华东师范大学(哲学社会科学版) ›› 2014, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (6): 85-92.

• 城市史研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 华东师范大学 思勉人文高等研究院 上海 200241
  • 出版日期:2014-11-15 发布日期:2014-12-11
  • 通讯作者: 赵莹莹
  • 作者简介:赵莹莹

From being reclusive to being secular: a research on Xu Yuan(1883-1919)

ZHAO Ying-ying   

  1. Si-mian Institute for Advanced Studies in Humanities, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200241, China
  • Online:2014-11-15 Published:2014-12-11
  • Contact: ZHAO Ying-ying
  • About author:ZHAO Ying-ying

摘要: 1883-1919年间,在近代都市化的快速推进和民主革命日益高涨的过程中,江南买办商人和文人推动上海徐园经历了从“私家园林”——“公共雅集园”——“商业娱乐园”——“大众准公园”的近代变迁过程。这一过程中,上海的江南买办商人和文人对自身的身份认同也分别经历着从“雅士”到“雅商”再到“绅商”,和从“雅士”到“政治文人”的转型,同时,疏离政治的“隐逸”的江南文化传统也在都市空间中逐渐让位于热心社会和政治的“入世”倾向。

关键词: 徐园, 江南买办商人, 江南文人, 隐逸, 入世

Abstract: With the rapid urbanization and the fierce democratization and revolutionization, Shanghai Xu Garden went through the process of being a private garden to a literati gathering garden, to a commercial amusement park, to a quasi-park by Jiangnan compradors and Jiangnan literati from 1883 to 1919. During this process, Jiangnan compradors became from artistic scholars to tasteful merchants to gentry merchants, while Jiangnan literati changed from artistic scholars to political literati. As a result, the reclusive keep-out-of-politics tradition of Jiangnan culture gradually gave its way to the secular keen-on-politics trend.

Key words: Xu Yuan, Jiangnan compradors, Jiangnan literati, reclusive, secular