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    15 September 2015, Volume 47 Issue 5 Previous Issue    Next Issue
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    Original Form, Historical Differentiation and Future Trends of Confucianism: From the Perspectives of “Ren” and “Li”
    YANG Guo-Rong
    2015, 47 (5):  1-8.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2015.05.001
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    The original form of Confucianism is the unity of “ren” (humaneness) and “li” (behavioral propriety). Ren involves not only universal principles of value but our internal spiritual world as well. At the level of value principles, ren is essentially to affirm human beings’ value; while in the internal spiritual world ren is manifested in the forms of personality, virtue and realm of existence, etc. On the contrary, li is often embodied in real social codes and social systems. As social codes, li can be regarded as basic norms that guide social life and social behaviors; as social systems, li is embodied in various social organizations, including political systems. In terms of their relationship, ren and li are related and mutually permeable, which constitutes the initiative state of Confucianism. In the historical process, Confucianism experienced its historical differentiation, especially the division of ren and li. As to develop Confucianism nowadays, the main issue is how to return to the original form of the unity of ren and li at a higher historical level. Returning to the unity of ren and li doesn’t mean to restore its past state. In contrast, such returning shall develop ren and li in new historical conditions. On the one hand, free personality and real norms, individual sphere and public sphere, harmony and justice shall be unified from the perspectives of ren and li; on the other, the unity of ren and li achieves its new significance under present context. This understanding of Confucianism also presents the rational spirit in a broad sense.
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    Spiritual Freedom: The Source of FENG Qi’s Philosophical Creation
    CHEN Wei-Ping
    2015, 47 (5):  9-15.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2015.05.002
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    FENG Qi takes spiritual freedom as the source of his philosophical creation at two levels. First, spiritual freedom means to adhere to the chosen philosophical approaches. In other words, spiritual freedom is in accordance with responding to current issues, maintaining independent personality, and treating Marxism creatively. Second, spiritual freedom means to go into and come out of previous philosophical traditions freely through unifying “passing” and “surpassing” in terms of the relationship between research subject and object, unifying “following” and “comparing” in treating the traditions of western and Chinese philosophy, and combining “studying the present” and “speaking of the ancient” in dealing with current and ancient philosophical traditions. With spiritual freedom as its source, philosophical creation becomes personalized.
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    On the Task of Contemporary Hermeneutics
    PAN De-Rong
    2015, 47 (5):  16-22.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2015.05.003
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    The task and object of hermeneutics are closely related. Hermeneutics, which attaches the importance to texts or the authors’ original meanings, is normally characterized by methodology. In contrast, the ontological hermeneutics rooted in German romanticism has initiated a new dimension that examines hermeneutic phenomena from the perspective of consciousness. Giving “understanding” an ontological status and regarding it as the foundation of Dasein, Gadamer’s hermeneutics is sublimated from a doctrine of interpreting techniques to a “practical philosophy”. Thus, hermeneutics directly turns to our life world and our own existence. It is this turning that has made philosophical hermeneutics gradually become apart from epistemology and unavoidable to result in a relativist concept of understanding. So, what is coming for hermeneutics? We can get a profound insight from Confucianism, especially from Confucian hermeneutic tradition of the Book of Changes (Yijing). In his interpreting Yijing to “observe its moral significance”, Confucius stresses the moral dimension of hermeneutics. If we define the task of hermeneutics as developing virtue and promoting the Dao and thus all hermeneutic activities are carried out surrounding “virtue”, hermeneutic methodology will not become a pure technical tool on the one hand and Gadamer’s hermeneutic ontology has a dimension of value so as to avoid the morass of relativism. This shall be the direction of contemporary hermeneutics.
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    Theoretical Essence and Research Diversity: On the Two Dimensions of the Study of Marxist Philosophy in Today’s China
    ZHENG Yi-Shi
    2015, 47 (5):  23-29.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2015.05.004
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    As for the study of Marxist philosophy in today’s China, there is a tendency of denying the theoretical essence of Marxism in the name of “value neutrality”, together with reflecting on the closure, arbitrariness and dogmatization in the past and emphasizing upon the openness, diversity and individualism. It needs a dialectical analysis to correctly deal with the relationships between theory and reality, academics and ideology, science and ideology, the “party” nature and “class” nature of ideology and make a full understanding of the homogeny and heterogeneity in terms of existence, fact judgment and value judgment in terms of research approaches, academic study and applied research in terms of research levels. In order to unify the theoretical essence and research diversity in the study of Marxist philosophy in China, we shall be vigilant against politically viewing it as a pure ideological doctrine on the one hand and stick to the theoretical core and basic value of Marxism on the other.
