录用日期: 2022-12-19
网络出版日期: 2023-01-18
Migrant Children and Urban Migrant Workers’ Entrepreneurship
王桂新 , 丁俊菘 . 子女随迁与农民工城市创业[J]. 华东师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版), 2023 , 55(1) : 156 -169 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2023.01.015
With the increasing of urban migrant workers of family migration trend, migrant children’s impact on parents’ behavior decision-making has become increasingly common. As one of the most important employment forms of urban migrant workers, entrepreneurship is an important behavioral decision for their survival. An empirical analysis of China’s Migrants Dynamic Survey Data by China’s Healthcare Commission in 2017 finds that, firstly, migrant children can significantly improve the probability of migrant workers’ entrepreneurship. After overcoming the problems of endogeneity and selective bias, it can increase the probability of migrant workers’ entrepreneurship by 33.24%. Secondly, migrant children mainly affect the “survival-type” entrepreneurship of migrant workers, but has little impact on the “opportunity-type”. Thirdly, the influence mechanism of migrant children and migrant workers’ entrepreneurship is shown as follows: migrant children help to strengthen the identity of migrant workers as citizens and then promote their entrepreneurship. Fourthly, migrant children can help to facilitate migrant workers’ entrepreneurship and the integration of urban society, solve the problem of left-behind children in rural areas, and so on. This paper explores a new channel for the promotion of migrant workers’ entrepreneurship, which is also benefit for solving the problem of left-behind children, promoting the integration of urban society, and facilitating the healthy development of new-type urbanization.
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