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    15 November 2018, Volume 50 Issue 6 Previous Issue    Next Issue
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    CHEN Xu-lu and the Research Tradition of Modern Chinese History (Symposium)
    2018, 50 (6):  2-2.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2018.06.001
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    Mainly using the doctrine of "metabolism" to study the social transformation in modern China, CHEN Xu-lu has perfectly combined overall observations of grand historical trends on the one hand and careful analyses of historical details on the other. The fields he proposed, including the studies of Shanghai culture, Shanghai history, medium-level societies, secret parties and the history of China's society, still have great impact on the academic circle in China. Having historical insightfulness, historical talents and historical virtues, CHEN has set an example for and become a model in the research of modern Chinese history. Besides the theories that can be applied as methods, CHEN also has his "formless methodology", i.e., the ability of theoretical thinking. In order to promote the quality of the research of modern Chinese history in today's China, we need to re-visit and re-examine the historical legacy of CHEN.
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    Never Gone with the Wind: On Master CHEN Xu-lu's Records of Free Thoughts
    WANG Jia-fan
    2018, 50 (6):  16-25.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2018.06.002
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    Although in the form of personal casual notes without any large but inappropriate structure of "historical philosophy" or obscure words, Records of Free Thoughts does have become a representative work of China's local historical philosophy in the latter half of the 20th century. The strength and profoundness of theoretical thinking, which this modern Chinese historian has won in the spiritual purgatory, pervades in the work. This will be more and more splended as time goes by.
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    The Change of the Time, Theoretical Thinking and the State of Having Wide Knowledge and Consistent Understanding: Master CHEN Xu-lu and the Study of Modern Chinese History
    ZHOU Wu
    2018, 50 (6):  26-38.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2018.06.003
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    CHEN Xu-lu, who has shown his talents since his college days, is a historian with deep insights and a thinker with strong academic background. Since he shifted his focus from ancient Chinese civilization to modern Chinese history in the end of 1940s and the beginning of 1950s, CHEN has engaged in the study of the complicated and rapidly changing modern society, exploring the social and mental development of the past century as well as its future. Even in the tough time of "mass criticism", CHEN still made great efforts to diagnose the national crisis by himself. After the "Cultural Revolution", CHEN, with his serious reflection on the tortuous development of the past century, he finally accomplished the systematic re-construction of modern Chinese history based on the concept of "metabolism".
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    Beyond Asymmetry: The Historical Trend of the Interaction between Chinese and Western Philosophy
    YANG Guo-rong
    2018, 50 (6):  39-44.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2018.06.004
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    The interaction between Chinese and Western philosophy has experienced a historical transformation. When missionaries came to China in the late Ming Dynasty and early Qing Dynasty, Chinese and Western philosophy, as well as their cultures, began to encounter with each other. There was a kind of imbalance or asymmetry between Chinese and Western philosophy in the following way:representative European thinkers and European academic circle as a whole showed great interest in Chinese classics, cultural values and ideas when they were introduced into Europe by missionaries, whereas Chinese philosophers only paid attention to Western science and technology instead of Western mainstream culture and thought. However, there appeared another kind of imbalance or asymmetry in modern times. Since the late 19th century, Chinese thinkers have been eager to learn Western thought and taken advantage of it as a universal intellectual resource, whereas Western mainstream thinkers and philosophers haven't treated Chinese philosophy as real philosophy. They have never understood Chinese philosophy at a deep level, let alone using it to construct their own systems. To enter into the world, Chinese philosophy shall firstly prove its universal significance. Chinese philosophy shall demonstrate its unique value in terms of solving philosophical problems on the one hand and creatively constructing contemporary Chinese philosophy on the other. Only based on mutual acceptance and appreciation can sound interaction between Chinese and Western philosophy become possible after going beyond the two kinds of asymmetry in the history.
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    Is Ethics Equal to Moral Science?
    ZHAO Xiu-yi
    2018, 50 (6):  45-51.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2018.06.005
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    Is ethics equal to moral science? This question involves how to understand the nature and status of ethics as a discipline. It is also essential to how to "rewrite Chinese ethics". Three predecessors in ethics put forward different opinions to this question. ZHOU Yuan-bing insists that ethics is "moral science". However, ZHOU Fu-cheng and FENG Qi hesitated to accept this opinion, respectively putting forward their unique understandings on the relationship between ethics and philosophy, the construct of ethics with Chinese characteristics and other important issues. An examination of their disputation will bring inspiration for us to "rewrite Chinese ethics" today.
