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    15 September 2018, Volume 50 Issue 5 Previous Issue    Next Issue
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    The Bloodline and the Intellectual Lineage: A Study of YAN Yuan's Thought from the Perspective of His Ethical Predicament: A Psycho-historical Study
    WANG Dong-jie
    2018, 50 (5):  1-15.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2018.05.001
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    YAN Yuan,a greater thinker in the early Qing Dynasty,discovered his real parentage during the funeral of his adoptive grandmother. At the same time,he transferred his intellectual direction from admiring CHENG-ZHU to "returning to" Confucius-Mencius. From the perspective of psychohistory,the phenomenon that these two changes happened at the same time was not accidental at all. YAN always expected to be a sage but was greatly depressed by his adoptive grandfather. Meanwhile,he had unconsciously suspected the doctrine of ZHU Xi for a long time. The discovery of his real parentage offered him an opportunity to solve the identity crisis through finding his origin in the bloodline as well as in the intellectual lineage. In addition, YAN faced the problem of not having an heir all his life. These ethical problems caused the interplay of YAN's awareness of the bloodline and that of the intellectual lineage.
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    Confucian Ethics as Virtue Ethics: A Discussion with Robert Neville
    HUANG Yong
    2018, 50 (5):  16-23.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2018.05.002
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    In recent decades,virtue ethics has been reviving in a flourishing manner in the English world,which challenges the dominance of deontology and utilitarianism and consequently helps to form a tripod-like situation of contemporary ethics. Scholars engaging in comparative study start to explore the resources of virtue ethics in their own philosophical traditions. Especially,a large number of works on Confucian virtue ethics have appeared in the last decade. Of course,there are also some objections arise. In his recent book The Good is One,Its Manifestations Many,Robert Neville suspects the "quite popular view" of "fruitfully regarding Confucianism as virtue ethics". He argues that virtue ethics contains some defects that Confucian ethics does not contain on the one hand and Confucian ethics has merits that virtue ethics lacks on the other. This paper argues that Confucian ethics is virtue ethics by demonstrating Confucian ethics have some features characterized by virtue ethics. Moreover,virtue ethics does not have the defects that Neville mentions, while it also has the merits that Neville attributes to Confucian ethics. Therefore,we can legitimately regard Confucian ethics as virtue ethics.
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    Liangzhi: Knowing-how or Knowing-to?: A Discussion on a Debate between YU Zhen-hua and HUANG Yong
    HUANG Jia-guang
    2018, 50 (5):  24-30.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2018.05.003
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    There is a debate on WANG Yang-ming's notion of liangzhi between YU Zhen-hua and HUANG Yong. YU believes that liangzhi is moral knowing-how while HUANG considers that it is moral knowing-to. HUANG criticizes that YU's misusing of the concept of disposition,which can be traced back to G. Ryle,has led to the wrong classification of liangzhi. To respond to HUANG's critiques,we must analyze the phenomenon of a person with moral knowing-to but no knowing-how. Then the examination on cases of a good hand of planting rice and a filial son shows HUANG's misusing of the concept of fancier. The revelation of the dimension of judgment in the conflicting structure of knowing-to,namely the capacity to distinguish right from wrong and good from evil,shows that knowing-how is a not sufficient for moral knowing-how although it is necessary. Furthermore,this paper defines moral knowing-how in terms of exclusiveness.
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    The Naturality of Numerology and Its Cognitive Features
    LI Quan-min
    2018, 50 (5):  31-37.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2018.05.004
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    Numerology (shushu)is an important and particular part of Chinese traditional culture. As a cognitive phenomenon,the origin and continuation of numerology is natural. According to the cognitive mechanism of numerology,it believes in a naive dualism of mind-body based on intellectual perception on the one hand,and a hypersensitive and active detection device with evolved advantages. At the cultural level,the fusion of cognition and evaluation,the unity of cognition and action,and the correlative thinking are three main features of numerology. Accordingly,numerology pursues practical effectivity rather than truth.
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    Embodiment and Tacit Representation: How Far Can Artificial Intelligence Reach?
    HE Jing
    2018, 50 (5):  38-43.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2018.05.005
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    The research and the realization of human intelligence is a philosophical inquire and a scientific issue as well. Human intelligence is essentially embodied, but also heavily relies on our computational and representational brain. The difficulties artificial intelligence face nowadays,are not resulted from its framework of computation-representation,but rather,the absence of bodily information in the description of intelligence program. Therefore,the tacit representations which bear enormous knowing-how are extremely meaningful to the future research of artificial intelligence,in terms of extending the routine of problem-solving and reducing the complexity of computation.
