

  • 吴娱玉

网络出版日期: 2023-01-18



“Death”,“Cavity”,“Labyrinth” and “Outside”:On Deleuze’s Acceptance and Creative Transformation of Foucault from the Perspective of Raymond Russell

  • Yu-yu WU

Online published: 2023-01-18




吴娱玉 . “死亡”·“空洞”·“迷宫”·“外界”——从雷蒙·鲁塞尔看德勒兹对福柯的接受和创化[J]. 华东师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版), 2023 , 55(1) : 103 -113 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2023.01.010


In the 1960s, Foucault had a great interest in literature, especially in Russell. He believed that Russell unfolded the plot by making sentences with similar pronunciations but different meanings. Russell broke the correspondence between words and objects, making the words lose the function of expressing meanings and become a free game. In this way, language is no longer a tool to represent the world, but becomes itself. Then literature will not any more narrate stories or represent things, but become a maze of increasing words. Deleuze followed Foucault’s path, continued to rewrite and formed new metaphors, the “death of the writer” becoming a “desire machine”, words turning devoid as the “repetition of differences”, the idea of “labyrinth” leading to “fold” poetry, and the “outside” space changing into curvy “escape”. Influenced by Foucault, Deleuze believed that Russell was a great replicator, and he included differences to the greatest extent. Deleuze extended his idea of differences and constructed a new labyrinth poetics. Hence, literature develops from the crack of discourses in the way of deviating from itself, bears the mission of resisting the subject and deconstructing reason, and demonstrates its endless revolutionary and pioneering spirit.

