Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph ›› 2015, Vol. 47 ›› Issue (5): 150-166.doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000--5579.2015.05.016

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Brand Values: Three Studies on the Representations of Country Brand of China, Chinas Business Brands and Their Strategic Implications

HE Jia-Xun, WU Yi   

  • Online:2015-09-15 Published:2015-11-01
  • Contact: HE Jia-Xun, WU Yi
  • About author: HE Jia-Xun, WU Yi

Abstract: Based on the human values structure proposed by Schwartz and Boehnke(2004), this paper adopts the methods of survey, content analysis, and indepth interview to introduce the new concept of “brand values” through three studies. The purpose is to verify the effectiveness of using Chinese values to build Chinese brand concepts. Study 1 shows that “China”, as a country brand, embodies brand values that are consistent with Chinese culture, but possesses differences in some value dimensions between consumers from developed countries, underdeveloped countries and the host country, China. Study 2 demonstrates that Chinas business brands embody values in coherence with those of China as a country brand, while internationalized brands and noninternationalized brands present some different patterns. Study 3 reveals that “security” is the dominating value in Lenovo and Haier perceived by American consumers, but varied additional values respectively are also perceived towards them. To sum up, there is close connection in the aspect of values between “China” as a country brand and Chinas business brands. The conclusion of this paper reveals important strategic implications to Chinese brands which are going global, namely, when building global brand positioning, the resources of Chinese culture can be selected as brand concepts.

Key words: brand values, brand symbolism, brand positioning, global branding, country brand, business brand