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    15 January 2019, Volume 51 Issue 1 Previous Issue    Next Issue
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    The Dimension of Human Science in the Construction of Contemporary Chinese Ethics: A Possible Way to “Rewrite Chinese Ethics”
    LI Jian-hua
    2019, 51 (1):  3-10.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2019.01.001
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    The return to human science in reshaping or constructing contemporary Chinese ethics is essentially required by ethics or moral philosophy. The fact that ethics and human science are partially consistent in the content makes such return possible and consequently improve ethics. The dual dimensions of human beings as biological and social beings, and their individual differences make ethics necessary. At the same time, ethics always contains two kinds of ideal hypotheses, that is, the hypothesis of the sage and that of the perfect person. Both of them are the normative pursuit of ethics but difficult to achieve in real life. Then we meet a practical dilemma in ethics:the distance between the sacred and the secular, the alienated and the perfect restricts the development of individuals' moral ability, and thus make moral ideals "hang in mid-air". Therefore, it is a more sensible choice to realize the transformation of ethics from over-idealism to realism.
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    What Is “Doing Chinese Ethics” and Why Has Heidegger “Refused to Do Ethics”?
    DENG An-qing
    2019, 51 (1):  11-17.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2019.01.002
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    What the slogan of "doing Chinese philosophy" concerns or resists is the "narrative of the history of philosophy" with "transmitting without innovation", which will lose universal philosophical thinking in historical knowledge narration. Therefore, it aims to overcome the historical and local knowledge narration to achieve true philosophy. It is for rather than against the universality of philosophy. It is only in this sense that "doing Chinese philosophy" is a legitimate appeal. Although ethics is a subordinate discipline in philosophy, ethical relations are regional and hence it is legitimate to "do Chinese ethics". However, if we "do philosophical ethics" instead of "descriptive ethics", we must reach pure thinking through questioning the ethicality of ethic relations and the morality of morals. We must find some absolute standards or bases, instead of simply taking any particular ethical relations and morals as standards or bases. Doing Chinese ethics, just as doing Chinese philosophy, has to face with some principled problems:How to justify being and where is the homeland of existence? However, in Western tradition, it is only pure speculative philosophy that serves as the first philosophy, and it is always ontology that lays the foundation of ethics. Ethics can never function as the first philosophy to justify being. In contrast, isn't "ethics as the first philosophy" implied in Chinese philosophy, which is based on ethics? If we can consciously demonstrate this at the level of the first philosophy, that is, the justice of being of a priori ethical relations, then we can not only justify the legitimacy of Chinese philosophy, as well as Chinese ethics, but also achieve the modern transformation of traditional Chinese philosophy. This would be a great cultural career in realizing the sinicization of Western philosophy on the one hand and the globalization of Chinese philosophy on the other.
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    The Dual Functions of Reason in Confucian Ethics of Unceasing Growth
    YANG Ze-bo
    2019, 51 (1):  18-23.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2019.01.003
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    In the system of Confucian ethics of unceasing growth, reason undertakes the dual functions of inward cognition and outward cognition. The so-called outward cognition is the knowledge of external moral objects, while the so-called inward cognition is the re-recognition of inward consciousness. Both inward cognition and outward cognition are indispensable and interdependent. In the theory of Confucian ethics of unceasing growth, inward cognition embraces three different dimensions of desire, reason and humanness. The inward cognition of reason plays an important role in determining the authenticity of the inward rational consciousness, solving infinite regress, realizing the transition from the "being" of thinking to the "being" in actuality, and proving the spatio-temporality of reason. The inward cognition of reason is essential to the theoretical construction of Confucian ethics of unceasing growth.
