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    15 July 2021, Volume 53 Issue 4 Previous Issue    Next Issue
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    History and Normativity in Political Theory: The Case of Rawls
    Bourke Richard
    2021, 53 (4):  1-13.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2021.04.001
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    John Rawls’ conception of “justice” has stimulated ongoing discussions in the academic circle. Resituating Rawls in a genealogy of ideas, this article explores the intellectual traditions inherited by Rawls and illuminates affinities and differences between him and a group of thinkers including Hume, Kant, and Berlin. With an opposition to unmitigated ‘monism’, Rawls constructed his model of a well-ordered society based on the plurality of moral attitudes and the stability of just arrangements. Perhaps a better way to understand and develop Rawls’ “theory of justice” doesn’t merely lie in theoretical arguments advanced from a normative perspective. It also demands context-sensitive analysis. The applicability of the categories on offer needs to be surveyed, the shifting balance of forces must be assessed, the actual historical development of social transformation needs to be considered, and the politicization of social movements requires sociological and historical study. Only on that basis can we deepen our thoughts about the possibility of realizing the ideal of justice.

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    Artificial Norms and Virtue:Rethinking to Hume’s Theory of Justice
    Qun GONG
    2021, 53 (4):  14-23.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2021.04.002
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    Hume’s theory of justice is unique in the Western intellectual history of justice. On the one hand, Hume holds the dualism of human nature: human beings have both the nature of benevolence or sympathy for others and selfish nature and emotion; on the other hand, he believes that people are fundamentally selfish. In Hume, such two kinds of emotions or natures of human beings produce two kinds of rules or virtues, in which one is natural and the other is artificial. Fundamentally speaking, artificial rules or virtues originate from the selfish nature of human beings. Justice is produced on the premise of an agreement made to regulate people’s selfish nature so that people can benefit each other. Hume mainly discusses the three laws of justice, but he only discusses the virtue of justice in the sense of moral sense produced by fulfilling one’s promise. However, Hume’s views on the origin of justice are contradictory: although he discusses the original contract in his Treatise of Human Nature, he basically negates the original contract in other theses.

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    On the Rationality of “New Dialectics” in the Interpretation of Das Kapital:A Critical Analysis of Arthur’s System Dialectics
    Yong-jie CHEN, Xiao-ting TAN
    2021, 53 (4):  24-32.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2021.04.003
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    Dissatisfied with the dogmatic interpretation of Das Kapital, Christopher J. Arthur of the school of “New Dialectics” reconstructed the work from Hegel’s dialectics. Arthur creatively proposed the system dialectics, constructed the “dialectical necessity” with the form of value as the carrier, and clarified the formation process of the capitalist economic system under the transformation of the value form. To some extent, Arthur’s system dialectics can help us understand the inherent contradictions of capitalism and the role of value forms in the economic system. However, since he started from Hegel’s speculative reason, and only confined to discussing the generation and demise of value forms within capitalism, Arthur ignored the historical principles of negativity and criticism contained in Marx’s dialectics. Therefore, he cannot help but fall into the trap of interpreting dialectics in the form of abstraction.

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    Reshaping the Concept of Leisure and the Concept of Labor in the Era of Post COVID-19:On the Necessity of Developing Science and Technology Based on Humanity
    Su-mei CHENG
    2021, 53 (4):  33-40.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2021.04.004
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    The spread of COVID-19 has shown nature’s ruthless revenge on the development mode of industrialization and the great challenge for greedy human nature, opening the second process in which “human shall be human”. This process is a process not only to give up the fetters of materialism and technicalism and to establish spiritual independence and behavioral autonomy, but also to return to the life world and to deconstruct the alien dichotomy of leisure and labor by making leisure a new state of labor and the discovery of life meaning. In the era of post COVID-19, a new understanding of leisure also means a new understanding of labor. Leisure is a trigger that makes life interesting and happy and a vane of deciding to achieve oneself and find out the meaning of life in the uncertain life world. It indicates that only leisure labor can give life a new style. The deepen development of the intelligent revolution supplies a material premise for the unity of leisure and labor, which will make humanity function as the realistic basis for the development of science and technology.