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    An American Missionary’s Days of “Liberation” at Yenching University
    YANG Kui-Song
    2015, 47 (5):  30-52.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2015.05.005
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    When People’s Liberation Army occupied the areas near Yenching University in the west of Peiping, there were over 30 American professors, students and faculty members at the university with Bliss Wiant as the leader. Wiant was entrusted by the Affair Unit of China Christian University Joint Board of Directors to be temporary president of the university and also functioned as Chief Financial Officer. Wiant was a missionary from the Methodist Church in the U.S. In 1923, he came to work for Yenching University in China with his newly married wife and founded the music department. As one of the professors who had worked for the longest time at Yenching, he had worked at the university for nearly 20 years (1923-1927,1929-1935,1936-1941,1947-1951). He was in charge of the music department constantly and also worked for administration at the university, where he got his major achievements in life. Even when the Army of the Communist Party of China occupied the area where Yenching was located in the end of 1948 and later Peiping and the whole China, and even when the war between China and the U.S. broke out in Korean Peninsula, the Wiant couple always hoped to stay at Yenching. This was the common wish shared by other 20 foreign Christians and some missionary societies. From 1948 to 1951, this kind of possibility was extraordinarily real. Like many Americans at that time, they believed that the Communist Party of China was different from the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, so what happened in the Soviet Union would not happen in China. The Communist Party’s liberating Peiping and the early stage of the new political system they witnessed made them confident in the new condition and social atmosphere created by the new political power. Many students from Yenching became senior cadres and the new government offers important positions for many leaders at Yenching. Therefore, although they faced many difficult challenges, they still anticipated highly for the future. It turned out that their wish was too optimistic. When Korean War broke out unexpectedly in 1950 and the American government adopted the intervening policy, the political situation changed dramatically in a few months, which originally needed a long time to take place. The American and Chinese governments declared one after another to freeze the properties of the opposite side. Only 6 weeks later, Yenching University, which was formerly sponsored by American church, was completely confiscated by the new government. Since then, Christian missionary work had been prohibited completely at the university. Missonary Wiant and other foreign professors and their families had to leave Yenching University even though they were reluctant to do so.
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    ZHANG Jing-wu’s Telegram on October 21, 1953 and Its Significance
    DAI Chao-Wu
    2015, 47 (5):  53-68.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2015.05.006
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    ZHANG Jing-wu, the Central Government representative in Lhasa, submitted a telegram to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on October 21, 1953. The telegram, which was prepared for the forthcoming negotiation on Sino-Indian relations in Tibet, not only provided the information about Indian privileges in Tibet, but suggested that priority of negotiation should be the issue of border disputes. The suggestion had not been adopted by the Central Government. China and India had no talks on their border issues in their negotiation on Tibet in 1954. China’s delay strategy with regard to border disputes was heavily shaped by the asymmetrical salience of bilateral relations. India’s unique role as the major channel between China and the West and China’s dependence on Indian export necessities to Tibet were the most relevant factors precluding Beijing from responding effectively to the Indian occupation of territories in the southern Himalayas. Such delay strategy has significant and complicated impacts on China’s settlement of its border disputes with neighboring countries.
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    The Rising of Ethnology in Contemporary Taiwan
    HU Feng-Xiang
    2015, 47 (5):  69-83.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2015.05.007
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    Ethnology or cultural anthropology is lively and energetic nowadays in Taiwan, which has attracted much attention from the academic circle in mainland China in recent years. The rising of such study in Taiwan is accompanied by particular social and historical background, as well as various practical motivations. It is worthwhile to investigate in details the theoretical and methodological origins, achievements and defects of ethnology in Taiwan, so as to learn lessons beneficial to the academic construction in contemporary China.
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    Formation of Underclass Society in Metropolis And Its Impact:Based on Investigations in Shanghai
    WEN Jun, WU Xiao-Kai
    2015, 47 (5):  84-93.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2015.05.008
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    Since the reform and opening up, the rapid transformation of Chinese society has almost become an important structure to identify the current Chinese society. Metropolis as a sign bearing modernization,in the intertwined role of various new and old systems, produce a large of low-income population, which gradually form a "underclass society" in sociological sense. For in-depth understanding of underclass society in metropolis,we selected low-income population in Shanghai as respondents, trying to use a different perspective to analyze reasons of formation and impact of the underclass society in metropolis .
