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    Culture Reproduction and Social Reproduction: An Illustration of Bourdieus Sociology of Education
    ZHU Guo-Hua
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2015, 47 (5): 173-189.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000--5579.2015.05.018
    Abstract693)   HTML531)    PDF(pc) (3410KB)(5173)       Save
    As a theory of symbolic violence, Bourdieus sociology of education is based on the theoretical hypothesis of culture arbitrariness. Its main point is that the secret purpose of culture reproduction is to push social reproduction. Through the concepts of teaching activities, teaching authority, education work and education system as well as their logical connections, we can grasp the internal texture of Bourdieus sociology of education. The nature of education in each stage is related to its location in social space. The education system justifies social divisions by transforming social divisions into academic divisions. The education system monopolizes special capital, mainly the production, distribution and transferring of diplomas, and exerts symbolic violence to the society. The field of power penetrates deeply into the field of education and further threatens educational autonomy. Bourdieus sociology of education and its experimental research arouses heated debates and is worth further considering.
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    On the Perfecting of the Compulsive Isolated Drug Rehabilitation in China—— from the Comparative Perspective
    WANG rui-shan
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2015, 47 (3): 57-62.   DOI: 10、16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2015.03.006
    Abstract545)   HTML1116)    PDF(pc) (1091KB)(4916)       Save
    Although, the new ideas of the drug rehabilitation have been established in the Drug Law, but there are some problems in the compulsive isolated drug rehabilitation, such as the compulsive isolated drug abuse treatment place in the charge of the public security department do not help the clients, and the drug abuse treatment assumed partly by the public security department and the Justice Bureau type is resource-wasting, and the drug rehabilitation organ evaluating its own is unfair, and the facilities in the drug rehabilitation places is not enough for its goal, etc.. There are some advices as follows by referencing the the California Rehabilitation Center. Firstly, the government cancels the compulsive isolated drug rehabilitation place in the charge of the public security department. Secondly, the place increases the medical conditions and other facilities. Thirdly, the government build the third-part drug test authority.
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    Globalization of Chinese Brand and the Brand Strategy of Embedding Chinese Elements: A Case Study on Li Ning
    HE Jia-xun
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2013, 45 (4): 118-124.  
    Abstract2514)   HTML291)    PDF(pc) (471KB)(4352)       Save
    The big challenge that Chinese multinationals face is how to build a global brand when they have already expanded their business on a global scale. For the enterprises, it is an important brand strategy to give consideration to Chinese and Western cultural differences and to blend the values and elements of the two cultures to build the global orientation of Chinese brands. With theoretical and practical analyses, this thesis elaborates on the important strategy of Chinese leading companies, that is, embedding Chinese cultural elements in the product design. This strategy has been successfully applied by Li-Ning since 1999. Chinese leading companies can learn more from Li’s practice in enhancing their value-added brand image in the world.
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    The Theme of Han Yu’s “Preface of Seeing off Li Yuan, Who Is Returning to Pangu”: Analysis and Correction
    Shao Ming-zhen
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2013, 45 (3): 26-31.  
    Abstract1563)   HTML750)    PDF(pc) (719KB)(3815)       Save
    As a masterpiece in the history of ancient Chinese essays, Han Yu’s “Preface of Seeing off Li Yuan, Who Is Returning to Pangu” has been always highly evaluated. It is believed that its theme is to praise hermits’ pleasure of living in mountain and forests, satirize arrogant people of higher status as well as those who shamelessly serve them and abandon themselves to power and money. However, a careful reading of the “Preface”, together with an examination in the context of Han Yu’s thoughts and life, shows that the common understanding of the essay is improper. In other words, “praising” and “revealing” are not Han Yu’s real intention.
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    Do Chinese Elements Matter?: Consumer Evaluation on the Localized Adaption Strategy for Global Brands from the Perspective of Stereotype Consistency
    HE Jia-xun, WU Yi & XIE Run-qi
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2014, 46 (5): 131-145.  