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    The Neighborly Relations and the Ritual Education after the Qin and Han Dynasties
    Qin-fu TANG
    2021, 53 (4):  41-54.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2021.04.005
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    Based on agriculture, the relation between agricultural production and dwelling in the ancient China witnessed the development trend from the state that the production labor was relatively scattered and residence was relatively concentrated to the state that both the production labor and residence were relatively scattered. No matter scattered or concentrated, the neighborly relations are very important to common people, which is directly related to national administration. Confucianism maintains that the basic organizations in villages and townships should bear the mission of public education to establish harmonious social order and sound neighborly relations. Confucian rites were neglected in the Qin Dynasty so that the neighborly relations were in tense. In the Western and Eastern Han Dynasties, due to the rise of Confucianism, the establishment of stable social orders and harmonious relations among neighbors as well as the ritual education of the public were paid great attention. Castle-shaped residential houses appeared in the Western Han Dynasty and lasted till the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties. In the time of war, the neighborly relations experienced distortion and alienation and the ritual education was terminated. The neighborly relations experienced major changes in the Tang and Song Dynasties. At that time, the household registration system based on townships was abolished, centralized residence was terminated and private schools and clans rose, so the gentries bore the responsibility of ritual education of the masses. These factors caused great changes to the neighborly relations. In a nutshell, the neighborly relations in ancient China were restrained by economic conditions, political status, and influenced by ritual education and the efforts of official-scholars.

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    Evocation Funeral and Five Rites System in the Eastern Jin Dynasty
    Man-cang LIANG
    2021, 53 (4):  55-65.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2021.04.006
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    According to Confucianism, the soul of a human being exists and the body and soul rest in the grave and the ancestral temple respectively when a person passes away. This provides the theoretical foundation for Confucian rites system to distinguish fortune rites from unfortune ones. In the late Western Jin Dynasty, due to the invasion of northern foreign tribes, many people in Central China moved to the south and even the court moved to Jiankang. For some official-scholars, when their families moved to the south, they lost their lives in the war in the north and their corpses could not be found. Hence, the evocation funeral was advocated. Differing from the traditional evocation custom, there was no corpse placed in the coffins in the grave but only souls in the evocation funeral in the Eastern Jin Dynasty. This funeral ceremony conflicted with the idea of body and spirit in traditional Confucianism and threatened the Five Rites System which was under construction at that time. Therefore, the evocation funeral was denounced fiercely by Confucian officials in the court and was forbidden in the end. However, it became prevalent in the late Southern and Northern Dynasties and the Sui and Tang Dynasties, which was related to the maturity of the Five Rites System.

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    The Materialist View of History and the Research of Ancient Chinese Rites:On the Methodology of Ritual Study in the 20th Century
    Hua YANG
    2021, 53 (4):  66-82.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2021.04.007
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    As the mainstream historical research in the 20th century, historical materialists have provided unique understanding of Chinese traditional rites. Since GUO Mo-ruo’s Research of the Ancient Chinese Society, materials of rites have gained great attention, which can be seen in early works of historical materialism by FAN Wen-lan, JIAN Bo-zan, LV Zhen-yu, HOU Wai-lu and others. According to historical materialism, rites reflect essentially the nature of a particular class, so they denounce rites fiercely, regarding them as specific phenomena in a certain society in a certain time and believing that ritual study will perish along with the collapse of the feudal society. The issue of rites provides key historical and institutional support for the theory of the forms of society. The analyzing method of rites in the early materialist view of history has been used and developed with awareness in the works of later scholars like YANG Kuan and YANG Xiang-kui. YANG Kuan’s research of rites including Ji(emperor’s ploughing the field), Guan(puberty rite of men), She(shooting), Dasou(military practice under the name of hunting), Zhijian(meeting etiquette) and Xiangyinjiu(banquet ceremony in the township) elevated himself to the academic peak. The research of rites from the materialist view of history mainly focuses on the overall history rather than trivial textual examinations. Influenced by the academic trend of suspecting the past, these scholars maintain that the literature on “three rites” and related rituals formed later than historically stated. Moreover, they attempted to go beyond the Confucian classic studies and pay particular attention to the rites in economy and society. Despite great academic achievements, there exist two major deficiencies in their study: on the one hand, they don’t have clear judgment on the nature and age of rites; on the other hand, the practice of dogmatization and labelling exist in their argumentation. Consequently, different researchers drew different conclusions from the same historical materials of rites due to different understandings and explanations.