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    Analysis of “Including Mongolian Medicine in Traditional Chinese Medicine” from a National Perspective
    NARAN Bilik, ZHANG Mei-ying
    2018, 50 (5):  44-48.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2018.05.006
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    In 2016,The Law of People's Republic of China on Traditional Chinese Medicine stipulates that traditional Chinese medicine includes the medicine of ethnic groups. The practice of "including Mongolian medicine in traditional Chinese medicine" is confirmed by law,which is not only in accordance with the national standard but also beneficial to national interest. From the national perspective, "including Mongolian medicine in traditional Chinese medicine" is also an effort to construct the spiritual home of all ethnic groups in China. In addition,it shows that the elites attempt to realize culture identity through category identity. "Including Mongolian medicine in traditional Chinese medicine" enlarges the scope of traditional Chinese medicine,increases the inclusion of Chinese culture,embraces all groups of people in China in order to put their subjectivity into a full play and to seek overlapping consensus among differences.
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    The Inter-construction between Feminism and Anthropology: Centering on the Research of Time in Anthropology
    WANG Li-yang, GAO Bing-zhong
    2018, 50 (5):  49-56.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2018.05.007
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    In anthropology,women,just like non-Western societies,have been constructed as the other in the male-centered Western society and modernity in space and time,which has given feminism,together with post-colonialism and others,a reasonable ground to take part in the self-reflection of anthropology on its concepts,theories and writing approaches in the past several decades. At the same time,the decentralized and de-familiarized attitude and ethnographical writing of anthropology also have provided feminism with an opportunity to move from cultural criticism to field practice. This paper takes the research of time in the anthropology as a case to present the inter-construction between feminism and anthropology.

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    The Narrative of Illness,Fragility and Embodiment in theWa Village in the Border of Yunnan Province
    HUANG Jian-bo, HU Meng-yin, TIAN Yuan-fan
    2018, 50 (5):  57-64.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2018.05.008
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    The care about body is the starting point of the research of medical anthropology,whereas cultural anthropology often cares about how "natural" body becomes the metaphor of social structure. By studying a great amount of ethnographical records and analyzing people's narrative of illness after the malfunction of modern medical science and traditional rites of expelling demons based on five-month field research,this paper reveals the social context of Wa villagers' illness narrative beyond the modern medical system and their continuous sense of body fragility. Along with the construction of public sanitation facilities, the long-last view of miasma causing diseases has been gradually denied, but the narrative of illness beyond the modern medical system still exists. This kind of illness narrative of individuals shows that the disordered body is transformed to continuous experience of body fragility,which implies an "embodied" nation,revealing how national power penetrates into local society and is internalized in individuals.
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    Farmers' Traditional Pig-raising and Ontological Security in Enshi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture
    WU Xu
    2018, 50 (5):  65-70.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2018.05.009
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    Through investigating the traditional pig-raising in Enshi Prefecture in Hubei province,this paper examines the relationship between villagers' daily activities and their ontological security. Like many other rural areas in China,villages in southwest Hubei have undergone rapid social changes in the past decades,represented by depopulation and social fragmentation. Villagers staying in rural areas have used traditional pig farming to deal with these changes,which helps them to set up relative stability in changes. The study shows that traditional pig-raising,especially the ethnobotanical knowledge associated with plants collected for pigs,brings villagers a strong feeling of temporal and spatial order,as well as continuity, reliability and control,which is essential to ontological security. It helps villagers to maintain a state of "independence without isolation",which is conducive to the continuity of rural communities.
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    The Assist-the-Front Movement in Guangdong Province in 1962
    YAO Yu, WAN Jin-jin
    2018, 50 (5):  71-80.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2018.05.010
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    During the Third Taiwan Strait Crisis in the end of 1962,a large-scale emergent war preparation was initiated by the People's Liberation Army in coastal regions in Southeast China in order to defend Kuomintang's attack of the mainland. In order to offer full support to this war preparation,Guangdong Province also mobilized a large-scale Assist-the-Front movement. It contributed greatly to the final success of this war preparation,which led to a peaceful end of this crisis. Guangdong Provincial Government also learnt important experiences for domestic mobilization from this movement that explained its outstanding performance in the Third Front Construction two years later.
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    The Echo of Korean War in Burma: Reconsidering the Origins of U Nu Administration's Neutral Diplomacy
    LIANG Zhi
    2018, 50 (5):  81-88.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2018.05.011
    Abstract ( 351 )   HTML ( 6 )   PDF (643KB) ( 688 )   Save
    Although Burma declared that it would implement neutral diplomacy in 1948-1950,U Nu administration hoped to form an alliance with Western countries. After the Korean War broke out,U Nu administration quickly realized that joining the Western Bloc would cause damage to Burma's national security and consequently tried to pursue neutral diplomacy between Eastern Bloc and Western Bloc at the United Nations. Similarly, because of the Korean War, Truman administration decided to support KMT remnantsclandestinely. This kind of behavior that infringed Burma's sovereignty enabled U Nu administration to stop receiving U.S. economic assistance in March 1953 while expand bilateral economic and trade cooperation with China. In a word,the Korean War played a very important role in shaping Burma's neutral diplomacy. This case study shows the cross-regional impacts of major Cold War events. Or more specifically, transformation in the relationship between East and West occurred in one region caused the changes of some country's international environment in another region or even its foreign strategy.