    Abstract1071)   HTML209)    PDF(pc) (2395KB)(3576)       Save
    With the ever enhancing of China’s soft power in the world, the adoption of Chinese elements has been popularly practiced by numerous global brands as a localized adaptation strategy, the consumer attitudes towards which has seldom been studied. Taking six global brands’ real products from three categories as study objects, this thesis adopts the construct of stereotype consistency and collects data by survey from Chinese consumers in Shanghai to explore how Chinese elements used in global brands’ product adaptation strategy affect consumer attitudes. By applying total effect moderation model to integrate the variables of brand local iconness and global identity/local identity altogether and probe into their mediation and moderation effects respectively, this thesis addresses several key findings. Firstly, the stereotype consistency of Chinese elements positively affects brand local iconness and product purchase likelihood. Secondly, brand local iconness partially mediates the relationship between stereotype consistency and product purchase likelihood. Finally, consumer cultural identity (global identity vs. local identity) plays a moderating role in the process above. These findings make innovative theoretical contributions to interpreting the influence mechanism of Chinese elements on consumer attitudes, initiating empirical study on Chinese elements and providing global brands with suggestion on effective utilization of Chinese elements. In general, to improve consumer attitudes, the marketers of global brands shall understand thoroughly the true meanings and essences of local cultural elements and integrate them into the brands in a way as consistent to the stereotypes as possible. Notably, this adaptation strategy shall be adjusted to market segmentation with different cultural identity
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    On the Differentiation of Housing Price to Income Ratio in Chinese Cities
    DING Zu-yu
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2013, 45 (3): 121-127.  
    Abstract1391)   HTML413)    PDF(pc) (908KB)(3562)       Save
    As an important index that measures whether the housing price matches people’s income, housing price to income ratio has strong regional characteristics. The housing price to income ratio varies in China’s different cities. This thesis uses the rank-size analysis method to study the major trends of housing price to income ratio of 287 Chinese cities from 2006 to 2010, and then uses the principal component analysis and cluster analysis methods to divide Chinese Cities into five types and analyzes the detail of this ratio in each type city. The result shows that: (1) The differentiation of housing price to income ratio in Chinese Cities shows a trend of expansion from 2006 to 2010, and big cities’ ratios rose more obviously. (2) From the first-tier cities to the fourth tier cities, housing price to income ratio showed a downward trend; (3) Resource-based cities’ housing price to income ratio was between the third-tier cities and fourth-tier cities. (4) Regression analysis shows that urbanization rate had positive influences on housing price to income ratio, but GDP had weak positive influence.
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    A Study on Marx’ Innovations of the Inflation Theory and Their Realistic Value
    ZHANG Chuan-Yong
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2011, 43 (4): 102-107.  
    Abstract3291)   HTML293)    PDF(pc) (363KB)(3198)       Save
    Compared to the classical quantity theory of money putting currency in circulation as the only factor to cause inflation, Marx believes that accelerating the velocity of money is one of the reasons leading to inflation, and distinguishing the changes in value of its currency by currency devaluation or a relative depreciation is a key to formulate policy of controlling inflation. From the recent situation, the endogenous theory of money supply is more in line with China's reality. Therefore, based on the logic of the endogenous money supply and causes of inflation, China's current basic idea of controlling inflation is setting the demand of money in circulation as the target, while strictly controlling money supply to match with demand, making the central bank play a fundamental role in controlling money, and supplementing with necessary administrative means.
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    A Comparison on Chinese and Japanese Absorptions of Bluntchli’s State Organic Theory
     ----A Focus on Kato Hiroyuki and Liang Qichao
    WANG Xiao-Fan
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2011, 43 (4): 42-48.  
    Abstract2341)   HTML267)    PDF(pc) (379KB)(3158)       Save
    Kato Hiroyuki’s and Liang Qichao’s absorptions of Bluntchli’s theory of social organism had their own characteristics. Kato mainly focused on Bluntchli’s doctrine of sovereign rights of state as a legal institution and its implied idea of monarchical sovereignty. Liang was more concerned with Bluntchli’s views on essential laws of state’s formation, development and decline, based on his positivistic method of historical research. Their distinctive features reflected then different problems confronted by China and Japan and basic differences between their cultural traditions.
