Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph ›› 2019, Vol. 51 ›› Issue (1): 159-168.doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2019.01.019

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The Effect of Fertility to the Career Interruption of Urban Women under the Background of “Universal Two-Child Policy”

ZHANG Xi-xi1, DU Yu-fan2   

  • Online:2019-01-15 Published:2019-01-22


With the implementation of the "Universal Two-Child Policy", urban women's reproductive habits and fertility behaviors have gradually changed, facing the dilemma of career interruption due to childbirth and second childbirth. Focusing on childbearing and career interruption has become an important part of women's employment at current stage. Based on the yearbook and survey data, this paper uses the Fixed-Effect Model to measure the influencing factors of urban women's career interruption, and the Probit Model to analyze the influence of fertility on career interruption and its mechanism. The results show that women with stronger fertility and supportive desires are more likely to experience career interruption. The older childbearing age, as well as the longer birth interval, is more conducive to women's employment; family care, employment support and parental leave are positively affecting women's re-employment; maternity insurance, maternity benefits and childcare services have positive effects on avoiding career interruption; labor contracts, employment guidance and employment subsidies are important guarantees for women's employment; and gender discrimination can aggravate career interruption. We should improve the supporting policy for two-child families, establish a work-family balance mechanism within the family, strive to increase the stock of women's human capital, create an employment environment with high resilience, and establish a sound system of fertility and employment security.

Key words: Universal Two-Child Policy, fertility, urban women, career interruption, full employment