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    North Korea's Joining the United Nations and Sino-DPRK Relationship (1989-1991)
    2018, 50 (5):  89-95.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2018.05.012
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    In September 1991, DPRK and ROK were simultaneously admitted to the United Nations since DPRK had changed its long-standing policy. China's "persuasion" played an important role in North Korea's joining the United Nations. North Korea was forced to reluctantly reverse its position on UN membership due to China's unwillingness to veto South Korea's unilateral application. The reason why North Korea was "persuaded" by China is that it hoped that its compromise on the issue of joining UN could be exchanged for the delay of China's establishing diplomatic relations with South Korea. It was a result of the interaction between China and DPRK under a special premise in a special period.
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    “Constructing a Temple” and “Establishing a School”,a Topic in “Records of Schools” in the Northern Song Dynasty: A Case Study of WANG An-shi's “Record of Fanchang County School”
    ZHU Gang
    2018, 50 (5):  96-104.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2018.05.013
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    Since the Tang Dynasty,Confucian Temples had become "public sacrificial temples" and prefecture or county schools had been affiliated to Confucian Temples. Records of these schools were entitled as either the "stele of the temple",the "record of the temple",the "record of the school" or the "record of the school in the temple",all of which can be categorized as "records of schools". By examining the historical contexts of "reviving schools" in the Northern Song Dynasty and studying the "records of schools" collected in the Complete Works in the Song Dynasty,this paper reveals a process of shifting the focus from the "temple" toward the "school" in the "records",which was the actual formative process of "records of schools" as a prose genre in the Song Dynasty. During this transformation,WANG An-shi had the intention to criticize and abandon the former conventions theoretically in his "Record of Fanchang County School".
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    The Anxiety of a Great Ceremonial Officer: SHEN Li's Vigorously Restoring of Traditional Rites and His Untimely Resignation
    LI Shun-hua
    2018, 50 (5):  105-112.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2018.05.014
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    After ZHANG Ju-zheng's death,Emperor Wanli (whose name is ZHU Yi-jun)began to take the throne and he worked hard to rule the state at the beginning. At that time,the great ceremonial officer SHEN Li made vigorous efforts to restore traditional rites,eliminate luxurious customs and encourage frugality. However,only 4 years later,with the issue of designating the crown prince,SHEN was resigned and the Emperor became delinquent in political affairs. In his "Ceremonial Officer's Memorial to the Throne",SHEN stated the "decline of traditional teachings and rites" in a miserable manner,which reflected the common attitudes of official scholars during the reign of Emperor Wanli. SHEN attempted to vigorously restore traditional rites but became unfavorable later, in which the change of the monarch-subject relationship between SHEN and Emperor ZHU reflected the complex state of Emperor Wanli's reign. The great change of ritual and music in the late Ming Dynasty,that is,the flourishing of court folk music and the dramatic poetry,can date back to SHEN's experience.
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    The Image “Kasumi” at the Beginning of Spring and Seasonal Chant in Waka Poems
    SUI Yuan-yuan
    2018, 50 (5):  113-119.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2018.05.015
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    The establishment of the image "kasumi" at the beginning of spring embodies the cultural conflict and integration between Japan and China. Literally,the meaning of "kasumi" in Waka poems as "xia" in Chinese,that is,red clouds,was influenced by the popular expression of "yanxia" (smoky red clouds)from Chinese poetry. In terms of seasonal sense, "kasumi" was directly originated from the traditional Japanese natural calendar,in which the word "haru" is used to stand for "spring". Therefore, "kasumi" has a distinct hue of regional feature. The combination of the beginning of spring and "kasumi" was originally created by the court poet Kakinomoto Hitomaro to moderate the conflict between old and new seasonal senses in Jitō's reign,during which the Chinese Lunisolar calendar was released officially. The emerge of this image marks the beginning of seasonal chant in Waka poems. Also,embedding the Japanese pronunciation of the beginning of spring into Waka had an important effect on the formation of the seasonal sense in ancient Waka, in which the four seasons were so distinctive.
