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    15 September 2011, Volume 43 Issue 5 Previous Issue    Next Issue
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    Religion, Society and Power——A Sociological Analysis of “the Market Theory of Religion”
    LI Xiang-Ping, YANG Lin-Xia
    2011, 43 (5):  1-7. 
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    At the macro level, Stark’s market theory of religion not only analyzes religious phenomenon and religious activities, but also involves multiple and complex interactions among nation, religion, individual beliefs, society, politics and so on. Beyond these, the implicit analysis of the “churchstate relationship” deeply criticizes all disadvantages coming with religious regulations, which provides useful references and ideas for the management and development of religion in the current Chinese society.
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    The Religion in a Civic Society: A Study on Robert Wuthnow’s Model of Multidimensional Analysis
    HUANG Hai-Bo
    2011, 43 (5):  8-14. 
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    To analyze religion in the perspective of civil society is an important progress in Western sociology of religion since the 1980s. Disagreeing with political analyses in the area, Robert Wuthnow advocates a multidimensional analysis on this issue. His framework includes: dimensions of politics and economy which compose external pressures on the civil society; the dimensions of diversity and community which challenge the civil society from the inside. Robert Wuthnow studies roles and consequences of religion as an element of civil society, when replying to these challenges and pressures. It is regretted that we haven't paid enough attention to this important scholar's theory and thought. This paper tries to make a relatively complete comment on Robert Wuthnow's studies of religion and civil society, thus providing rich theoretical resources for a further study on Chinese religion and construction of civil society.
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    A Comment on Robert Bellah’s Religious Sociology
    LI Feng
    2011, 43 (5):  15-21. 
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    As a contemporary famous sociologist, Robert Bellah uses his sociology of religion to mainly discuss meanings and functions of religion in the perspective of modernity. On the basis of development of his thinking, it can be divided into four phases: the academic accumulation when he studied in the university; “pessimistic optimism” when he worked in Harvard University; “optimistic pessimism” during the late 1960s; the topic of “postProtestant man” after the 1970s. In detail, he researches the essence of religion, the epistemology of religious study, the relation between religion and modernization, religious evolution, civil religion and reconstruction of American moral ecology. Though there are some studies of Bellah’s theory in Chinese academia, they are still segmented. This article tries to grasp his theory on the whole.
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    Respecting Different Ways of Life: A Daoist Ethics of Virtue in the Zhuangzi
    HUANG Yong
    2011, 43 (5):  22-32. 
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    This article attempts to explore the possibility of a virtue ethics in a tradition that has been so far largely neglected by some scholars, Chinese Daoism, by focusing on one of the most important classics in this tradition, the Zhuangzi. It argues that, contrary to a rather common misconception of it as skeptic, relativistic, and therefore empty of any guide to moral life, it presents a solid normative ethics through various stories, and this normative ethics is a virtue ethics. The most important virtue, or trait of character, in such a Daoist virtue ethics, is to show respect for different ways of life, a trait not discussed in any familiar versions of virtue ethics in the West and yet most valuable to the contemporary life in a global and pluralistic society.
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    Is It Possible for Virtue Ethics Founded upon a Theory of Human Nature? 
    ——Shuttling between Confucian Ethics and Virtue Ethics
    LIU Liang-Jian
    2011, 43 (5):  33-38. 
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    There is a tendency to interpret Confucian ethics from the perspective of virtue ethics since its revival in the West. However, this paper suggests that Confucian virtue ethics, in its ideal form, should be a creative synthesis of Western virtue ethics and Confucian ethics as well. Then, after taking a close examination on the entry of “ethics” in Encyclopedia Britannica written by Peter Singer, the paper ventures three arguments against his critiques on virtue ethics. Finally, it argues that there is no gap of IsOught concerning human nature and consequently a theory of human nature can provide an ontological foundation for virtue ethics.
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    Three Basic Elements in the Concept of “Selfnegation”
    YANG Ze-Bo
    2011, 43 (5):  39-43. 
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    Debates will never come to an end among academics since Mou Zongsan raises his concept of selfnegation which is beyond common comprehensions. This article poses three  basic meanings of selfnegation, namely, “rang kai yi bu”,“xia jiang ning ju”, and “she zhi gui ren”. With these three points the concept of selfnegation can be more easily caught.
