Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph ›› 2011, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (5): 8-14.

• 宗教社会学研究 • Previous Articles     Next Articles

The Religion in a Civic Society: A Study on Robert Wuthnow’s Model of Multidimensional Analysis

HUANG Hai-Bo   

  • Online:2011-09-15 Published:2011-10-12
  • Contact: HUANG Hai-Bo
  • About author: HUANG Hai-Bo

Abstract: To analyze religion in the perspective of civil society is an important progress in Western sociology of religion since the 1980s. Disagreeing with political analyses in the area, Robert Wuthnow advocates a multidimensional analysis on this issue. His framework includes: dimensions of politics and economy which compose external pressures on the civil society; the dimensions of diversity and community which challenge the civil society from the inside. Robert Wuthnow studies roles and consequences of religion as an element of civil society, when replying to these challenges and pressures. It is regretted that we haven't paid enough attention to this important scholar's theory and thought. This paper tries to make a relatively complete comment on Robert Wuthnow's studies of religion and civil society, thus providing rich theoretical resources for a further study on Chinese religion and construction of civil society.