
What Is the “Inverse Cultivation”?: Starting from Its First Appearance in Sutras

  • WU Xiao-Jie
WU Xiao-Jie

Online published: 2016-03-02


What does “inverse cultivation” means? This shall start from its first appearance in the Sutra of Sukhavati in Ten Directions. Among four kinds of people mentioned in the sutra, only those who understand Buddhist doctrines and put them into practice can conduct “inverse cultivation”. The “inverse cultivation”, as a ritual of fast and offering sacrifices, does not oppose the cultivation for gaining meritorious rewards after death. On the contrary, they are essentially the same in encouraging people to do good things and get meritorious rewards.

Cite this article

WU Xiao-Jie . What Is the “Inverse Cultivation”?: Starting from Its First Appearance in Sutras[J]. Journal of East China Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences), 2016 , 48(1) : 45 -50 . DOI: 10.16382/ j.cnki.1000-5579.2016.01.006