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    “The New from the Old” in the May 4th New Cultural Movement
    XU Ji-lin
    2019, 51 (1):  24-36.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2019.01.004
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    During the May 4th New Cultural Movement, three debates on new/Western and old/Chinese cultures were respectively carried out between the journal New Youth and LIN Qin-nan, CHEN Du-xiu and DU Ya-quan, as well as ZHANG Dong-sun and FU Si-nian. New Youth, CHEN Du-xiu and ZHANG Dong-sun were regarded as the "new school", whereas their opponents "the new school coming from the old school". The difference between them lies in their attitudes towards traditions instead of their new or old knowledge. After these three heated debates, New Youth gained a complete victory in port cities since young people there needed a radical project of cultural reform and simple attitude for action. However, the "young people from small towns" don't care about their attitude difference. They paid more attention to how to absorb "new knowledge" from them and kept more sympathetic to tradition.
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    A Critical Examination of YAO Ji-heng's A Comprehensive Study of the Spring and Autumn Annals from the Perspective of “Historical Aesthetics”
    LU Xin-sheng
    2019, 51 (1):  37-47.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2019.01.005
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    YAO Ji-heng was a scholar who lived during the reign of Emperor Kangxi in the Qing Dynasty. A Comprehensive Study of the Spring and Autumn Annals represents his achievements in the research of The Spring and Autumn Annals and The Commentary of Zuo. Influenced by the trend of "criticizing and discarding Neo-Confucianism", A Comprehensive Study contains many defects, which unfortunately haven't been deeply examined in the academic circle. From the perspective of "historical Aesthetics", that is, examining history and historiography with the wisdom of Aesthetics, this paper analyzes A Comprehensive Study and finds out many defects in YAO's comments on Mencius's discussion about The Spring and Autumn Annals, his criticism of DU Yu's analyses of examples in The Commentary of Zuo and his criticism of The Commentary of Zuo. Such a critical examination of YAO would establish an example for today's academic research.
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    LÜ Si-mian and the Compilation of General History of China
    LI Bo
    2019, 51 (1):  48-56.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.10003-5579.2019.01.006
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    Since the transformation of historical paradigm in the early 20th century, the fashion of historiography had tended to focus on the research of specialized histories. However, LÜ Si-mian claimed that the academic research should be shifted from extensiveness to specialization, and the research of histories of particular periods and general history were both important. During this period, the compilation of general history of China sought innovations and characteristics, therefore a variety of different styles of writings appeared. LÜ Si-mian focused on the study of social conditions and his books were characterized by comprehensiveness, closeness, plainness and strictness. As for researching and compiling methods, he could not only adopt modern scientific knowledge, but also follow and develop traditional methods, which leaded to his accomplishment of general history of China based on his profound scholarship.
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    Shall We Rectify the Names?: On the Relationship between LÜ Si-mian's Introduction to Chinese Medical Classics and XIE Guan's The Theory of Chinese Medicine
    WANG Ke
    2019, 51 (1):  57-64.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2019.01.007
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    The Theory of Chinese Medicine is a well-known classic work of medical history, which has been considered to be the work of XIE Guan, a famous Chinese medicine scholar in modern times. In recent years, a series of books of great historian LÜ Si-mian and related new historical materials have been published, including a work entitled Introduction to Chinese Medical Classics. It is similar to The Theory of Chinese Medicine in terms of the overall structure and contents of the text. Through careful study and examination, we can find that The Theory of Chinese Medicine is a supplement to Introduction to Chinese Medical Classics. According to the principle of respecting historical facts, it is necessary to claim that The Theory of Chinese Medicine was written by LÜ Si-mian and revised and enlarged by XIE Guan.
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    “High Wenli”: Protestant Missionaries in the Late Qing Dynasty and “Writing in Classical Chinese” as well as “Classical Chinese”
    DUAN Huai-qing
    2019, 51 (1):  65-73.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2019.01.008
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    The relationship between the Protestant missionaries in China and Chinese language in the late Qing Dynasty is reflected both in the translation of the Bible and the "Eastward Spread of Western Culture". With the deepening and popularization of "Eastward Spread of Western Culture" and the opening up of the interior northern China, the missionaries' views on Chinese language and their translation practices experienced a profound and continuous internal differentiation, forming two opposite groups in terms of "classical Chinese vs. vernacular Chinese". The disagreement and the controversy between them ended up with the victory of the latter when the "union version" Bible in Mandarin was issued in 1919. To a certain extent, this controversy about local language also reflects the perplexity about the relationship between classical Chinese language/culture and modern Chinese/culture in missionaries.