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    Religion, Society and Power——A Sociological Analysis of “the Market Theory of Religion”
    LI Xiang-Ping, YANG Lin-Xia
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2011, 43 (5): 1-7.  
    Abstract1654)   HTML237)    PDF(pc) (1654KB)(2961)       Save
    At the macro level, Stark’s market theory of religion not only analyzes religious phenomenon and religious activities, but also involves multiple and complex interactions among nation, religion, individual beliefs, society, politics and so on. Beyond these, the implicit analysis of the “churchstate relationship” deeply criticizes all disadvantages coming with religious regulations, which provides useful references and ideas for the management and development of religion in the current Chinese society.
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    Towards Landscape Narrative: Modern Evolution of the Form and Function of Legends: A Case Study on Fahai Cave and Leifeng Tower
    YU Hong-yan
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2014, 46 (2): 110-117.  
    Abstract778)   HTML130)    PDF(pc) (689KB)(2940)       Save
    Landscape narrative is a narrative system comprised of many elements such as images, sculptures, billboards and tour guide manuals with legendary characters and plots as the premise and landscape buildings as the core. When the function of traditional oral narrative in modern society becomes weaker and weaker, landscapes undertake more and more narrative functions of narrating legends and inheriting legend values. This is a remarkable feature of modern folklore. The personage “Fahai” in the legend of the “White Snake” has been gradually transformed into the visual landscape “Fahai Cave”. The positive image of Fahai has been reconstructed, playing an active role in constructing regional politics and culture. The reconstructed Leifeng Tower extends the legend to real life surrounding the landscape by narrating systematically the legendary plots closely related to Leifeng Tower. This is a typical case that the legendary landscape surpasses the linguistic form. Today, folk legends are rather presented by landscapes than spread orally. In this way, the regional image is improved and local tourism is developed. Legends have become important resources of the cultural industry and regional politics. Behind this evolution, economic factors overwhelm moral factors and regional demands replace value demands.
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    The Nexus of Income Gap, Economic Growth and Educational Inequality in China
    LONG Cui-Hong
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2011, 43 (5): 138-144.  
    Abstract1796)   HTML229)    PDF(pc) (1571KB)(2938)       Save
    This paper incorporates distributionlag model into a system of equations to study the nexus of income inequality, economic growth and education in China. The major findings are: (1) Income inequality has a negative effect on economic growth, and economic growth will in turn be helpful to narrow the income gap; therefore, controlling the income gap is conducive to economic growth and in turn conducive to narrowing the income gap, which may achieve a goal that both equality and growth develop coordinately. (2) The income distribution inequality leads to educational inequality, but the lessening of educational inequality has not promoted to narrow the gap in income distribution and a virtuous circle between educational equality and income distribution equality has not formed spontaneously. To make education, economic growth, income distribution into an endogenous nice track, we need a series of reforms, policies and measures to guide, and gradually solve such problems as unreasonable labor market structure, urban and rural variations in returns to schooling and unreasonable educational investment structure.
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    Liang Qichao’s Rediscovery of the Lyric Tradition in Chinese Literature in 1920s
    ZHANG Guan-fu
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2013, 45 (3): 32-37.  
    Abstract1270)   HTML188)    PDF(pc) (472KB)(2899)       Save
    In the context of the New Culture Movement, Liang Qi-chao corrected his position in earlier years of emphasizing reforming Chinese literature by learning from European literature with an undervaluation of traditional Chinese literature, especially the orthodox literature of poetry. He gave a new analysis and interpretation of the history of Chinese poetry in the frame of studies of ancient Chinese civilization. He argued that the lyric spirit is the fundamental spirit of Chinese literature. In clarifying and explicating the profound lyric tradition in ancient China, he spoke highly of Qu Yuan, Tao Yuan-ming and Du Fu because of their personalities and poetic achievements. Liang Qi-chao rediscovered the lyrical tradition in Chinese literature so as to take it as an important resource and paradigm for the construction of new literature and new culture. Here we will find some disagreement and dialogues between Liang and the mainstream discourse in the New Culture Movement and literary revolution.
