In his On Harmonizing Disputes in Ten Doctrines, Wonhyo provided syntheses for ten issues of Buddhist teachings that were heatedly discussed in Buddhist circle at that time, aiming to cease disputes from his own Buddhist position. In the extant Ten Doctrines, we can only find two of the original ten doctrines, that is, the doctrine of being and non-being and the doctrine of Buddha-nature. However, from the quotations in Comments on the Similarities and Differences of The Awakening of Faith we can sum up two other doctrines, that is, the doctrine of Dharmakaya and the doctrine of wisdom sphere. Wonhyo attempts to fuse different thoughts and put them in harmony. Wonhyo’s main ideas are from Mahāyāna Mahāparinirvā?a Sūtra and The Awakening of Faith. The former is about the thought of Tathagata-garbha, while the latter Yogacara. For Wonhyo, “no-similarity and no-difference” is the approach to interpret Buddhist teachings and to eliminate “different arguments” after the “declining of the true Dhamma”.
YANG Wei-zhong
. On Wonhyo’s Idea of “Harmony and Arguments”.[J]. Journal of East China Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences), 2015
, 47(4)
: 115
DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2015.04.015