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    Passional worship and state involvement: a historical investigation of urban-rural marriage during 1930-1970s in China
    ZHAO Ye-, QinDING Jin-Hong
    2015, 47 (5):  94-100.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2015.05.009
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    Urban-rural marriage is one of the forms of long-distance marriage, which means one of the couples comes from the city and the other comes from the countryside. This gap is reflected in many aspects, such as their way of thinking, living habits, educational status and value systems. The domestic researches about urban-rural marriages originated in the 1990s with the trade of rural-urban migration. These researches mainly focus on the marriage status from the vertical dimension, but lack longitudinal studies in a historical dimension. This study attempts to put marriage into the Chinese social structure of politic, history and society since the recent times, focuses on the development and changes of urban-rural marriage from Yan’an period in the 1930s to the end of 1970s. Through this perspective can we see the historical changes of the Chinese social structure since the accent times. From the Yan’an period in the 1930s to the end of the Cultural Revolution in the 1970s, urban-rural marriage was not only influenced by some specific historical events, but also interfered by the state power and political forces. Political direction and national policy become key factors of the success of urban-rural marriages.
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    Chinese Characteristics of “Combating Corruption and Building a Clean Government”
    QI Wei-Ping
    2015, 47 (5):  101-106.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2015.05.010
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    New situations have appeared since the anticorruption movement was put forward at the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. Due to the refractoriness of corruption, the task of combating corruption and building a clean government is destined hard and longlasting. To reduce and restrain the amount of corruption has been a new approach to promote the combat against corruption. To reduce the amount of corruption is to deal with what already happened in the past, and to restrain the amount of corruption is to face the problems that may appear in the future. These two aspects supplement and influence one another. At the request of overall strict governing of the Party, to bring the special advantage of the Chinese road of “combating corruption and building a clean government” into a full play is crucial for developing a healthy and scientific road. The Chinese road of “combating corruption and building a clean government” shall be characterized by the practice of “prevention first” and “punishing second”.
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    The “Lack of Faith” or the “Absence of Society”: Also On the Relationship between Social Governance and the Privatization of Faith
    LI Xiang-Ping
    2015, 47 (5):  107-116.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2015.05.011
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    What is “faith”, and what is “society”? These two terms are used most frequently but they lack strict sociological definitions. “Faith” seems to be religious, but it is more closely related to practical power, profits, individual identities and the construction of faith modes. A discussion of faith or religious faith seems to be immediately inserted in a context with rich connotations and realistic relations, which consequently forms the issue of the ways of faith in China. Is there a “social” domain independent of the state and the market as far as the ways of faith are concerned? There is no determined understanding of “society” in complicated contexts of traditional political order tianxia, modern nation and revolution, and contemporary state and economic market. It is due to the absence of “society” in a sociological sense that the mass peoples faith almost becomes an issue of seeking practical personal benefits and then mutated into a privatized way. Thus, social governance and the way of faith are deeply separated, resulting in the missing of profound and normative moral resources at the layer of social governance. This is one of the most serious issues in the sociological research of faith.
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    China's Intellectual Reform from the Perspective of the “Spread of Chinese Learning in the West”: Comments on the New Academic Work Changing Referents of Leigh Jenco, a Young American Political Theorist
    LIU Qing
    2015, 47 (5):  117-120.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000--5579.2015.05.012
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    By treating the intellectual debates in modern China as a paradigm of “learning from the other”, the new academic work Changing Referents of Leigh Jenco, a young American political theorist, provides new methods and ideas concerning the issue how western theories overcome western centralism. This also reflects a current new trend of the “spread of Chinese learning in the West”: western scholars attempt to explore the potentiality of universal theories in Chinese thought and practice.
