

  • 易凌峰 ,
  • 刘思婷 ,
  • 宋婕 ,
  • 李腾
易凌峰, 华东师范大学经济与管理学部教授(上海, 200062)|刘思婷, 华东师范大学经济与管理学部硕士研究生|宋婕, 华东师范大学经济与管理学部硕士研究生

网络出版日期: 2021-01-27

Employees' Cultural Value Orientation, Cross-cultural Interaction Capability and Innovation Performance:An Empirical Study Based on Multinational R&D Enterprises in Shanghai

  • Ling-feng YI ,
  • Si-ting LIU ,
  • Jie SONG ,
  • Teng LI

Online published: 2021-01-27




易凌峰 , 刘思婷 , 宋婕 , 李腾 . 员工文化价值取向、跨文化互动能力与创新绩效——基于上海跨国研发企业的实证[J]. 华东师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版), 2021 , 53(1) : 155 -168 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2021.01.018


Cultural difference is an important factor affecting the performance of multinational enterprises. Based on a survey of 157 employees of multinational R&D enterprises in Shanghai, this paper empirically analyzes the impact of cultural value orientation differences of employees on individual innovation performance. The result shows that employees' cultural value orientation has a significant impact on their innovation performance. Specifically, low power distance, weak uncertainty avoidance, collectivism, flexible culture and long-term cultural value orientation have positive effects on employees' innovation performance. Furthermore, the layered stepwise regression method is used to examine the moderating effect of the cross-cultural interaction capability of the employees on the relationship between the cultural value orientation of the employees and their innovation performance. It shows that the cross-cultural interaction capability can significantly moderate the relationship of low power distance, weak uncertainty avoidance, collectivism, long-term orientation cultural value orientation and employees' innovation performance in a positive way. The above-mentioned study can theoretically enrich the empirical research on the differences in the cultural value orientation and management of employees in the Chinese cultural context. In practice, it can provide management enlightenment for the internationalization of Chinese R&D enterprises and the development of multinational R&D enterprises under the background of the rapid economic and social development in China and the construction of Shanghai as a global scientific and technological innovation center.


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