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    The Necessity of EastAsia Confucianism
    ——A Discourse Starting from Koyasu Nobukuni’s and Huang Junjie’s Relevant Expositions
    WU Zhen
    2011, 43 (5):  44-53. 
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    First of all, this article reviews Koyasu Nobukuni’s criticisms of the 21st century’s Taiwan Confucianism in East Asia, as well as Huang Junjie’s discourse on the possibility of EastAsia Confucianism. Based on these, this paper expresses four elementary views on the necessity of Confucianism in East Asia. First, as a kind of crosscultural study, the study of Confucianism in East Asia plays an active role in recognition and reevaluation of Confucianism in Chinese tradition. Second, it is totally necessary when criticizing views on East Asia by imperialists in history, including Chinese Empire and Japanese Empire. Third, the vision of this study plays an important role in helping us deeply understand and reflect politicalcultural history and socialcultural history in East Asia in modern times. Finally, the study of Confucianism can provide an important chance for Confucianism to go to the world and participate in dialogues among civilizations, and provide some helpful thoughts in dealing with globalization problems.
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    On Zhu Xi’s Theory of Removing Old Habits
    LU Qi-Wei
    2011, 43 (5):  54-62. 
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    The purpose of Zhu Xi's theory of cultivation lies in, by removing influences of bad habits, actualizing the original nature in order to ascend the level of personhood to the utmost. Zhu Xi conceives that an old habit retains two dimensions of disposition, namely, a disposition that flows from the “internal factor” and the other that flows from the “external factor”. He also makes an exploration of how to get rid of those old habits. Zhu Xi states that school education and children's education have a positive influence on the personal development. In accordance with views of “behavior theory” and “local philosophy” this paper makes a reinterpretation of Zhu Xi’s idea of removing old habits so as to highlight his theory’s positive influence upon a person’s cultivation of virtues.
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    The Development Space of Mass Organizations and Its Limitation in the Late Qing Dynasty 
    ——A Focus on Shanghai
    FANG Ping
    2011, 43 (5):  63-71. 
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    In the last decade of the Qing Dynasty there emerged various newstyle social organizations in Shanghai with a general elevation of social members’ “sociable” consciousness.These mass organizations had their different missions, but they tended to “maintain public good” and organized varied activities to develop their own ideas and influences. Consequently, they expanded the urban public life and effected reorganizations of local society. Owing to some subjective and objective factors, these nongovernment social organizations were limited in their development space.
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    The School, Student and Modern Concept of State during the Period before and after the Revolution of 1911
    QU Jun
    2011, 43 (5):  72-79. 
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    The modern concept of state is one of the most important concepts in the process of China to its modernization. Before and after the revolution of 1911, a new school system with a combination of newspapers and public opinions provided popularity of such a concept of with a strong support. Students in this process produced their admirations of some famous scholars in the late Qing Dynasty, and also developed a form of "foreign and Chinese debate" so as to affect their ideas in comparison. Thus, students' life world, knowledge world and even feeling world had significant changes during the period before and after the revolution of 1911.
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    Between Imperial Subject and Republican Citizen 
    ——A Focus on the Emperor’s Birthday in the 1900s in China
    XIAO Ye-Si-Shi-Lang
    2011, 43 (5):  80-86. 
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    Recently, there are a lot of researches on the national day ceremony of the Republic of China. But before the 1911 revolution, China already had a kind of culture of celebrating a memorial day. After the 1900 Boxer Movement, the Qing Dynasty started a political reform, and at that time introduced the Western new political culture according to which all the subject should raise national flags and celebrate the Emperor’s Birthday. On the other hand, Liang Qichao introduced the French Bastille Day and the American Independence Day to China in his article in 1901. Thus, in the 1900s China, it was already popular for the Reformists and Revolutionaries to celebrate such a memorial day for cultivating people’s patriotism. So, these new political cultures, before constructing the identity of the Republican citizen, were expected to construct a new identity of the Imperial subject.
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    A Study on the Group of Qingliu during the Period of the SinoRussian Yili Negotiations
    TANG Ren-Ze
    2011, 43 (5):  87-94. 
