华东师范大学(哲学社会科学版) ›› 2014, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (5): 60-67.

• 哲学研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 华东师范大学哲学系
  • 出版日期:2014-09-15 发布日期:2014-10-02
  • 通讯作者: 郁锋
  • 作者简介:郁锋
  • 基金资助:

    本文系国家社科基金青年项目“分析哲学和现象学对话中的知觉意向性研究”(13CZX049)、第52 批中国博士后基金面上资助项目(2012M520860)、教育部哲学社会科学重大课题攻关项目(13JZD004)的阶段性成果。

Thought and Language: A Reexamination of the Thesis of the Priority of Language

YU Feng   

  • Online:2014-09-15 Published:2014-10-02
  • Contact: YU Feng
  • About author:YU Feng

摘要: 在达米特、埃文斯等人的助推下,思想和语言的关系问题成为关乎分析哲学基础的一个重要议题。过去的几十年间,达米特提出的“语言优先性论题”即语言分析是通往思想哲学的唯一路径,被经典分析哲学家奉为根本信条。然而,埃文斯、皮考克等思想理论家大胆挑战语言优先性论题在思考思想和语言关系问题上的教条,主张思想的把握比语言分析更为基础,在哲学解释的次序上思想应先于语言。这种观点,一方面承认语言表达不再是描述思想的唯一载体,在哲学分析中思想也具有基础性地位,为重审思想的本质提供了新的思路;另一方面,这种观点也为研究思想的构成要素———概念提供了新的空间。而且,上述观点扩展至概念研究中将改变传统认知科学和心灵哲学关于概念本体和概念获得的基本假设。

关键词: 思想, 语言, 概念, 优先性, 思想理论家

Abstract: Partly due to the effort of Dummett, Evans and other thinkers, the relation between thought and language has become one of the key issues concerning the foundation of analytical philosophy. In recent decades, Dummett’s “thesis of the priority of language”, that is, linguistic analysis as the unique approach to philosophy, has been accepted by most of analytical philosophers. However, Evans, Peacocke and other philosophers oppose Dummett and insist that thought is prior to language in the order of philosophical explanations. Providing a new framework to rethink the nature of thought and a new direction to the study of concepts, this opinion challenges the basic hypothesis of concept ontology and concept acquisition in traditional cognitive sciences and the philosophy of mind.