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    “A Sealed Book”: An Examination of the Spread and Use of the Delegates' Version Bible in the Late 19th Century
    LIU Yun
    2019, 51 (1):  74-81.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2019.01.009
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    In the translation history of the Bible into Chinese in the 19th century, the Delegates' Version has an epoch-making significance:the "elegant and standard classical Chinese" used by W. H. Medhurst and WANG Tao brought a high reputation to the version; on the other hand, the unfathomable classical Chinese employed also made it impossible for the Delegates' Version to be effectively spread among the masses, and it was even called "a sealed book" by many missionaries. Based on the archives of the British Bible Society, this paper focuses on controversies about the Delegates' Version from the 1860s to the 1880s, analyzes historical facts and explores the influence of the "standard classical Chinese" applied by the Delegates' Version on its spread and reading in the mid-to-late 19th Century. This paper also examines how the above concerns changed the translating strategies of the Bible into Chinese, and explores the use of written languages and the concern about multiple languages in early modern China.
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    On LIN Yu-tang's Views on Language and Literature in the Period of St. John's University(1911-1916)
    FENG Yuan
    2019, 51 (1):  82-91.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2019.01.010
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    With the consciousness of Chinese cultural identity, LIN Yu-tang integrated the advantages of Chinese and Western cultures, reexamined Chinese language, literature and culture and attempted to recreate them when he studied in St. John's University. Although LIN's views on Chinese language and literature were seemingly "contradictory" at that time, he was making great efforts to find an ideal balance between Western experiences and national culture, and between cosmopolitanism and nationalism. This practice was not only the result of the policy of "integrating Chinese and Western cultures" in St. John University under the leadership of President Rev. Francis Lister Hawks Pott, but also an important part of campus culture. More importantly, it was an internal source of LIN's language and literature practices in and after the May 4th period.
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    The Idea of Love between Hegel and Badiou: An Analysis of ZHANG Nian's Critique on Hegel
    WU Guan-jun
    2019, 51 (1):  92-99.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2019.01.011
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    ZHANG Nian launched a feminist critique on Hegel in her recent work. The essence of ZHANG's critique is to let Hegel oppose himself, that is, Hegel of master-slave dialectic against Hegel as a "philosopher of love". Badiou opened up another post-Hegelian path towards emancipation:he formally revived Hegel's praise of love, while substantially revised Hegel's dialectic. It is precisely compared wth ZHANG's feminist critique on love that Badiou's path shows its strength and value in the history of philosophy.
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    Two Concepts of Citizen in the History of Western Thought
    TANG Yu, GAO Li-ke
    2019, 51 (1):  100-108.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2019.01.012
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    In the history of Western thought, the concept of citizen has two different traditions, that is, republicanism and literalism. A citizen in terms of republicanism is a member of political community sharing public power and a patriot who pursues a virtuous life, whereas a citizen in terms of literalism is a citizen who pursues personal wealth and enjoys freedom and rights on the one hand and a member of community that has the right to vote on the other. These two concepts are the results of the city-state system and literal society respectively and the contrast between them represents the conflict between publicity and privateness. The Western intellectual history has witnessed profound changes of the concept of citizen. In the unitary-mode civil society from Plato to Rousseau, a citizen means a political citizen who takes public responsibilities and enjoys political freedom. In Locke's dual-mode, where the civil society and the state are separate, a citizen is the one who has property, pursues wealth and enjoys personal rights. In Tocqueville's trinity-mode with market, state and community, a citizen is the combination of positive and negative aspects. With the ideal of publican freedom, Tocqueville tries to overcome the disadvantage of less participation in parliamentarianism with civil community. Bringing together the two civil legacies of literalism and republicanism, Tocqueville seeks to revive the civil ideal of republicanism in the community life in modern society of freedom and democracy.
