录用日期: 2024-10-25
网络出版日期: 2024-12-02
Does the Housing Security System Promote the Common Prosperity of Families?:An Empirical Research Based on CHFS Data
石薇 , 王诗勇 . 住房保障制度是否促进了家庭共同富裕?——基于CHFS数据的实证研究[J]. 华东师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版), 2024 , 56(6) : 159 -176 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2024.06.014
The housing security system provides housing benefits to low-income families through redistribution mechanism, which is the basic security system for China to efficiently realize people’s livelihood, development, stability, coordination and mutual promotion. Does the housing security system, as a welfare expenditure that plays the role of social redistribution, promote the common prosperity of households? Based on the data of China Household Finance Survey (CHFS), this paper makes an empirical study and finds that China’s housing security system has narrowed the asset gap among households of all social strata due to its redistribution function, and has promoted households to achieve common prosperity, but this impact has been weakened in large families with large population size and families with high living costs in areas with high prices and housing prices. Furthermore, from the perspective of structural characteristics, the housing security system has a positive effect on material wealth and spiritual wealth, but has no significant impact on social sharing, which is due to the differences in the financial expenditure level of local governments on housing security. These conclusions have a strong policy significance for how to adjust China’s housing security system in the future in order to further play its positive role in common prosperity.
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