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    Integrating and Reshaping: the CPC and Nationalism in the 1920s
    SONG Jin, YANG Xu
    2015, 47 (5):  121-128.  doi: 10.16382/ j.cnki.1000--5579.2015.05.013
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    At the age of world history, different thoughts that dedicated to “saving the country from subjugation and ensuring its survival” flowed into the ideology of nationalism. Nationalism was complex due to its pluralistic subjects. In the 1920s, nationalism had become a common discourse to motivate the public with the party as its dominant interpreter. Nationalism was firstly rejected and then accepted by the CPC. The CPC rebuilt nationalism by constructing and criticizing it from the perspective of “antiimperialism” after examining the essence of “imperialism” and its manifestation in China. By integrating and reshaping, the CPC gave nationalism a new look in the 1920s, and the CPCs leading role in shaping the nationalism was just a result of the sinicization of Marxism.
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    The Process, Risks and Countermeasures of Chinas Transformation of Foreign Economic Development Mode in a Global Production Network
    TANG Hai-Yan, ZHANG Hui-Qing
    2015, 47 (5):  129-136.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000--5579.2015.05.014
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    A global production network can be defined from the perspective of intraproduct specialization, and its shaping and developing directly influences the mode and transformation of foreign economic development in a country. There are some theoretic logics and inherent disciplines about the transformation of foreign economic development mode. In a global product networks, Chinas foreign economic development mode should be transformed from an exogenous and extensive style to a balanced, inclusive and intensive one. The essence of transformation is to enhance Chinas status in the global production network and global value chains. However, it is a complicated process to transform Chinas foreign economic development mode and there may be some risks in this process. Therefore, Chinas transformation of foreign economic development mode must grasp the key points as follows:(1) insistence on participating in international division of labor based on comparative advantage, realizing the evolution from comparative advantage to competitive advantage through ‘Made in China 2025’ plan;(2) complying with the trend of global value chains transferring, making the best use of the markets abroad and at home and the internal and external resources to create an updated version of ‘Made in China’;(3) developing core competence of firm by considering global value chain, fostering the micro subject with international competitiveness through ‘Internet Plus plan;(4) optimizing trade policy by the new thinking of intraproduct specialization and global production network, promoting the transformation and upgrading of processing trade.
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    Influential Factors and Developing Strategies of Interprovincial Tourist Destination Market: An Experience Analysis with a Spatial Panel Model
    FENG Xue-Gang, HUANG He-Ping
    2015, 47 (5):  137-149.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000--5579.2015.05.015
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    While the “push” force in the “pushpull” theory explains why the tourists travel, the “pull” force explains why the tourists choose the destination instead of others. Factors concerning destination “attraction” constitute key variables for the direction, quantity and quality of a tourist flow. Based on the perspective of attractive power of tourist destination and full consideration of the spatial correlation effects, this paper chooses six key variables which affect the direction and quantity of a tourist flow, using 10 years of panel data from 2004 to 2013 of 31 province/cities/autonomous region, and identify the significance and impact of each variable. The results show that the geographical adjacency and space distance will have an impact on the distribution of tourist flows in each province, and the regional differences and destination market development potential can be measured in the dimension of tourism resources endowment, climate comfort, traffic conditions and so on, which can provide decisionmaking basis for tourist destination market development and tourist flow regulation.
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    Brand Values: Three Studies on the Representations of Country Brand of China, Chinas Business Brands and Their Strategic Implications
    HE Jia-Xun, WU Yi
    2015, 47 (5):  150-166.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000--5579.2015.05.016
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    Based on the human values structure proposed by Schwartz and Boehnke(2004), this paper adopts the methods of survey, content analysis, and indepth interview to introduce the new concept of “brand values” through three studies. The purpose is to verify the effectiveness of using Chinese values to build Chinese brand concepts. Study 1 shows that “China”, as a country brand, embodies brand values that are consistent with Chinese culture, but possesses differences in some value dimensions between consumers from developed countries, underdeveloped countries and the host country, China. Study 2 demonstrates that Chinas business brands embody values in coherence with those of China as a country brand, while internationalized brands and noninternationalized brands present some different patterns. Study 3 reveals that “security” is the dominating value in Lenovo and Haier perceived by American consumers, but varied additional values respectively are also perceived towards them. To sum up, there is close connection in the aspect of values between “China” as a country brand and Chinas business brands. The conclusion of this paper reveals important strategic implications to Chinese brands which are going global, namely, when building global brand positioning, the resources of Chinese culture can be selected as brand concepts.