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    After Chong Hou signed the treaty, the SinoRussian Yili negotiations went through a process in which the Qing authorities strictly punished him, changed its envoy, and revised the treaty. Any policy change was here involved with suggestions coming from the School of Qingliu (literally, clear and upright). However, the group failed to completely meet the epochal needs of tremendous changes and had certain limitations.
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    A Study on Yu Mingzhen’s Poems
    CHENG Yu-Hei
    2011, 43 (5):  95-100. 
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    Yu Mingzhen (Gu’an) was an important poet in the late Qing Dynasty, whose poetry, whether in style, skill, or feeling, was idiosyncratic among the poets of his time. It is generally held that Yu, through studying the Song poet Chen Yuyi (Jianzhai), has attained Du Fu’s style of profound emotion and austere words; however, by analyzing his poems of different contents and at different situations, it is found that his style cannot be exhausted by such a conclusion. His scenery poems, characterized by nuanced depiction of light and shade, are reminiscent of expressionist paintings. Unadorned but colorful, truly emotional but not affectionate, compassionate but not indignant; that is the feeling expressed in his poems. Yu did not establish his own poetic school as Chen Sanli and Zheng Xiaosu did, nor did he produce so many poems as Fan Zengxiang and Yi Shunding; therefore he failed to get such worldly reputation as those contemporary poets. Yet Yu’s poetry, splendidly characteristic, is no less good than theirs; it can be certainly said that his poems will be admired forever. 
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    Evolutions of the National Concept of Treaty Port Intelligentsia from the Perspective of Shanghai Zhuzhi Ci
    CHENG Jie
    2011, 43 (5):  101-107. 
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    Shanghai, in the period of the late Qing Dynasty and early Republic of China, was both an area where foreign and Chinese ideas clashed with each other and the country opened its door, but also a prosperous land of zhuzhi ci (a form of literary writing). The geographical location of its treaty port generated a group of “treaty port intelligentsia”. An analysis of those nationalconcept loaded words like “yi” and “yang” in zhuzhi ci of that time from the perspective of corpus linguistics clearly reveals evolutions of the ethnic concept of treaty port intelligentsia in that period of national and social transformations, shedding light on their state of mind in the struggles between tradition and modernity, and also marking the orbit of their evolution from traditional into contemporary intellectuals.
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    A Study on Sun Yuanxiang, a Rearguard of the School of Ingenious Poetry
    CHENG Mei-Hua
    2011, 43 (5):  105-112. 
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    There were many poetic academic schools during the period of Qianlong and Jiaqing in the Qing Dynasty. Among them the School of Ingenious Poetry had a greater impact on poetic writing. In the Ingenious School, Sun Yuanxiang, Wang Tan, Shu Wei and Zhang Wentao were leading figures. Although Sun Yuanxiang had no formal views on the theory of poetry, spiritually he was closer to Yuan Mei than others. As to poetic writing, the content and mental stature of Sun Yuanxiang‘s poems might be not better than others’, but his techniques of expression in poems reflected the style of Ingenious School more representatively. On the other hand, Sun Yuanxiang had closer personal relations than others with Yuan Mei, who was the mainstay of the Ingenious School. Above all, Sun Yuanxiang should be a rearguard of the Ingenious School. However, many people do not recognize the value of Sun Yuanxiang’s poems yet due to various reasons.
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    A Hypothesis of Agreement in Number
    LIU Cheng-Feng, CHEN Zhen-Yu
    2011, 43 (5):  113-119. 
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    Although the Chinese language lacks of certain syntactic conditions, the maintaining of agreement in number among an event’s arguments is also necessary in semantics. There must be the same performance for event arguments and obligatory arguments. The dispensable arguments must not have less number entities than the obligatory ones. The explanation of its mechanism needs a way of an entity’s participation in an event. It should be divided into two aspects: an internal way that involves an integral event or a gradual event, and external way that involves events of the same time or events of different times. The way of an entity’s participation proves the generality of the hypothesis of agreement in number.
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    An Analysis of the Structure of “NP1NP2 Di VP”
    TANG Yi-Li, QI Hu-Yang
    2011, 43 (5):  120-124. 