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    Zhou Enlai and Kissinger’s November 1973 Visit to China
    Chen Jian
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2014, 46 (1): 15-26.  
    Abstract823)   HTML10)    PDF(pc) (760KB)(2873)       Save
    By comparing declassified American documents with available Chinese materials, as well as referring to the author’s dialogue with Dr. Kissinger himself at the “Kissinger documentary conference” at Yale University in March 2012, this paper tries to have some fresh exploration of Kissinger’s visit to China in November 1973, Zhou’s discussion with him about Chinese-American military-intelligence cooperation and, in relation with them, the Politburo’s criticism of Zhou after Kissinger’s visit.
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    The Tianxia Consciousness of Baekje and the Tianxia Order of the Eastern Jin and Southern Dynasties
    LI Lei
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2014, 46 (2): 64-71.  
    Abstract825)   HTML7)    PDF(pc) (789KB)(2869)       Save
    In the historical trend that different ethnical groups began to build their own regimes after the disintegration of the great union of the Easter Jin Dynasty, Baekje represented a typical performance. With the tianxia Consciousness, Baekje formally constructed a unified political system and shared a same cultural world with the Eastern Jin Dynasty. The reason why the King of Baekje obtained a title in Baekje’s first presenting tribute to the Eastern Jin lies in the international situation and respective domestic demands at that time on the one hand and the fact that the king family of Baekje was the offspring of Buyeo on the other. Since then, almost each King of Baekje sent an envoy to the court of the Eastern Jin and Southern Dynasties to accept the former king’s title at the beginning of his reign. In the 5th century, especially after the King Dongseong submitted to the imperial court, it became a usual practice that the officials in Baekje must be appointed by the court of the Southern Dynasties. Compared with King of Dangchang and King of Henan, King of Baekje enjoyed special privileges from the imperial court in terms of absorbing the culture system of the region of jiangzuo due to their cultural and emotional identity. Baekje and the Eastern Jin and Southern Dynasties shared the same tianxia order, and the decline of the Southern Dynasties also caused the decline of Baekje.
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    On John Fryer’s “Movement of Writing Up-to-day Novels”
    CHEN Da-kang
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2013, 45 (3): 1-14.  
    Abstract1092)   HTML234)    PDF(pc) (909KB)(2843)       Save
    The “Movement of Writing Up-to-day Novels” initiated by English Missionary John Fryer has always received high evaluation in the research of novels in modern times. By analyzing John Fryer’s articles for soliciting and the articles he received, this thesis is aimed to reveal that this movement was quite religious, most of the authors who participated in this activity were Christians, most of the articles they wrote were not novels and consequently this movement did not have great influence on the development of novels in modern times and was not related to the “new novels” thereafter. However, these articles have a high value as historical documents, from which we can know about the thoughts and activities of foreign missionaries, the operation of religious organizations in different areas, the psychologies of Christians, the middle and lower classes’ understanding of the current situation and future of the nation and their understanding of literature, etc.
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    The Spread of Hanshan Poems in France and Its Significance
    JIANG Xiang-Yan
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2011, 43 (4): 15-20.  
    Abstract2025)   HTML253)    PDF(pc) (497KB)(2839)       Save
    Three years before Arthur Waley translated Hanshan’s 27 poems into English in 1954, the French scholar Georges Margouliès had paid special attention to Hanshan and his poems in his Histoire de la Littérature Chinoise: Poésie and analyzed contributions Hanshan had made to the development of poetry in the early Tang period. Since the 1970s Hanshan and his poems have become one of French sinologists’ research focuses due to their close relations with Buddhism. The researches on Hanshan by French sinologists have been made great progress ever since, and their significance to contemporary French thought and culture is mainly on aspects of philosophy, language, literature and life.
