
The Relationship and Difference of Dependent Origination Theories in Mqdhyamika-!qstra and Qgama-S[tra

  • YAO Wei-Qun
YAO Wei-Qun

Online published: 2016-03-29


Dependent origination theories occupy an important position in different period of Buddhist thought system. There is discourse about the dependent origination theories in the important Mahqyqna Buddhist literature Mqdhyamika-!qstra and also in Qgama-s[tra which keeps many early Buddhist thought.Such theories in the two have many same points or similarities. There are also some differences in their views.To research and analyse the relationship and difference of the two in dependent origination theories has a positive significance for understanding the theoretical change from Mahqyqna Buddhism to H ]nayqna Buddhism ,and the important characteristics of different period of Buddhist thought.

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YAO Wei-Qun . The Relationship and Difference of Dependent Origination Theories in Mqdhyamika-!qstra and Qgama-S[tra[J]. Journal of East China Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences), 2016 , 48(2) : 68 -73 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.1016.02.008