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    Which is Machiavelli's First Theme: Rule of Law or Republic?: A Reconsideration of the Concept of “Vivere Civile”
    ZHU Xin
    2019, 51 (1):  109-116.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2019.01.013
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    Machiavelli defines the model of government in ancient Rome, both in its regal and republic periods, as "vivere civile". For what is "vivere civile", the republican interpretation of Skinner, a scholar of Cambridge School, occupies a dominant position in the academic circle. He holds that it is a political life independent of the external power, in which citizens conduct self-governance and actively participate in political life. In fact, the fundamental feature of the concept of "vivere civile" is the rule of law instead of the active participation of its citizens. Machiavelli's concept of "vivere civile", derived from "civilitas", the language of Roman law tradition and against the tyranny, is a form of political community governed by laws and institutions. It can be presented in either a kingdom form or a republican form in spite of the fact that Machiavelli himself has a greater attachment to the latter.
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    The Extinction of Three Foreign Religions in the Mediaeval Times and the Path Choice in the Sinicization of Foreign Religions
    XIA Jin-hua
    2019, 51 (1):  117-123.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2019.01.014
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    As for the sinicization of foreign religions, the academic circle has summarized and studied the positive experience of the four existing religions:Buddhism, Islam, Catholicism and Protestantism. From a new perspective, this paper studies the three foreign religions disappeared during the mediaeval times, that is, Zoroastrianism, Manichaeism and Nestorianism. By analyzing why they failed to spread in China and comparing the practices of Buddhism and Taoism, this paper also illustrates that it is necessary to adhere to two basic principles of "maintaining the country's stability and improving people's welfare" in the sinicization of foreign religions. Otherwise, foreign religions cannot exist in China for long.
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    Characteristics of Nagarjuna's Sutra Hermeneutics: From the Perspective of His “Middle Way”
    YIN Bang-zhi
    2019, 51 (1):  124-131.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2019.01.015
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    Nagarjuna's writings are representative works of Mahayana Buddhism. Combining the Mahayana classics prevailing at that time with the mainstream Indian traditions and putting forward categories such as "middle way", "eight negation", "two truths", he not only dated back to Shakyamuni in the tradition of Buddhism, but also reconstructed it. His arguing method extracted from classic texts is very unique. The content and logic of the argument is established or vanished timely. Differing from modern hermeneutics which explores the possibilities of life, Nagarjuna's Middle Way is characterized by "neither dying nor being born", standing aloof from this world.
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    Inheriting Tradition: The Implementation and Significance of the Imperial Edict of Kaiyuan Official Temples Issued by Emperor Xuan-zong in the Tang Dynasty
    NIE Shun-xin
    2019, 51 (1):  132-139.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2019.01.016
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    In the Records of Laws and Regulations in the Tang Dynasty, there are two versions of records about founding Kaiyuan Official Temples issued by Emperor Xuan-zong on June 1, the 26th year of Kaiyuan. In its Volume 48, it is said that "the Cloud Temples in the two capitals and other prefectures are renamed Kaiyuan Official Temples". This is neither a fact nor the content of Emperor Xuan-zong's edict. Emperor Xuan-zong's edict that "local Buddhist and Taoist temples in favorable geographical locations in or near administrative centers shall be renamed Kaiyuan State Monasteries" in Volume 50 had been implemented effectively in each prefecture, which can be demonstrated by the fact that Kaiyuan Official Temples in each prefecture all meet these two requirements. In fact, Emperor Xuan-zong's edict was to inherit the tradition of establishing both Daoist and Buddhist temples and maintain the role of Daoism as the state religion in the Tang Dynasty.