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    “Today’s Literati” and “Fictional Discourse”:On LI Kai-xian’s Narrative of Group-Figures
    Ye YE
    2021, 53 (4):  83-96.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2021.04.008
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    There are more than twenty biographies in Chapters Nine and Ten of the Collected Works of Idle Living by LI Kai-xian. These biographies include his evaluation of the “Seven Masters of Hongzhi” and “Eight Talents of Jiajing”, secretively forming a textual dialogue with his “Poems on the Nine Masters” and “Poems on the Sixty Masters”. They characterize a special group of literati figures and reflect his awareness of writing a contemporary literary history. However, during the late Jiajing reign, as LI Kai-xian complained, it was difficult for an un-commissioned writer to write a biography for his contemporaries, since the mastery of original materials was always limited to the circulation of books. Therefore, once we discuss the narrative technique of these biographies, it is essential to avoid an open interpretation over the “textual independence, ” but to investigate the writer’s attitude towards different layered historical materials, such as official biographies, literary collections, or hearsays and rumors. The precondition for such an investigation is a careful textual collation on the biographies and their “pretexts.” As a famous dramatist and book collector, LI Kai-xian is passionate about popular literature, thus he actively employs various elements of popular literature into the writing of biographies. Vernacular or fictional languages are applied, oral historical materials are rediscovered under the trend of publishing oral literature, and the new tendency of “appreciation of ugliness” is established based on the commercialization over the literati- these are LI Kai-xian’s useful attempt at writing biographies while encountering a new time of literature.

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    Poetic Styles and Official Positions:The Styles of “Xikun” and “Plain” under Hierarchy Division
    Hao-ran XU
    2021, 53 (4):  97-108.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2021.04.009
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    In the history of Northern Song poetry, “Xikun” poets and MEI Yao-chen, the leader of “plain” style of poetry, came from two different hierarchies: the former belonged to the officials of imperial academies, and the latter came from the rank of low-level officials and ordinary scholars. Their different orientations of style of poetry showed different aesthetic tastes of their own classes. Examining the poetic styles and official positions, we can see that the orientation of the poetic style of “Xikun” corresponds to the origin of the noble class, which shows the stability of the life pattern; on the contrary, MEI Yao-chen demonstrated the tension of the life pattern between the pursuit of simple poetry and that of the noble career. In such a circumstance, MEI had poetic communication with YAN Shu and WANG Gui, the representatives of “Xikun” style in the later period. Based on the specific difference of official atmosphere and mentality, MEI clearly expressed two different attitudes of praise and belittle for his own “plain” style.

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    The Theory of Padqrtha in Ancient India and the Theory of Category in Ancient Greece
    Wei-qun YAO
    2021, 53 (4):  109-115.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2021.04.010
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    Ancient India and Greece are countries with ancient civilization in the world. Their philosophies are the treasures in Eastern and Western cultures. The theory of padqrtha in India and the theory of category in Greece are the remarkable theories in ancient philosophy. There are quite a few of similar respects in these two theories. The obvious similarity is that both make a clear distinction between things and their properties and states, and take substance as the basis for padqrtha or category. The obvious difference is that the meaning of padqrtha in Vaishesika is different from the meaning of category in Aristotle. For some of Vaishesika’s padqrtha outside the meaning of substance- although not all of them- we can find counterparts in the categories established by Aristotle outside the meaning of substance. Had the ancient Indian theory of padqrtha drawn upon the ancient Greek theory of category, or the latter had learnt anything from the former? It is impossible to make a completely positive or negative conclusion based on the available materials. More likely, they were similar theories created independently.

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    The Buddhist Construction of Chinese Historical View from the Perspective of Modernity:Centered on Taixu’s View of “Causal History”
    Hu-qun LI
    2021, 53 (4):  116-123.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2021.04.011
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    The gradual replacement of the traditional historical view by the view of “evolutionary history” is one of the most fundamental and important ideological changes in the modern transformation of Chinese thought, which has profoundly affected the self-cognition and social practice of Chinese people. Having an insight into the profound implications of this transition, Master Tai-xu made a critical reflection on the view of “evolutionary history” and constructed the view of “causal history”. This is the first clear and systematic Buddhist view of history in China’s intellectual history. It contains a profound understanding of life, time, history, and their interrelationships. From the perspective of modernity, this paper elucidates the rich meaning of this theory, and reveals its great theoretical and practical significance.

