponding Rules of CPTPP
    Ben Li, Ruixuan Chong
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences)    2024, 56 (5): 116-129.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2024.05.011
    Abstract243)   HTML3)    PDF(pc) (763KB)(69)       Save

    Considering the latest global practices in the ESG framework and the practical need for China’s application to join CPTPP, the institutional construction of state-owned enterprises’ undertaking environment-related social responsibility holds significant importance. CPTPP emphasizes high standards, effectiveness, transparency of environmental laws, and the procedural nature of environmental responsibility supervision for member states and enterprises. Within the framework of CPTPP, state-owned enterprises can participate in the development and improvement of voluntary mechanisms for environmental performance standards, supplementing domestic regulatory measures regarding environment. Drawing on the experiences of other CPTPP parties, it is important to comprehensively consider the corresponding requirements of ESG governance systems and CPTPP environmental rules, encourage alignment with international standards in ESG practices, balance the policy burden of state-owned enterprises with green compensation mechanisms, establish quantifiable disclosure standards for environmental and social responsibilities, and implement measures to regulate the involvement of third-party independent assessment agencies. These actions will continuously enhance the international competitiveness of state-owned enterprises and facilitate China’s accession to CPTPP.

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