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    Political Connection,Nature of Equity and Overseas M&A: A Perspective Based on “One Belt and One Road”
    PAN Zhi-bin, GE Lin-nan
    2018, 50 (5):  120-127.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2018.05.016
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    Using samples of overseas M&A (mergers and acquisitions)made by Chinese listed companies between 2009-2017,this paper examines how political connection and nature of equity affect the willingness and scale of cross-border M&A. It shows that enterprise's political connection and nature of equity don't influence the willingness of cross-border M&A alongside the Belt and Road,but affect the size of the acquisition. Companies with political connection merger bigger than companies without. The width and depth of political connection are positively correlated with the size of the acquisition. Chinese companies should concentrate on the economical profit on the one hand and try to achieve a win-win situation in the construction of "One Belt and One Road" on the other.

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    A Study of the Player Distribution of the Technology M&A in China
    HU Wen-wei, LI Zhan, SUN Juan
    2018, 50 (5):  128-141.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2018.05.017
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    With the prevalent trend of technological innovation in China,it is no surprise to see the technology industry becoming the fastest growing sector in China's M&A market. The market characteristics and development quality will vitally influence its long-term prospects. The evidence has shown that:(1)VC/PE are becoming major players in this invigorated market,not only as the main seller but also as the main buyer. VC/PE have contributed vastly to the technological development in China;(2)due to the fact that strategic investors are more prone to foreign technology projects or even non-technology projects,most domestic cases of M&A were conducted between domestic financial investors,which means that the shareholding structure of the target companies have not shifted from short-term investors to long-term ones,therefore the financial investors have not finally exited their invested projects successfully by means of the M&A transactions;(3)the major difference between the investment strategies of the above two types of investors indicates two warning signs, the first being the possibility of opportunism and thus bubbles in technology investments in China,and the second being the difficulty in final exiting the domestic technology projects owned by VC/PE. These potential problems will have an impact on whether technological investments in China continues to develop strongly and consistently and therefore should draw attention from investors and policy makers.

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    Do Overseas M&A of Chinese Listed Privately-owned Companies Create Market Value? Evidence from the Market Response to M&A Events
    LI Yun-he, GE Lin-nan, TANG Meng-han
    2018, 50 (5):  142-151.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2018.05.018
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    This paper investigates how and what determinates privately-owned listed companies' response to their overseas M&A. We find that the overseas M&A of privately-owned companies haven't created short-term market value for shareholders in general,and their short-term market value is significantly lower than that of state-owned companies. Further,the examination for the determinants of short-term market value indicates that it is negatively related with the acquirer's size and free cash flow,and it is also negatively related with the variables of target in sensitivity industry and same industry. The results not only provide a new evidence for whether the overseas M&A of privately-owned enterprises create or destroy value,but also provide insights for government monitoring the overseas M&A of privately-owned companies in China,that is,Chinese government should be carefully identify,investigate and monitor the overseas M&A of China's privately-owned companies.

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    Corporate M&A Payment Method and Stock Market Reaction: Evidence from China's Listed Companies
    LI Ming-hui, WU Xiao-wei, ZHOU Bin-quan
    2018, 50 (5):  152-161.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2018.05.019
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    Using the event study method for the stocks returns of China's listed companies which have M&A activity during the period from the first half of 1999 to the first half of 2017,this paper finds that:(1) cash payments,equity and asset payment,or hybrid payment can significantly increase the secondary market stocks return for the major asset M&A of listed companies in China,and there is a significant daily effect of the announcement of M&A of listed companies in China;(2)the day-to-day announcement effect will continue until the 6th trading day after the announcement date. The daily effect of the announcement of major asset mergers and reorganizations of cash payment can only last 4 trading days after the announcement,while that of equity and asset payment or hybrid payment can last 6 trading days;(3)as for the cumulative abnormal returns (CAR)on the 15 trading days after the announcement,the CAR of hybrid payment is 0.242,which is much higher than that of equity and asset payment as 0.216 and that of cash payment as 0.108;(4)the CAR of hybrid payment of privately-owned companies is much higher and more obvious that that of state-owned enterprises.

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    The Independent Directors with Accounting Firm Background, Internal Control Environment and Accounting Information Transparency
    HAO Dong-yang, HAN Ying
    2018, 50 (5):  162-171.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2018.05.020
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    In China's capital market,the dispute over the role of independent directors,especially the accounting profession independent directors,in improving the quality of accounting information of listed companies has been going on and on. In addition,the proportion of accounting profession independent directors with accounting firm background has been rising since 2013. Therefore,it is necessary to study the influence of accounting profession independent directors with accounting firm background on the accounting information transparency on the one hand,and the moderating effect of internal control environment on such influence on the other. The empirical results based on the data of Shenzhen A-share listed companies from 2010 to 2016 show that accounting profession independent directors with accounting firm background have reduced the accounting information transparency,and those who hold current positions of the accounting firm during the accounting period have more obvious role in reducing the accounting information transparency. In addition,the role will be significantly weakened in companies with better internal controls,and it will be enhanced in companies with less internal controls.

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