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    The Shaping and Transformation of the “Axial Age” of the Global Digital Economic Value Chain
    Nan-ping YU
    2021, 53 (4):  124-135.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2021.04.012
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    The fourth industrial revolution has been promoting the global production and consumption mode to realize the transformation and revolution of digital economy. The globally outbreak of COVID-19 has been catalyzing the transformation of the digital economy and promoting the structural restructuring and reshaping of the global value chain. At present, there are still different levels of understanding and disputation on the connotation of digital economy. Taking “data capital” as the core conception and focusing on the three aspects of foundation, key sectors and broad sectors, we will accurately grasp the transformation process of digital economy as the typical representative of current economic and technological change. The transformation of global digital economy subverts some theoretical paradigms including traditional development economics and GVCs (global value chains); at the same time, more and more countries in the world also begin to shape a new generation of digital economic value chain with a variety of models. The Biden administration in the United States pays more attention to the concentration of foreign policy in the field of digital economic value chain. This process will inevitably lead to the competition and game among global powers in the “Axis Era” of digital economic value chain, and the result will also profoundly affect the structural change and systematic reshaping of international power in the future.

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    Has Green Supply Chain Management Encouraged Clean Technology Innovation? An Empirical Analysis Based on Identification and Classification Test
    Zhi-qing DONG, Yu-song TAN, Zhang-lu CAO
    2021, 53 (4):  136-149.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2021.04.013
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    On the issues such as whether green supply chain management can stimulate clean technology innovation, and whether there are differences in green technology innovation among enterprises with different identities, the existing literature has not yet formed systematic research results. The panel data of 147 local companies and 343 foreign-funded companies in Chinese market are selected to investigate in depth the differences in the clean technology innovation effects of green supply chain management for companies with different identities in the same market environment in China. It shows that green supply chain management presents non-equivalence in the incentive effect of clean technology innovation between local enterprises and foreign-funded enterprises. The difference in external institutional distance and internal dimensions is the reason for the difference in green supply chain management effects. The clean technology innovation effect of the internal green supply chain management of foreign-funded enterprises shows obvious heterogeneity, and the clean technology innovation incentive effect of the labor-intensive, clean production type and the green supply chain management of wholly foreign-owned enterprises is stronger. For this reason, government policy intervention shall pay attention to the sensitivity of corporate green supply chain management to environmental intervention.

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    The Effects of Children’s Quantity and Quality on Parental Subjective Well-being
    Qiang LI, Jun-han DONG, Xin ZHANG
    2021, 53 (4):  150-165.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2021.04.014
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    With the development of society and economy, the change of ideas and the improvement of social security system, the intergenerational relationship in China has undergone great changes. An in-depth study of the association between the number and quality of children and parents’ well-being is of great theoretical and practical significance to clarifying intergenerational relationships at different life stages. To this end, using the 2015 China Health and Aging Tracking Data for the Elderly (CHARLS), we examine the effects of the number of children and the quality of children (measured by children’s annual income and education level) on the subjective well-being (measured by life satisfaction and depression) of middle-aged and elderly parents. It shows that the higher the number of children, the lower the life satisfaction and the higher the depression of parents. The higher the children’s income level, the higher the life satisfaction and lower the depression of parents. The higher the children’s education level, the lower the life satisfaction of middle-aged parents, but the lower the depression of older parents. The resource advantage at the individual level and the family level can offset the effects of the number of children, but not the effects of the quality of children on parental well-being. The effects of the quality of children are more robust and significant to parental well-being. Based on this, it is recommended to enhance the development capacity of individuals and families, create more and more equitable educational opportunities, give more support to families whose children are at the stage of education, and give education inclination policies to disadvantaged families.

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    On the Relationship between Employment Situation and Subjective Well-being of Floating Population:An Empirical Analysis Based on a Hierarchical Model
    Xuan MO, Yu-xiang YANG
    2021, 53 (4):  166-178.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2021.04.015
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    Based on the dynamic monitoring data of floating population and the particularity of the China’s dual labor market, this thesis divides floating population into three types: employment within the system, employment outside the system and unemployment. From the perspectives of family patronage, institutional patronage and the conflict between work and family, we use a hierarchical model to study the relationship between employment situation and subjective well-being of floating population. The result shows that the floating population of being married, with family mobility and better family economic conditions is more likely to leave the labor market, especially for women. The subjective well-being of the unemployed and the employed within the system is higher than those employed outside the system. The work-family conflict caused by overtime work is an intermediary mechanism for the difference in subjective well-being of floating population in different employment situations. On that account, this thesis suggests that the government take measures to gradually eliminate labor market segmentation, strengthen labor protection for those employed outside the system, and build standardized and harmonious labor relations. At the same time, we shall also improve the service policy system, create convenient conditions for the family mobility of floating population and incorporate gender factors into the considerations of public policy formulation to promote gender equality in the economy and society.

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