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    Deliberate One-sidedness as a Way of Doing Philosophy: Reflections on Rosemont's View of the Person
    NI Pei-min
    2018, 50 (6):  52-58.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2018.06.006
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    In his critique of Western liberalist notion of self, Henry Rosemont takes a deliberate one-sided approach, one that uses language performatively in a given particular spatiotemporal context. This method of doing philosophy is common among those who take philosophy as a way of life. French philosopher Sartre, for instance, has displayed a one-sidedness in his view about self in an opposite direction from Rosemont's. Their practices suggest a gongfu perspective, with which we evaluate philosophical ideas according to their functions in shaping human behaviors with consideration of the context of their uses.
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    Deconstructing the “Trump Phenomenon”: Illustrating the Language of Presence-and-Absence
    MAO Lv-ming
    2018, 50 (6):  59-64.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2018.06.007
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    Drawing on contemporary language and rhetorical theory, this paper provides a critique of American President Donald Trump's language behavior. On the basis of this critique, this paper challenges traditional perspectives on language function and advances a new perspective called the language of presence-and-absence. This paper aims to illustrate four points:1. Trump's ability to construct an alternative reality by ingeniously using rhetorical tropes, understanding his audience, and adopting their language has directly contributed to his unexpected victory in the 2016 presidential election over his Democratic opponent and former Secretary of State Hilary Clinton. 2. The language of presence and the language of absence, two of the traditional perspectives on language function, can no longer constitute a satisfactory answer to the "Trump Phenomenon." 3. The language of presence-and-absence can help free us from the constraints of traditional perspectives on language function. 4. To accurately deconstruct the "Trump Phenomenon," it is essential to develop a new understanding of rhetoric's generative and transformative capability. Only by securing this kind of understanding can we begin to engage American contemporary political rhetoric more critically and to develop new concepts that can transcend such binaries as facts versus fiction, appearance versus essence, and probability versus certainty.
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    On the Acceptability of English Translation of Popular Chinese Neologisms
    DOU Wei-lin, DU Hai-zi
    2018, 50 (6):  65-71.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2018.06.008
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    This paper reports the findings of a study on the acceptability of English translations of 20 popular Chinese neologisms through questionnaires and in-depth interviews with native speakers of English. The study tries to find out the elements that influence such acceptability in terms of translation strategies and methods and others. An analysis of the survey results reveals that when translating Chinese neologisms, context greatly influences the acceptability of translation strategy:for words exhibiting a large cultural vacancy, a conservation translation strategy such as literal translation method or transliteration method with annotation method works better, while for words exhibiting a smaller cultural vacancy, priority should be given to such substitution translation strategies as free translation method and naturalization method. Furthermore, great attention should be paid to the cognition, thinking patterns, the culture tradition of the potential readers and the communication purpose, which entail flexible use of translation methods.
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    Six Important Concepts for Cross-cultural Translation
    HUANG Ji
    2018, 50 (6):  72-80.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2018.06.009
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    When introducing China's thoughts, concepts and situations, it is unavoidable to involve the translation of many Chinese culture-loaded words. If the translation is inaccurate, it will lead to misunderstanding, even produce the opposite effect, and bring negative impact on China's national image. By investigating a large number of cross-cultural translation cases, the study concludes that some new concepts should be established in translating cultural-loaded words:1. The translation should be judged from the perspective of foreigners(native speakers of the target language). 2. The meaning of a foreign word should not be understood only from the dictionaries, but also from their actual use; 3. "No translation" does not mean "no interpretation", "zero translation" is not equal to "zero interpretation"; transliteration is only the first step. Interpreting the new words in foreign languages is more important second step. 4. Online dictionaries should follow the "lower limit principle" and try to incorporate any new words translated from Chinese. 5. The economic laws should be considered in translation; foreigners tend to use more concise transliteration and abandon the complicated free translation. 6. Transliteration of Chinese culture-loaded words can be based on Chinese Pinyin system, but it should be fine-tuned according to the actual situation.
