
Human Ontological Becoming and Wisdom Development: From Method to Wisdom and from Wisdom to Freedom

  • CHENG Zhong-Ying
CHENG Zhong-Ying

Online published: 2016-07-06


As the most significant fruit of FENG Qis philosophical innovation, the “doctrine of wisdom” is the most dynamic philosophical achievement with a best logical structure in mainland China since 1980s. With a close relationship to Kant and Hegel, FENG s “doctrine of wisdom” is based on modern Western rationalism. However, it is ultimately founded on the dialectics of Marxist materialism. Moreover, FENG aims to activate the logical and epistemological thinking in Chinese philosophy, including the logical thinking in later Mohism and Xunzi. FENG inherits JIN Yuelins formal logic and metaphysics (especially the knowledge of possible worlds and the idea of “dealing knowledge with knowledge and dealing experience with experience”) and then develop an essential framework for his own epistemology and the theory of wisdom. According to FENG, through creating culture, human beings not only create human values but elevate themselves as well. FENGs exploration of wisdom will contribute to the emergence of modern “gentleman culture ”. If closely combined with the studies of the Book of Changes, it will help us develop a systemic philosophy that covers ontology, cosmology and moral philosophy.

Cite this article

CHENG Zhong-Ying . Human Ontological Becoming and Wisdom Development: From Method to Wisdom and from Wisdom to Freedom[J]. Journal of East China Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences), 2016 , 48(3) : 50 -58 . DOI: 10.16382/ j.cnki.1000-5579.2016.03.005

