XIAO Zi-liang’s Practices of Pure Conducts of Jingzhuzi is significant for the study of Buddhist rituals in the Southern and Northern Dynasties. By investigating its content of rituals and structure, this thesis finds that all the 31 chapters of the Practices are about the rituals and orderly arranged from this perspective. The Practices are essentially of confession rituals with the form of “five confessions”, which has been reformed so as to reinforce rituals’ function of teaching people to do good. This has greatly influenced the arrangement of rituals in Methods of Confession in Cibeidaochang. Besides, the thesis makes the comparison of the ideas of rituals between the Practices and Da?abhūmika-vibhā?ā-?āstra and detectes the contributions made by XIAO’s Practices.
CAO Ling
. On the Rituals in the Practices of Pure Conducts of Jingzhuzi[J]. Journal of East China Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences), 2016
, 48(1)
: 51
DOI: 10.16382/ j.cnki.1000-5579.2016.01.007