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    The Rapid Development Miracle of China's Real Estate Industry: Its Driving Factors and Sustainability
    ZHANG Yong-yue, HU Jin-xing, WANG Sheng
    2018, 50 (6):  82-91.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2018.06.010
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    The Chinese economy, including the real estate industry, has achieved sustained and rapid development in the past 40 years of the practice of reform and opening up. Through the analysis of China's real estate industry's input, output and social impact, as well as with an international comparison, we can conclude that the development of China's real estate industry is a miracle. This miracle has been realized through four stages, including the recovery of real estate industry, its rapid development, accelerated development and sustainable development, under the impetus of commodification, marketization, capitalization and financialization. The rapid development of Chinese real estate industry is driven by the tremendous development opportunities brought about by urbanization, housing system innovation by the central and local governments, continuous invest of labor and capital factors, pull power of housing demand and support from related industries. At present, China's real estate industry is at a critical stage of transformation. It is necessary to optimize the input of integrated factors with institutional innovation and technological innovation, to evolve toward the development direction of the real estate service industry, and to accelerate the transformation of the industrial development model so as to promote effectively the sustainable and healthy development of the real estate industry.

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    The Mixed Effect of Interest Rates and Purchase Restriction Policies on House Price Fluctuation
    SUN Bin-yi, YU Qian-ni
    2018, 50 (6):  92-99.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2018.06.011
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    Based on the supply and demand model, this paper qualitatively analyzes the impact of interest rates, purchase restrictions and their linkages on housing prices and finds out that the results are unclear. Using the annual panel data of 69 large and medium-sized cities from 2007 to 2014, the empirical research shows that at the national level, the change of interest rates is negatively correlated with house prices, while the purchase restriction policies increase house prices but it become effective by raising interest rates. After further classification of cities according to economic development and urbanization level, it is found that the impact of policies on the real estate market is significantly heterogeneous. Therefore, the real estate control policy should consider the mixed effect of interest rates and purchase restriction policies. The whole country can adopt the interest rates to control the house prices directly, while the purchase restriction policies need to be accompanied by other measures. In the case of a single city, double-high cities are more likely to adopt purchase restriction policies to restrain housing prices, while other cities can use interest rates and purchase restriction policies to jointly control housing prices.

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    On the Relationship between the Number and Gender of Children and Housing Choices in Urban China
    YI Cheng-dong, REN Jian-yu, WANG You-rong
    2018, 50 (6):  100-107.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2018.06.012
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    With the gradual adjustment of the family planning policy, the number of families with two or more children in China's urban areas has increased. Existing studies rarely analyze the impact of the number and gender of children on family housing choices. Based on the urban data of Chinese Family Panel Survey in 2014, this paper analyzes the influence of the number and gender of children on the choice of family housing with OLS and Probit multiple regression model. Under the conditions of controlling individual, family characteristics and regional factors, this empirical research shows that in contrast to the families without children, those with children have larger housing area, lower per capita housing area, and they are more likely to own living housing and also more likely to own multiple housing. Families with more children have larger housing area, lower per capita housing area, and lower housing quality, and they are more likely to own living housing. Families with sons have larger housing sizes and they are more likely to own multiple homes than those without sons. Finally, the corresponding policy is suggested to adjust the amount and structure of supply to meet the demand of families with multiple children, to improve the quality of housing and to satisfy their pursuit of better life in the supply reform of housing industry.

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    On the Cultivation and Development of Social Organizations in Contemporary China: From Structural Analysis to Process Interaction
    WANG Xiang-min, LI Xiao-yi, XIAO Yue
    2018, 50 (6):  108-120.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2018.06.013
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    Beyond the research scope of sociology and management science, the cultivation and development of social organizations has become an important perspective to observe the political trend in today's China. It is definitively significant to review it from the aspect of politics and map the remarkable directions and variables of it. There are four analytical frameworks available now:social centralism, state centralism, market centralism and co-governance theory. The first three, which are based on the structural analysis of "state-society-market", have been widely used, while recently co-governance has become the main research method, which emphasizes the process interaction of the subjects and the orientation of social autonomy. Actually, only by incorporating the issue of social organization into the overall process of China's political and social transformation can a relatively cautious conclusion be possible with a systematic and comprehensive analysis. It is significant to establish an analytical framework that fosters and balances the four elements of state, market, society and party, and identifies their roles, boundaries, effective linkages and interactive mechanism.
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    Field, Boundaries and Existential Condition: On the Research of “Project System”
    ZHANG Xiang-dong
    2018, 50 (6):  121-126.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2018.06.014
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    The attraction and innovation of the research of "project system" lies in the abundance and activeness of its narrative structure and its deep elaboration on daily life practices. The research of process analyses makes up the abstraction and singularity of pure theoretical research effectively. However, the over orientation of "governing the state with projects" leads to researchers' over use and stereotyped application of the phrase and the dogmatic usage eliminates its abundance and diversity. Therefore, in order to realize the researchers' great aspirations, we should make the comparison of multiple research patterns and make reflective critiques instead of ignore the research of relative fields.
