FENG Qi has a particular position in the history of modern Chinese philosophy, for he represents a reasonable approach to developing Chinese philosophy, that is, philosophically understanding the issues of the time, and criticizing as well as thinking over the issues of the time with deep philosophical wisdom. According to him, philosophers are responsible and serious thinkers rather than otherworldly scholars. By integrating Chinese, Western and Marxist traditions, FENGs philosophy ultimately engages in the fundamental thinking of modern Chinese issues. However, FENG is not a vulgar seller of philosophy; instead, his philosophical study is under the strict requirement of metaphysics, so his philosophy combines realistic concerns and ideal pursuits. Among modern Chinese philosophers, FENG may not be the one with the greatest achievements but he is the one who brings us most enlightenment.
. FENG Qi and Modern Chinese Philosophy[J]. Journal of East China Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences), 2016
, 48(3)
: 27
DOI: 10.16382/ j.cnki.1000-5579.2016.03.002