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    Restoration Study on the Reading Method and Meaning of the Original Linear Text of The Zhou Book of Changes
    FU Hui-sheng
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2013, 45 (4): 1-14.  
    Abstract939)   HTML23)    PDF(pc) (1709KB)(2819)       Save
    Confucius, in his understanding of The Zhou Book of Changes, took the linear text as the source domain to elaborate its philosophy, while the linear text was the target domain of the sixty-four hexagram system as the source domain. Therefore, the linear text became a double face mirror. After Confucius, people continued his way of elaboration, and formulated “the three two-line reading model” in The Appendices to The Zhou Book of Changes. Therefore, the original “two three-line reading model” as the historian-sorcerer’s method went into oblivion, and the original textural meanings became vague and fragmental. The later exposition and the annotation of the linear text up to now have long been unable to be close and appropriate to the original. In the perspective of history, before the sixties of the twentieth century, it was unimaginable to restore the original reading model and the textual meaning, even though many scholars tried hard. Now the development of linguistic philosophy and linguistics, especially the philosophy in the flesh and the cognitive linguistics, makes it possible for us to apply these knowledge and methods to the archaeological reading and study of the original text. Possibly some words in the text were revised or added for omissions in the past, but on the whole, the original method and meaning of the linear text have been basically restored through four steps: the two-trigram structure, vertical and horizontal image lines, dynamic holistic-partial integrated analysis and cultural and thinking characteristic analysis. The restored linear text demonstrates the three characteristics recorded in The Zuo’s Commentary on The Spring and Autumn Annals: changing images, Ji Dan’s virtue and the ideological foundation of hegemony of the Zhou Dynasty.
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    Study on the Spatial Distribution of Population Aging and the Synchronization with Economic Development in China
    SUN Lei, CHANG Tian-jiao, GUO Quan-yu
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2014, 46 (3): 123-132.  
    Abstract893)   HTML4)    PDF(pc) (2468KB)(2815)       Save
    According to three census data in 1990, 2000 and 2010, we analyze the current situation of population aging in China and the relationship between the trends of aging and economic development. Then we use the spatial autocorrelation model and innovative economic autocorrelation model, including global and local Moran indices, Getis-ord local G, to investigate the spatial correlation and economic relevance of the regional population aging. The conclusions show that the spatial correlation and economic relevance are both significantly positive, and the aged-child ratio depends more on economic level than spatial location, which means economic development has greater influence on the regional differences of population aging than spatial location. Therefore, the government should make policies according to different economic level.
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    What is “Japanese Yomeigaku”?
    DENG Hong
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2015, 47 (4): 153-166.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2015.04.021
    Abstract1019)   HTML160)    PDF(pc) (2844KB)(2809)       Save
    “Japanese Yomeigaku” refers to a social movement in Japan in the late 19th century in the name of WANG Yang-ming. The movement had complicated causes and lots of academic fiction. Although “Yomeigaku” literally means “the study of Yang-ming”, we have to make a distinction between Japanese Yomeigaku as a social movement and the study of Yang-ming as the study of WANG Yang-ming’s philosophy, which has flourished after the World War II in Japan.
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    Kang Youwei’s Doctrine of Great Unity and World Political Order: A New Philosophical Dream
    LIU Liang-jian
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2013, 45 (2): 52-58.  
    Abstract1082)   HTML135)    PDF(pc) (1700KB)(2804)       Save
    Kang Youwei develops a theory of world political order in his Book of Great Unity in an age of competing among nation-states. He advocates a world state with great unity to go beyond the separation and conflict among nation-states. Zhao Tingyang echoes Kang Youwei to some degree in his project of tianxia system. A dialogue among Kang Youwei, Zhao Tingyang, Kant, Habermas and Thomas Pogge leads us to have a new understanding of the significance of a world state, which is “a discarded choice” in Kant.
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