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    The Perfection of Public Service Based on PPP Model: Its Effect, Obstruction and Approach
    GUO Wei, WANG Dan
    2018, 50 (6):  127-132.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2018.06.015
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    With the improvement of people's economic conditions and living standard, the demand for public service is increasing. In order to meet people's growing demand for better public services, the state has vigorously promoted the cooperation between government and social capital(PPP) since 2014 to better realize public services. The PPP model can not only promote the quality of public services, but also take a special role in relieving the financial pressure of local governments and promoting the transformation and upgrading of state-owned enterprise. To achieve a valid and sound cooperation between state-owned enterprise and social capital, we shall positively establish credit and protection mechanism, cultivate professional talents and create more financing methods for social capital.

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    Individual Representation of Endogenous Development in Suburban Areas: An Empirical Study Based on 9 Villages in Shanghai
    ZHANG Wen-ming, YUAN Yu-yang
    2018, 50 (6):  133-143.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2018.06.016
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    The concept of endogenous development has been the focus of academic discussion since the beginning. Endogenous development especially emphasizes the development of person in the territory. To provide effective reference for rural development, we shall find out the relationship between endogenous development and the development of person. An analysis of relevant data obtained through an empirical survey in Shanghai suburbs shows that the "territorial identity" of suburban residents is significantly correlated with the level of regional endogenous development. In order to achieve endogenous development, it is necessary to elevate the sense of territorial identity of residents in urban suburbs, that is, to improve residents' local awareness, local identity and identity awareness. Then we shall give full play to the creativity of residents, so that their local willingness can play an important role in the construction of regional economic well-being through the multiple control mechanism in the process of development. In this way, we can achieve the benign state of social governance.
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    On Residents' Social Governance Satisfaction in China and Its Problems
    ZHANG Cheng-gang
    2018, 50 (6):  144-152.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2018.06.017
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    Innovating social governance and improving its scientific, precise and professional level is the common aspirations and pursuits of all sectors of society. Residents' satisfaction is the starting point and ending point of social governance innovation. From the perspective of social governance innovation, this paper systematically analyzes the social governance satisfaction of Chinese residents. It shows that the satisfaction needs to be improved, the adequacy and convenience of resources are the most important factors for residents, both the residential area and the residential community have a significant impact on residents' social governance satisfaction, and rural residents have the highest level of overall satisfaction. The government should push down the focus of social governance, raise the level of intelligence and specialization in social governance, pay attention to multi-sector cooperation, and increase the value of social governance services.
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    A Microscopic Study on Life Satisfaction of the Elderly in China: Based on Actual and Preferred Living Arrangements
    YANG Zan, FANG Shuai, FAN Ying
    2018, 50 (6):  153-162.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2018.06.018
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    In recent years, with the aging of the population, the life satisfaction of Chinese elderly people as well as their actual and preferred living arrangements have attracted extensive attention. Using 2011 and 2013 of China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Study(CHARLS), this paper shows that the realization of preferred living arrangements has positive effects on the life satisfaction of the elderly, no matter whether they are willing to live with their children. In addition, the elderly's relative income compared with their children and their health status are main factors that result in the unmet preferred living arrangements. Thus, in order to meet the preferred living arrangement and elevate their life satisfaction, a completed pension system shall be established and the coverage of pension fund shall be enlarged. Besides, the system for medical services and health insurance shall be improved in accordance with the elderly's special requirements for medical services.

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    On Today's Perceptual Structure of Public Health Service Satisfaction of Residents
    FAN Jing-bo
    2018, 50 (6):  163-171.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2018.06.019
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    In the transitional period in China, the reform of medical security and service has become one of significant areas that the government makes great efforts to push. The improvement of public services in health care is the key to that of residents' livelihood and happiness index. This study systematically analyzes residents' satisfaction of public health services in China, measures the level of satisfaction, and discusses the structure of satisfaction perception. It shows that the average score of residents' overall satisfaction of public health services in China is 65.99, which still has a large room for improvement. In the 11 types of public health service projects, the average scores of the three types of public services such as "health supervision and management", "drug safety management" and "basic drug system" are the lowest. Residents' perception structure can be divided into two constructs, that is, "disease prevention and management satisfaction" and "drug management and health supervision satisfaction", and the overall satisfaction of residents is more susceptible to the former.

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