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    Can Land Marketization Narrow the Urban-Rural Income Gap?: Empirical Evidence from 232 Prefecture-Level Cities in China
    GAO Bo, FAN Xue-rui, WANG Hui-long
    2019, 51 (1):  140-149.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2019.01.017
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    Land market reform is an important institutional variable which affects the urban-rural income gap. Using the data of 232 prefecture-level cities from 2001 to 2013, this paper empirically analyzes the impact of land marketization on the urban-rural income gap in China. It is found that land marketization significantly expands the urban-rural income gap at the national level, but there are regional differences in this impact. Land marketization in eastern China has narrowed the urban-rural income gap, while land marketization in central and western China has widened the urban-rural income gap. Therefore, from the perspective of the whole country, the land expropriation compensation mechanism shall shift from static monetary compensation to dynamic compensation, and reflect regional differences. In particular, the integration level of urban and rural land market in central and western regions should be improved. We shall also break away from the dual structure of unequal rights and interests in agricultural land and urban land, open up the urban and rural real estate market, establish a unified urban and rural land system and housing market, and promote equal rights and prices for same land. We shall properly handle with the relationship between the government and the market, reduce the government's improper interference in the allocation of land resources, balance the supply of land between regions, and encourage urban and rural residents in eastern, central and western regions to share the fruits of reform and development.

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    The Intergenerational Difference of Migrant Workers' Housing Difficulties in Inflowing Areas: Based on the Data of “Chinese Social Survey”
    ZHANG Li-li, YAN Rong
    2019, 51 (1):  150-158.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2019.01.018
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    Based on the data of "Chinese Social Survey", this paper studies the intergenerational difference of migrant workers' housing difficulties and their influencing factors. The results show that the intergenerational difference is obvious. Through the analysis of the function mechanism of the intergenerational difference, it turns out that the intergenerational variables not only have a direct impact but also have an indirect influence on their housing difficulties. The factors of marital status, employment status, unit nature and area types have significantly different influence on two generations of the migrant workers' housing difficulties. Household income in the previous year not only has a significant negative influence on the housing difficulties of the old generation of migrant workers, but also has a significant negative influence on the housing difficulties of the new generation of migrant workers. Whether the new generation of migrant workers or the old generation of migrant workers, the probability of housing difficulties of migrant workers who rent low-rent houses and private rental houses is lower than that of migrant workers who rent dormitories. Therefore, the government shall take specific measures to ease the housing difficulties of different generations of migrant workers. To reduce the probability of their housing difficulties, we shall improve their income, increase the supply of rental housing appropriate to their affordability, supply common-property affordable housing for the married new generation, encourage and support employers to renovate dormitories or build high quality blue-collar workers apartments.

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    The Effect of Fertility to the Career Interruption of Urban Women under the Background of “Universal Two-Child Policy”
    ZHANG Xi-xi, DU Yu-fan
    2019, 51 (1):  159-168.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2019.01.019
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    With the implementation of the "Universal Two-Child Policy", urban women's reproductive habits and fertility behaviors have gradually changed, facing the dilemma of career interruption due to childbirth and second childbirth. Focusing on childbearing and career interruption has become an important part of women's employment at current stage. Based on the yearbook and survey data, this paper uses the Fixed-Effect Model to measure the influencing factors of urban women's career interruption, and the Probit Model to analyze the influence of fertility on career interruption and its mechanism. The results show that women with stronger fertility and supportive desires are more likely to experience career interruption. The older childbearing age, as well as the longer birth interval, is more conducive to women's employment; family care, employment support and parental leave are positively affecting women's re-employment; maternity insurance, maternity benefits and childcare services have positive effects on avoiding career interruption; labor contracts, employment guidance and employment subsidies are important guarantees for women's employment; and gender discrimination can aggravate career interruption. We should improve the supporting policy for two-child families, establish a work-family balance mechanism within the family, strive to increase the stock of women's human capital, create an employment environment with high resilience, and establish a sound system of fertility and employment security.

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