华东师范大学(哲学社会科学版) ›› 2014, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (1): 53-60.

• 法学研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 华东政法大学科学研究院,上海,201620
  • 出版日期:2014-01-15 发布日期:2014-03-02
  • 通讯作者: 王永杰
  • 作者简介:王永杰

Procedural Regulations of Simultaneous Sound and Video Recording Applied in the Investigation and Interrogation in the New Criminal Litigation Law: Predicaments and Solutions

WANG Yong-jie   

  • Online:2014-01-15 Published:2014-03-02
  • Contact: WANG Yong-jie
  • About author:WANG Yong-jie

摘要: 虽然我国新刑诉法已经明确确立了录音录像制度,但是依然存在选择性录音录像、录音录像证据移送不明确、双方缺乏有效质证、不录音录像后果不明确等问题。基于对成因的分析,有关部门应当在借鉴域外有关立法和司法经验的基础之上,对录音录像证据的诉讼地位问题,录音录像的案件范围问题,质证问题以及违反录音录像规定的后果等问题予以进一步明确、完善,以确保该制度能够得到良性运行。

关键词: 侦查讯问, 同步录音录像, 程序规制

Abstract: Although the new criminal litigation law has stipulated the system of simultaneous sound and video recording, some problems still exist. For example, the sound and video recording is optional, and the delivery of sound and video records is not clear. After analyzing the causes, this paper suggests that we should, by drawing upon the legislation and judicature experiences in other countries, clarify and solve the following issues concerning sound and video recording so as to ensure the benign operation of this system: its litigant status, its judicial scope, its testimony and the punishment for violating the stipulations.