
China’s Status and Eurasian Strategy

  • LIU Jun

Online published: 2015-09-17


Although China’s continuous rise is expected to culminate with China becoming a major world power, at present China remains a regional, rather than global, entity. China’s standing as a Eurasian regional power thus requires a distinct Eurasian strategy. Development and security should be the core for China’s Eurasian strategy. From an economic development perspective, the “One Belt and One Road” initiative is the core. From a geopolitical perspective, China’s position in Eurasia is the key to the establishment of a comprehensive strategic partnership with Russia and EU while striving to avoid a collision with US interests in Eurasia.

Cite this article

LIU Jun . China’s Status and Eurasian Strategy[J]. Journal of East China Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences), 2015 , 47(4) : 60 -65 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2015.04.008