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    Annotations on WANG Yuanhuas “A Lecture on ‘Wenfu’”
    WANG Yuan-Hua-(Zhu-) Xia-Zhong-Yi-(Jian-Shu-)
    2015, 47 (5):  167-172.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000--5579.2015.05.017
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    Scholars both at home and abroad who are interested in WANG Yuanhuas thought are familiar with his Creation Theory of Wenxin Diaolong written in the 1960s, but few of them know his favor of LU Jis “Wenfu”. There are two reasons to transcribe the recordings of his “A Lecture on ‘Wenfu’” in 2002 and make annotations: first, this lecture, which has not yet been included in the Collected Works of WANG Yuanhua, is really important for the evolution of WANGs literary theory; second, his interpretation of the sentence of “taking his position at the hub of things so as to contemplate the mystery of the universe” in “Wenfu” tells us that even in the new century, WANGs literary theory has not been free from the Soviet model, which he followed in his interpretation of Wenxin Diaolong before the Cultural Revolution.
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    Culture Reproduction and Social Reproduction: An Illustration of Bourdieus Sociology of Education
    ZHU Guo-Hua
    2015, 47 (5):  173-189.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000--5579.2015.05.018
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    As a theory of symbolic violence, Bourdieus sociology of education is based on the theoretical hypothesis of culture arbitrariness. Its main point is that the secret purpose of culture reproduction is to push social reproduction. Through the concepts of teaching activities, teaching authority, education work and education system as well as their logical connections, we can grasp the internal texture of Bourdieus sociology of education. The nature of education in each stage is related to its location in social space. The education system justifies social divisions by transforming social divisions into academic divisions. The education system monopolizes special capital, mainly the production, distribution and transferring of diplomas, and exerts symbolic violence to the society. The field of power penetrates deeply into the field of education and further threatens educational autonomy. Bourdieus sociology of education and its experimental research arouses heated debates and is worth further considering.
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    The Significance of Advertisements for the Research of Modern Novels
    CHEN Da-Kang
    2015, 47 (5):  190-201.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000--5579.2015.05.019
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    There are thousands of advertisements for novels in modern newspapers and journals, from which we can obtain the information about disappeared works or special issues of novels, figure out the time of their publication or literary events, examine the interaction between authors, publishers and readers, and then comprehensively analyze and depict the complete picture of unknown literary events or their development. Because traditional analyses of authors and works cannot solve the abovementioned issues, the thousands of advertisements at that time provide great support for the research of modern novels.
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    On the Confusion of Fictions and Unofficial Historical Records
    WANG Qing-Hua
    2015, 47 (5):  202-207.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000--5579.2015.05.020
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    The establishment of the conception of fiction experienced three main stages respectively represented by “The Records of Art and Literature” in The Historical Records, “The Records of Classics and Books” in The History of Sui and “The Records of Art and Literature” in The New History of Tang. In this process, fiction, as a conception of a literary genre, also changed from “the end of philosophical writings” to “the rest of historical records”. Thus, “fiction” inclines to be confused with both “biography” and “unofficial historical record”. Relatively speaking, its more likely to be confused with the category of biography. The confusion between fictions and unofficial historical records is mainly about the mixed records in public and private book lists in successive dynasties and the confusion between the contents of the two kinds of works. This confusion is resulted from the fact that they are both different from official history and they both record hearsay and anecdotes of historical figures. The difference between them lies in the fact that fictions are too detailed about the anecdotes and unrelated with politics, military and the concept of good and evil which historians are interested in.
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    Judging the Existence or Nonexistence of Certain Chinese Characters in Excavated Documents of Archaic China According to the Features of Linguistic Materials: A Case Study on the Character of “Xin”
    LIU Zhi-Ji
    2015, 47 (5):  208-215.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000--5579.2015.05.021
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    The problem of the existence or nonexistence of certain Chinese characters in ancient times has not been solved till now. Based on the theory of judging from the futures of linguistic materials, this paper takes the character “xin”(信) in oracle bone inscriptions and bronze inscriptions in the West Zhou Dynasty as an example so as to put forward a new approach: an exhausted search can tell us the answer in the context that can fully reflect the existence of characters in a certain time and requires a compulsive appearance of relative characters. Since we can figure out the contexts in oracle bone inscriptions and bronze inscriptions in the West Zhou Dynasty where the character “xin” shall appear, and such contexts belong to heated topics in which “xin” must appear if it exists, the fact that the character “xin” is not in extant oracle bone inscriptions and bronze inscriptions in the West Zhou Dynasty means that “xin” did not exist in the writing system in the Shang and West Zhou Dynasties.
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