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    As a construction,“NP1NP2 di VP” has its motivation. The construction has a basic constructional meaning, which can express a kind of subjective quantity. It mainly expresses a large subjective quantity, in rare cases expresses a small subjective quantity, and sometimes needs to determine the meaning with contextual factors. The polynomial NP in the construction has some features. The NP’s rhythm is a form of 2+2; the order of language units embodies a feature of quantity; the polynomial NP is realizable essential condition of the constructional meaning; they must be a combination of same sememes. The presence and absence of “di” has close relationships with these factors: the provisionality of combination of the polynomial NP, whether or not the polynomial NP is a thematic role of VP; the prosody of the whole construction, whether or not VP is a complicated form. The key verbs in VP are action verbs and causative verbs; VP mostly is complicated; the relationship between VP and polynomial NP conforms to the principle of bound/unbounded.
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    Transitional Dynamic Characteristics of Economic Growth in China’s Some Provinces
    CHEN Ti-Biao, RAO Xiao-Hui
    2011, 43 (5):  125-131. 
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    This paper uses a kind of autocorrelation function (ACF) approach which accounts for the potential nonstationarity in the mean of the series and uses per capita GDP for Chinese provinces over the period of 1953—2007, and tests those transitional dynamic characteristics of the regional growth path in China. The results show that the characteristics of partial regional growth paths are different, but the speed of convergence is nonlinearity. Except Qinghai Province, the linearized neoclassical growth model fails to replicate the transitional dynamic characteristics of other provinces’ economy, and has some limitations in depicting transitional dynamic characteristics of the regional growth path in China.
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    A Reflection on Fairness of the Payroll Deduction Standard of China’s Individual Income Tax
    LIU Xiao-Chuan, SHI Wan-Ru
    2011, 43 (5):  132-137. 
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    The individual income tax system is an important tool for the government to regulate and redistribute taxpayers’ incomes justly. Besides, there is a social focus on the problem of fairness of the deduction standard of personal salary and bonus during China’s individual income tax reform. The quantitative analysis of effects of individual income tax reforms in 2008 and September 2011 in our country shows that the income gap between unfair distributions cannot be narrowed only by continuously improving the working deduction standard. Only through a combination of basic and additional deductions based on a comprehensive income tax system can we give full scope to the function of the fair social wealth allocation of income tax in China.
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    The Nexus of Income Gap, Economic Growth and Educational Inequality in China
    LONG Cui-Hong
    2011, 43 (5):  138-144. 
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    This paper incorporates distributionlag model into a system of equations to study the nexus of income inequality, economic growth and education in China. The major findings are: (1) Income inequality has a negative effect on economic growth, and economic growth will in turn be helpful to narrow the income gap; therefore, controlling the income gap is conducive to economic growth and in turn conducive to narrowing the income gap, which may achieve a goal that both equality and growth develop coordinately. (2) The income distribution inequality leads to educational inequality, but the lessening of educational inequality has not promoted to narrow the gap in income distribution and a virtuous circle between educational equality and income distribution equality has not formed spontaneously. To make education, economic growth, income distribution into an endogenous nice track, we need a series of reforms, policies and measures to guide, and gradually solve such problems as unreasonable labor market structure, urban and rural variations in returns to schooling and unreasonable educational investment structure.
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    A Study on the Income Distribution Risk of China’s Fiscal Expenditure
    PENG Duan-Lian
    2011, 43 (5):  145-150. 
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    Through constructing an income distribution risk index system of fiscal expenditure and using China’s 1985—2008 data for empirical research, this article finds income distribution risk levels of fiscal expenditure are relatively low in China, but there are gradually increasing tendencies, and the risk mainly comes from the present situation of income gap and macroeconomic environment indicators. On this basis, using an order probit method to analyze influences of fiscal expenditure’s main items on income distribution risk degrees, the main conclusions are: to increase the proportion of expenditure on agriculture can help to reduce the risk of income distribution; to increase the share of expenditure on education, health care and social security will increase the risk of income distribution; expenditures on industries, communications and national defense have significant roles in promoting the income distribution situation; expenditures on infrastructure, administration and subsidies can reduce the income distribution risk, but the effect is not obvious.
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